Reviving Elaine 1

"If I could revive your beloved Elaine, what would you do?"

"Huh?" Ban was totally caught off guard!

"Don't, huh! Me! So what's your answer?" Mark asked.

Even though Ban found this unbelievable, he didn't hesitate to say. "Yes! Please revive her! I will do anything you ask if you're able to do so!"

He was willing to do anything just for Elaine! Mark nodded.

"Alright, I'll revive her."

Hearing that, everyone except Daine was surprised.

"Wait, what?! You can revive dead people?" Meliodas looked at Mark with an expression of pure disbelief on his face.

Even the Supreme Deity was surprised, and she spoke. "Well, well, well! That's surprising, even 'We' the strongest existence in this world couldn't revive someone that easily."

"Well I'm different from you people, and you know that." Mark answered her bluntly.

Eve sighed, she couldn't refute his words. She didn't know how the other worlds worked but she decided to keep silent and watch him revive Elaine.

Mark suddenly appeared besides Elaine and King. King was startled!

"W-who are you?!" King was surprised at Mark's sudden appearance!

Mark pointed at himself and replied. "Me? I'm the one who is going to revive YOUR sister! Now, move aside because what I'm going to do is really dangerous. And all of you, mind if you move away for at least a few hundred meters?"

Hearing what he said, all of them nodded while King was in a state of confusion!

"What?! What are yo-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mark already casted a teleportation spell on King, as for his destination only God knew where.

"Alright time to start!"

Everyone was already a few hundred meters away from him, while Elaine's spirit was looking at Mark with confusion and surprise.

"Who are you? And can you really revive me? Why would you revive me in the first place?"

Mark was rather straight-forward, so he replied. "The name's Mark, and yes I can, as for why it's for a friend named Ban, now I am going to start. Save all of your questions for after I reviive you!"

Without waiting for her reply. Mark already casted a large spell that he recently made, it acted like a formation array! To be precise, it was actually a revival array!

No one could copy this or maybe not, Merlin could probably do the same since she had infinite mana after all.

However she lacked one ingredient that was needed for the reviving ritual, which was his blood. Even Mark himself didn't know the extent of his Wrath Demon King Bloodline, it could do many things which were impossible or improbable to do so.

Mark gathered all of the ambient mana in a radius of a few hundred kilometers, and transferred all of it inside Elaine.

Normally if a person or spirit got this terrifying amount of Mana they would immediately explode, however thanks to his Mana Manipulation, he could control the intensity of the mana and make it gentle and bearable enough that they won't explode anymore.


At a few hundred meters from Mark,

"How the hell did he do that?! That huge amount of Mana could literally blow all of the mortal realm to pieces!" Meliodas' jaw dropped from shock.

Not only him but also Elizabeth, Ban, Diane and Hawk were the same as him!

"Oi… oi… is this for real?!" Ban was looking at the scene with a shocked expression.

While Daine was just calm as she used to be, for her it wasn't that much of a big deal. What was there to be surprised about? She could do the same thing!

Eve was looking at the scene with a solemn expression and thought 'That terrifying amount of Mana is enough to wipe me out of existence!'


Sky Island,

A woman was sitting at her golden throne, solemnly looking at a distance.

She had a face that looked like Elizabeth, but more superior in every possible way, she murmured.

"Which creature could generate this monstrous amount of Mana? This might be a danger not just for us Celestials but also to the entire Mortal Realm! I have to go and check if it's a threat or not!"

Her eyes suddenly turned from blue to Golden, and on her back 7 beautiful angelic white wings appeared!

She looked at her servants and spoke. "All of you, be sure to keep our kingdom protected. I'm going to leave for a while."

"""Yes, Queen Liya!!"""

It was Liya, within those 3,000 years a lot of things happened, the Sky Island turned into Sky Kingdom instead!

The old tradition was now completely gone, and there were also new rules which were implemented. Compared to the small sky Island from before, the present Sky Kingdom was filled with floating Islands.

The biggest Island which has Liya's kingdom, could fit tens of millions of people. The celestial race had also multiplied compared to 3,000 years ago, when there were only a few hundred Celestials in the world.

Presently there were a few million of Celestials around the Sky Kingdom! Liya became their queen, no! to be precise she became their Goddess!

Liya was already on her way towards the location where she felt the monstrous amount of Mana was being emitted!

She was expecting a huge battle to occur after arriving there. However she didn't think for a second that she would be able to meet with someone she longed to meet, to be able to meet the one she loved.

The one she couldn't ever forget.



Inside the room of a secret passage,

A beautiful woman with black hair, beautiful golden brown eyes and a sexy mature body that could literally make any man hard was seen.

She was Merlin!

While she was experimenting, she suddenly felt shivers for the first time in a long while, she murmured.

"This… what a huge amount of Mana this is.. interesting…. other than me no one could generate such Mana, not only that. That existence gathered it in such a short amount of time! Interesting, I'm going to take a temporary break from my experiments!"

Merlin cleaned the mess she made, and she immediately teleported to that location, not knowing what surprise she would get.


Mark was already at the final stage, he used a wind spell to wound himself, his blood didn't drop instead it floated and it was sucked by the Mana which was around Elaine.

Seeing his blood being sucked away crazily, he looked serious and spoke emotionlessly.

"I'm not going to get anemia right?"

( End~ )