The Poor Monspeet

Mark where watching TV, with the others, it was peaceful as usual.

Merlin got used to modern stuff in the mansion, and so Liya, this mansion is really convenient, you don't need to clean it because it will clean itself 24 hours a day.

Mark and Liya relationship got closer overtime, but still isn't at the level at being couple, Liya was pretty obvious of her feelings yet Mark distance himself from her.

It wasn't that he was being mean, he just couldn't make some woman, that he barely knew to be his lover can't he?

Mark thought, her feelings we're just admiration nothing more, and so their relationship stays the same despite living together under the same roof.

They thought today was just as usual, but they couldn't more wrong, they heard a loud bang, and 3 people in the house except Mari and Liya.

Noticed that it was a demon, and a high ranking one too! it was no doubt that demon is a member of the Ten Commandments.

And the aura have gotten closer and closer, Mark cracks his head, it's been a month since he last fought.

Crack crack~

He copied Meliodas " Well, well~ someone's gonna cry today. "


Monspeet shivered from an unknown reason, he got confused, but he still continue to go into Mark's mansion.

As he floats, the mansion wasn't the far away from him, Monspeet looks interested in the mansion below him.

It was total different from many other Mansions that he see, as he was about to go there.

Some people started to go outside, he looked at the people below him.

A human girl? a human with a fox ears? he wondered what kind of race is it, and he looked at the other 3.

A goddess? no no no her bloodline is too weak to be one, and the other one is ..... Supreme Goddess?! Impossible! I had seen her once and it's definitely not her face!

Then who the hell is this woman?! his body trembled unconsciously, Daine noticed him trembling and she smiled.

Daine suddenly used her, bloodline for the first time, her long black hair turned into a golden blonde and her red eyes became the same as Elizabeth yellow eyes when is she on her goddess form, but colored neon sky blue!

And her wings 12 in total, to the goddess clan the more wings they had the more stonger they are, for example the Supreme Goddess has 10, yet Daine has 12.

And if you ask who is stronger? don't ask for something obvious, Monspeet wanted to punch his face for ignoring his instincts before.

Merlin, Mari, Liya and even Mark were surprised at her transformation, this was the first time they saw it.

Merlin " Woah! Onee-chan your so beautiful! "

Mari nodded, and her tail was wagging and said " Sister! you got even more beautiful! "

Liya couldn't take it anymore and she kneeled down, her Bloodline was forcing her to! it was recognizing Daine as it's Mother.

Daine noticed Liya was having a hard time at her presence, to her Liya is like a little sister to her, she didn't hesitate to use her ability to upgrade Liya's bloodline.

Liya body is currently shinning right now, her Bloodline as Celestial became a True goddess Bloodline, and her power wasn't from any other ordinary Goddess, it was in the level of an Archangel!

Her evolution got finished, her 2 wings multipled into 4! her blue eyes became golden yellow, basically she is has the same as Elizabeth right now, but has more wings and bigger bust 😏.

Liya couldn't believe that she became a goddess! she looked at Daine with a teary eyes " I- "

Daine smiled " Don't mind, I should have done this earlier, treat is as a gift from me fufu~. "

Liya smiled and said " Yes! "

Monspeet who saw her making an Archangel level Goddess, like it was nothing couldn't help but fear her more.

He doesn't have to think anymore! he got to escape! as he was about to do so, a figure arrived in front of him.

It was Mark! he said while gazing at Monspeet " Want to escape? sorry you can't! don't worry I won't kill you I'll just give you a lil beating no? "

Monspeet couldn't feel anything at this guy in front of him but his instincts was screaming, that if it can talk then it would be ' Run! run!or your gonna die! '

During the month, Mark has learned how to perfectly control his Wrath Demon King Bloodline and he can now hide it or show it anytime he wants.

Mark couldn't kill him nor he plans to do so, he wants to play for a bit, Mark punched Monspeet into the stomach, and his punch was coated with dense Mana.

Monspeet splits his unhealthy blood, and flew into the ground and created a not so small nor big crater.

Mark killed the rest of the small fries demon that is following Monspeet, after that he goes toward Monspeet who was struggling to stand up.

Mark dashed toward him and he does a jab at Monspeet, he repeatedly did the jab into Monspeet stomach.

As he punch Monspeet, Monspeet back was generating some air, it's because of how strong the impact of Mark jab is.

He continued to punch Monspeet, right jab, left jab, it was as if Monspeet was a dummy for training.

And for the last move he kicked her face really hard, and Monspeet flew toward the direction of the girls.

The girls eyes glints, and Mark noticed it and said " Don't you dare to kill him or else you'll get a punishment from me! "

The girl nodded, Merlin castered her combo spell, while Mari was a spinning wind ball in her right had, let's call it green rasengan.

While Liya was practicing her new profound Arc, while Daine looked at them, she'll heal Monspeet when he is in a near dying.

How nice isn't it? she heal him just to avoid dying that how nice she is...heck no! even Satan wouldn't do that cruel thing!

It was like giving a false hope, and end up being f*cked.

They continued their beati- cough I mean experimen- cough I mean play.

Monspeet was crying in his inner self, he regretted coming here!

After an hour of beating the poor Monspeet, the girls were finally satisfied, and Mark goes into the beat up Monspeet and said " So? have you learned your lesson? "

Monspeet screamed in his mind ' Lesson my ass! it's called BEATIN- NO TORTURE! NOT A LESSON! ' but he didn't dare to say it our else he'll be tortured again!

Mark said " Oh? your not nodding I guess you needed another lesson! "

Monspeet feels crying, he forcefully nodded and Mark smirked and said " Good! Daine mind healing him? "

Daine nodded " Sure. "

And then she used her healing ability at Monspeet again.

Monspeet recovered at his near dying state, and stood up he fearful looks at them both.

Mark looked at him and said " You can go...but "

Monspeet got happy at Mark's words he felt nervous at Mark's but.

Mark aura leaks and said coldly " If your gonna exposed what happened here, then you die, no matter Where you are my, you can't escape heed my words. "

Monspeet whole existence shivered, he feels like he was in front of the Demon King himself! but his aura was even more superior than the Demon King!

Monspeet shouted in his mind ' Who is he?! another Demon King?! ' his body trembled it was as if it wanna surrender itself to Mark.

Mark sneered at him and said " You can go! "

Monspeet bowed and hurriedly fled, and swears he wouldn't open his mouth no matter what even if it's the Demon King himself! because that man is more dangerous than the Demon King!

Mark looked at the disappearing figure of Monspeet and said " I should probably visit them later. "

And he walks toward the mansion calmly like nothing happened.

( END- )

Yush! done...oh well please do remind me of some misspelled or misplaced words.

Drop a stone if you want to.

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