Reunion Through Eternity (Edited)

Made a mistake about Mari last time!

Anyway there isn't much edited in this chapter.


The revival ritual was complete, and the array stopped sucking his blood.

"Good, I didn't get anemia!" Mark looked at Elaine who was just recently revived, she wasn't a spirit anymore but a living being.

She had gained the flesh of the living, in her spirit form she had her white dress, but now as she was completely revived to the land of the living, that dress was completely gone and she became fully naked!

Mark wasn't fazed by it, after all there was nothing to see! He thought 'Flat!'

On the other hand, Ban was the first to act as he immediately moved towards Elaine's location and hugged her tightly.

"Elaine! Y-your alive right?"

Elaine also found this unbelievable, and she answered. "M-maybe?"

"She's alive! If she wasn't, could you even touch her now? Would you be able to feel her warmth?" Mark bluntly spoke.

Hearing that from Mark, Ban was extremely happy, Elaine was alive! She's really alive! He hugged her more tightly.

Elaine was equally happy that she was alive, now she could feel her lover's warmth again, she cried silently at Ban's chest.

Eve, Daine, Meliodas, Elizabeth, Diane and Mari went towards their location, and they looked happy looking at this scene.

Except for Mark , he had a complicated look on his face. Mark was hesitating whether to tell them about it or not. He didn't want to ruin this warm atmosphere his friend was having.

However, Hawk didn't hesitate and bluntly spoke. "Hey, Ban mind giving Elaine some clothes to wear? I don't mean to disturb your happy reunion but honestly it's pretty weird to look at you guys. Especially you Ban, you look like a pedophile trying to r*pe a loli."

Mark was looking at Hawk with a blank expression but inwardly he was speechless and thought 'This pig pretty blunt about this… but I can't deny that he's speaking the truth.'

Not just him, but everyone else was speechless when they heard what Hawk said. Now that they thought about it carefully, he was right! They couldn't refute!

Ban wasn't embarrassed at all, but he indeed had to cover Elaine, so he took off his shirt and covered Elaine's body with it.

It took a while, for things to calm down, everyone gave their congratulations to both Ban and Elaine because the two of them were finally reunited.

"It's time for us to leave this place." Mark didn't need to wait for their reply, and he forcefully teleported them all outside the Capital Of The Dead.


Liya was flying at an extremely fast speed that could literally put 'The Flash' to shame, she was getting closer and closer to the place where she felt that terrifying Mana.

Though she couldn't sense it anymore, she still memorized the location of that place. She still had to check whether that existence was a threat or not!

And if it was a threat then… she had to eliminate it with all of her power! Even if she had to die!

While flying her way to that place, she noticed a familiar presence going in the same direction as her.

She looked at the place where she sensed that presence, it was also flying it's way towards her supposed destination.

Liya went closer to that person, and the person also noticed her.

"Liya… what a coincidence, you're going to that location as well?"

"I was going to ask the same, but yes I'm going into that location, Merlin."

It was Merlin, both of them didn't stop flying and Liya continued.

"Since we're going to the same place, let's talk while we're at it. After all it's been a hundred years or so since I last saw you."

"I have nothing to talk with you Liya, stop bothering me." Merlin coldly replied.

Hearing that from her Liya sighed, and spoke. "Merlin you've changed, back then you weren't like this. 3,000 years ago you were just a cute little girl that called me Onee-san but now… I guess 'his' disappearance changed you."

Hearing that Merlin's face became even colder than before, and she replied.

"Can you not remind me of 'him'?! That person has already left us! He will never return again!"

"Are you going to forget him like that? After what he did for us?" Liya was a little bit angry when she heard Merlin saying that.

Without 'him' she wouldn't become what she is today, thanks to him she was able to get her revenge.

She didn't believe that he left them! After all he promised! There might be something… something that had happened, at that year.

Merlin looked at Liya with an angry expression along with some tears in her eyes, everything related to 'him' would make her unconditionally unstable.

She couldn't control her emotions at all, she shouted. "Forget about 'him'?! No, I don't want to forget about 'him'! It's just that it hurts inside my heart remembering about him! Why would he leave us? He suddenly disappeared without saying anything! For thousands of years I've been looking for him all-over the realms! Whether it's the Celestial Realm or the Purgatory I've searched everywhere but I couldn't find him at all!

The only conclusion I have reached is that he left us, Liya! He and the others went back to where they came from!"

Liya sighed, as she wanted to refute her but she couldn't, she was also looking for them but she was met with disappointment as she couldn't find any traces of them! It was as if they had completely disappeared from the face of earth! But even so there was a part of her that believed that they didn't leave them!

Until now she was clinging onto that part of her!

Seeing that Liya didn't reply, Merlin didn't bother to look at her anymore, the two of them were flying at the location where they sensed that terrifying amount of Mana not knowing what surprises, they would get!

They were already near The Capital Of The Dead.


Outside The Capital Of The Dead,

Mark, Daine, Eve, Ban, Elaine, Diane, Meliodas, Hawk and Elizabeth were standing outside the capital of the dead.

"We're back! Outside." Meliodas spoke cheerfully.

"Let's hurry back to the Bar, Elaine needs some proper clothes!" Ban was currently holding Elaine in a princess carry.

"Fresh air! The Capital of the Dead is really different from the world or living! Compared to the Capital Of The Dead, the world of living is like having a block of ice in your body on a hot day in summer!" Naturally it was Mari who said that.

Everyone agreed with Hawk this time.

"Alright, let's go back into the ba-" Mark stopped his words Midway as he sensed a very familiar aura coming in their way.

It was getting closer and closer, until it was just above them.

Mark looked at the 2 figures above him with a complicated expression, he wasn't expecting this reunion to happen!

While both of the figures above were looking at Mark with a disbelieving expression until it slowly escalated to a teary eyed expression that expressed their heartache and also joy at seeing the person they were searching for the last 3000 years.

They were Merlin and Liya! They both shouted at the same time, with extreme emotions laced in their voice.


( ~END~ )

Alright see you next Month! HAHAHAHA!

( E/N: The Demigod of Rewriting BS Plots has joined the fray. Also, great decision, Charlottes. One less novel to edit. )