Visiting Ten Commandments 1/3

(A/N : Alright I won't be updating, in Sunday, why? well I want to try to edit chapter 1-25 thought it wouldn't be much different, if you curious you can read it back on Monday, it's gonna be alot of work to do, because the first chapters is the first impression of the readers whenever it's good or bad.)


It's been a couple of months since, Monspeet visit, within those months, the girls hadn't been slacking off, Merlin BP has risen to the point the it is the same as in the Original Plot.

And difference that she is just 12! not 3,000+ , Liya can now fully control her divine powers, and could hide it like Daine, well it's because Daine guided her.

Mari BP has risen quite alot it can be comparable to Galand in his Critical Over State, while Mark has 80% unlocked his Wrath Demon Bloodline and he is at least thrice stronger than the current Demon King.

He wondered if he could find someone equal in the future, little did he know that it would come true soon but that's for later.

Mark didn't have anything to do, besides watching TV slowly unlocking his Bloodline, he stopped absorbing Mana, because he had at least drained 30% of the Mana of this world.

If he used all of his Mana, without using his Bloodline power, he could 1 shot the Demon King in just a single spell but it would take 50% of his Mana and could only use it Twice, if he wanted more then he should absord the rest of the Mana.

Actually every person has a limit of containing Mana, for example an average person can contain 5,000 BP worth of Mana in his body and couldn't be more because he'll either be crippled or explode from too much Mana.

Everyone isn't like Merlin who has an unlimited container, nor a monster like Mark who has a bottomless container.

And today Mark decided to Visit the Ten commandments, he felt like the holy war is about to end.

So he asked who wanted to follow him, before could Mari speak, he strictly said " No, not you Mari your not going with me, not this one your too weak. "

Mari wanted to rebuke, but couldn't she knew she was weak, thought she can fight one commandment, but that is only Galand which is the weakest of the good, but you shouldn't underestimate him, he might be the weakest but he has countless battle experience, and you could not like in front of him.

But Galand ability won't work at Mark, Daine and probably Liya.

Merlin can't, she doesn't have her sacred Treasure yet, Daine doesn't have much interest meeting those Ten Commandments at least for now.

So she decided to stay, she rather watch Anime than doing unnecessary work, so in the end Liya is the only one who is willing to follow except Mari of course.

Their relationship is the same as couple months ago, nothing much changed except Mark liked her, and Liya loved Mark more than ever.

Mark still doesn't want to break that threshold yet, so they are pretty much a good friends.

Finally they are ready to go, Liya said " I'm ready! "

" Sure. " said Mark while nodding, and they set off.


In an unknown location, the 8 of the Ten Commandments where staying.

Yes 8, since Meliodas killed the other 2, and Meliodas himself was a former Ten commandments and there are some new members.

Not Gloxinia,Drole and Estarossa who is supposed to be Mael, hasn't join yet.

Derieri whose appearance of a wild looking woman with a spiky long golden blonde hair, almost half of her body is cover with black substance called [ Power Of Darkness ]

Fraudrin whose a appearance is a weird purple giant that has a multiple spikes in his body.

Galand whose appearance looks like a lamp of metal, his appearance is like an armor of a skinny knight.

(A/N : Pfft- its true! lmao. )

Grayroad this demon is really weird, he has an appearance of a floating black ball, and many demon faces around it.

Melascula whose appearance, of a teen looking girl who had a beautiful face, and has a purple hair, but has a collar in her neck.

Monspeet whose appearance of a mature man, who looks like a gentleman, he doesn't have a mustache anymore since, Mari rudely took it, because she just wanted to see him without mustache.

Zeldris who appearance similar to Meliodas but has a black hair, I mean they are brothers alright?

Lastly Gowther, whose real body is inside a dark space trapped by the Demon King.

A couple months ago, after Melascula became Mark's slave, she had a gloomy mood, as she got in their fortress.

The first thing that her companion noticed that, the collar in her neck, they asked her why is she wearing it.

She naturally lied, Melascula said, she likes it and wants it to wear it starting today, her companions we're fool's, but they didn't bother they find it rather odd.

Galand can't use his ability against a fellow Commandments so he couldn't tell if she is lying or not.

After a month passed, they totally ignored it, there is nothing much different from Melascula expect she only attacks when, someone is attacks her or treat to her.

Zeldris was satisfied at Melascula behavior lately, she wasn't reckless as before and killing every being except for demons without a good reason, thought he doesn't know the reason of her change is because collar.

And after that, they saw the change of Monspeet too! he lost his precious mustache! thought he was acting like usual, something is definitely wrong with him!

They tried to ask some questions but, it was either ignored or a lie, 2 of the Commandments had been strange lately.

They don't know they had been changed by a single person who is definitely stronger than their so called Demon King.

Thought only Monspeet and Melascula knew about it and the others were clueless.

There is one time, that Melascula and Monspeet privately talk as Monspeet accidentally said Mark's name, but it's a good thing that Melascula was the person who heard it.

Monspeet shivered he thought his dead, because he blurted Mark's name in front of his companion.

But surprisingly Melascula knew Mark, and they talked about him but didn't say anything about what he did to them.

Even thought they couldn't tell each other, they could understand without even talking the face says it all.

Currently this day, the two shivered from the familiar feeling the had one name in their mind ' Mark! '


Mark and Liya can already see the members of the Ten Commandments.

He smiled " It's fun time. "

( END- )

Okay yeah here is it.

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