Demon Slayer Exam 4/6

(A/N : Okay! damn the wish of the dragon lastest chapter is good! actually....that fanfic was the reason why I tried doing something like Revenge, it wasn't in my mind before and second is The Strongest Omni Traveler fanfic novel is the reason why i made this novel, you see it has similarly on it, yeah that's all it's the last chapter anyways oh btw I'm changing the schedule for updates I would do 2 chapters a day only in this novel, I won't promise a mass release again! )

Tanjiro and Yui was running toward the forest, after a while they found a place that there is no forest trees only grasses it was at least a kilometer long.

Yui looked above and sees the moon and she looked at Tanjiro and said sweetly " Isn't the moon beautiful? "

(A/N : Okay, there is that one post that I have readed and the words ' Isn't the moon beautiful. ' can be said as ' I like you or love you. ' literally moon in Japanese is Tsuki and Suki means ' Like' okay stop I'll continue.)

Tanjiro " Yeah, it is " he smiled

This time they didn't run, they just walked and watching the beautiful moon, Yui enjoyed this it's like they were doing a date, Tanjiro savoured the peaceful time, because they wouldn't know which demon will attack them.

Thought he looks unguarded outside, but in reality he is always on guard, that was the rule that his Mark-nii said, never let your guard down once!

Suddenly they heard a scream, it wasn't that far, they nodded at each other and moved forward as they arrived they saw a blonde haired boy, wearing a yellow yukata the boy shouted " Kyaaa!!! the frog! it looks terrible! "

Precisely the boy was no other than, Zenitsu who was a huge coward when conscious and powerful and cool when he is unconscious.

They looked at Zenitsu with a deadpan eyes, what the hell! they thought he was attacked by a demon! yet he was just scared by the frog!

Zenitsu had a teary eyes and noticed Yui and jumped toward her direction and bowed and shouted " Are you my goddess savior?! "

Yui answered with a deadpan expression and plainly said " No. "

Zenitsu still didn't accept it " No! you must be! please Marry me!! "

Tanjiro who saw the scene couldn't have a mix feeling, he felt helpless but mostly he was kind of jealous and a little irritated.

Yui wanted to say no, but she had another idea which she wasn't sure if it's gonna work she said while pointing at Tanjiro " Sorry! but I have a fiance! which is him! "

Zenitsu eyes widened and shouted while complaining " Huuuh?! what you?! how can you be so lucky?! I'm jealous! how can you have a beautiful woman like her as your fiancee!! I'm super jealous!! " while pointing at him.

Tanjiro got stunned, he doesn't know why but he felt really good when Yui said he was her Fiance and he played along with her " Yes! I am her fiance! how dare you proposed at her infront of me?! "

Yui who heard that couldn't help but blush madly her mind was shouting ' KYAAAAAA!!! ' she was happy when, he played along with her as her fiance, she hoped it wasn't fake but real.

Zenitsu wanted to complaining more, but heard a rustling in the grass which made him scared at he looked at his back it was a skinny demon with 4 eyes crawling in the ground when he saw that he scream " KYAAAAAA!! A DEMON!! IT'S SCARY! "

And Zenitsu fainted, the 2 looked at him with a 'WTF' expression as the demon noticed Zenitsu fainted, the demon laughed and said while licking his lips " Eat! mine! "

The demon crawled hastily at Zenitsu, Tanjiro was about to help but Zenitsu suddenly stands up and started a sword stance, which kind of started Tanjiro and Yui and they heard him say " Breath Of the Lighting....! First Form! Thunderclap! "

Zipp-⚡⚡ziP- ⚡

Zenitsu slashed the neck of the demon and beheaded it, Zenitsu was too fast in the eyes of Yui which she looked at him with shock! she never thought that this coward boy infront of her was so super strong! she thought she thought the he was acting weak to fool others!

Tanjiro it may be fast in Yui's view but for him it looked normal! since Zenitsu was fast in the eyes of a normal person like Yui, but not him! it also shocked him a little, but what confused him was why was he scared when he was strong? he definitely smell the fear in Zenitsu but it changed when he fainted and it confused him it was like it was a different person smell!

As the demon died, Zenitsu woke up and he saw the demon turned into dust near Yui, he looked at Yui with a teary eyes and jumped in front of her and he shouted and bowed " You are really my Goddess savior!! you killed the demon! why didn't you tell me sooner that your strong!! "

Yui got dumbfounded she said " you killed the demon yourself you know that? "

Zenitsu answered plainly " No way. stop joking. "

Tanjiro got confused again, it was the truth! he can't tell a single lie about Zenitsu! this was confusing!

Tanjiro said " Wanna follow us till the end of the exam? Mr ? "

Zenitsu shouted " Really?! your a nice guy! why didn't you tell me earlier! okay! I will relay on you! "

Tanjiro " Sure " and thought ' You can do it by yourself. '

They started moving again and Zenitsu said " W-wait! wait for me! "

And he followed them and the duo became trio.

( END- )

Okay! this chapter was short! also 2 chapters more till the end of the exam! well yeah u need to wait for that though lol, anyways Please do remind me of mistakes and remind me also of the items the Mark got! I forgot about them! as for the fruit I'll probably give the Dog dog fruit model : Kitsune to Kae! any objections? just comment! so I can make it right so it won't be late to complain.