Demon Slayer Exam 3/6

(A/N : Okay, for those who are asking where da faq is Mark? there is no Mark in this Exam! after Tanjiro finished the exam. The story will continue since these chapter's are just fillers and for those who readed my other novel, I might update 1 chapter today! also don't ask how the fuck did Yui heal her injury XD you see it's just I forgot about it lol.)

Tanjiro and Yui is now in the deepest part of the forest, surprisingly they didn't in counter any demon which is kind of lucky.

And the first night of the exam is finished, it was time for them to relax, the duo decided to sleep a little, after a few hours of sleeping, it was already noon when they wake up they got hungry they were doing their own chores, Tanjiro hunted for food while, Yui was getting some ingredients and firewoods.

Tanjiro finally found a boar and he quickly finished it off and prayed for it, for giving them food and after that he carried the boar that weights at least 80kg with ease like it was a piece of paper.

Tanjiro runs toward their meeting spot and there he met Yui who was already finished firing the firewoods and she noticed Tanjiro and she waved her hands at Tanjiro, while smiling.

But her smile froze when Tanjiro was getting closer, she shouted " Eh?! how did you carry that heavy thing while running?! "

Tanjiro is now in front of Yui and said confusedly " This one? no! it's not heavy at all! besides it's nothing compared to I carry every training! " said while smiling.

Yui had a strange look at her face and thought ' What kind of life did you have Tanjiro-kun?! '

But she was a civilized person so she didn't ask for more and now they are skinning the huge boar and Yui thought ' This food will last, for weeks! '

They chopped the meat pieces by pieces, honestly they looked like a married couple, cause they don't need to ask on what is going to do next.

They started cooking the boar meat of course with the ingredients and Yui twisted the meat skillfully like a BBQ.

(A/N : Damn, I got to be honest I got hungry while writing this! 😅😅😂😂)

After a sereval minutes of warming it up, it was finally cooked! just reminder they used a wood to peirce it and cooking the meat.

The 2 prayed and said " Itadakimasu! " and they started eating the juicy, meat and it was a little oily because of the fat, but no doubt! it was delicious! Tanjiro and Yui enjoyed it.

But Tanjiro thought it was really lacking compared to his Mark-nii cooking! but still he was still grateful.

The 2 finished eating the boar meat they got full, it was really good and now the 2 decided to make a camp, so everyday they would sleep in the camp.

Of course they had to make 2 camps and a few hours later it was time for dinner and they started cooking again and after it finished they eat hastily but they didn't dare to be full it's because it will lessen their speed.

Now it was night, it was again time to survive the night! the two looked at each other and nodded as if they were using telepathy but no they just understand each other.

(A/N : This reminds me of a certain game, called Five nights at Freddy's but it was actually 7 days lol. )

The 2 started running, but Tanjiro slow downed his pace cause he knew Yui was just an above average in strength.

As they run, they heard a scream and naturally they're going there, Yui was like Tanjiro a kind person but not as kind if it's too dangerous for her she'll back down, unlike Tanjiro who'll use everything he got just to save a person.

They are now near in the spot where the scream was coming from but it was too late, Tanjiro smelled a thick blood and they heard a painful scream and shouted " Help!! Help! I don't WANNA DIE!! PLEASE AHHHHHHH!! "

As they got in the spot, they were already too late, the demon already devoured the person who has lost his left arm and with a lifeless eyes, Yui who say it couldn't help but puke " Burghh! Cough! Burghhh! "

Thought Yui joined this exam and pretty much aware that she could die, it was the first time she saw someone died in front of her!

So her reaction was normal, while Tanjiro was kind of used to it his mentality was like a steel but the scene enraged him.

Tanjiro " You demon.... " he didn't make his words long cause he knew this demon was going to die under his sword.

Tanjiro took a deep breath and said " Breath of the Dragon...! Third Form! Dragon's Rage! "

Marks appeared all over his face, it was like a flame his eyes were like the cats but to be exact it was like the dragon.

Tanjiro unsheathe his Nichirin sword and dashed toward the Demon with inhuman speed it can't be simply see with a normal human eyes.

And in the view of Yui he looked like he just teleported and Tanjiro is now at the back at the demon.

The demon has a fat appearance with a long tounge and he looked confusedly and after a few moment his body started to crumbled, basically because Tanjiro sliced him in many times that it's uncountable.

The fat demon didn't even have a chance to talk, as he turned into dust and now Tanjiro looked at Yui.

Yui got stunned at Tanjiro's currently appearance, it looked intimidating and kind of terrifying but surprisingly she didn't get scared, she even thought the Tanjiro looked cool in his current appearance!

Tanjiro looked and Yui and said " Your not scared? "

Yui shooks her head and said " You looked cool instead! I love your current appearance more! " she smiled and thought ' You looked so cool and handsome I can barely hold myself to hug you and bury my face in your chest and smell it's sweat! ' she was blushed when she thought about it.

Tanjiro was glad she didn't get scared to his appearance he smiled back and said " Let's continue? "

Yui " Mhm! sure! let's go! "

Tanjiro and Yui continues to run again.

( END- )

Yeah...okay 2-3 more chapter to finish the exam.