She Is Rare Type[Through And Through]

"It won't take time, we'll bring you back to attend the remaining subjects," the emergency staff was worried that if she was infected, they could cure her initial level.

It can be said a precautionary step from them.

Her teachers also beckoned her, Wu Lan went with the emergency staff.

Zen did not instructed her to stay away from doctors or any hospital test.

The state was facing a fatal threat and emergency, many people got infected with the sudden emergence of strange virus, many thinks that baseline for this virus birth or actual incipient of this virus was not the state itself, some external factors were involved.

It was spreading at an alarming rate which caused the state government to declare emergency.

Since the medics were also in moderate number while the continuous stream of infected patients was not easy to deal with, many commissioned robots were also hired to facilitate the medical in this emergency.

Zen was also commissioned robot, his owner was called to volunteer his robot in this service.

Zen was receiving new patients when it saw Wu Lan got off from the van, "And I thought that this girl would stay away from problems for some time," it turned to approach her but stopped.

"Send this girl to senior doctor Zen, she only needed screening to make sure she is not infected," it heard.

Zen hurried and wore the special drape togs and covered half of face with the sterile mask just like doctors and nurses.

It was designed in perfect human shape that if it wanted to not get noticed, it could just wear the extra precautionary clothing and others would take him among the human the human staff.

The robots those working here were walking around without sterile masks or precautionary clothing.

Zen stopped the staff and Wu Lan, it asked, "Is she seriously infected?" the staff saw that doctor Zen was here to receive, they were little puzzled but answered, "No, she picked up a small girl who was seriously infected so we brought her too to test whether she got the virus or she is safe?"

They helped Wu Lan wear mask on her face for safety purpose, Zen nodded, "I will screen her," then it grabbed her hand and walked inside the emergency screening booth and draped the curtain.

"You almost caused my heart to stop, thankfully I have no heart," it removed face mask.

Wu Lan saw and immediately recognized, "It is you Zen?" she asked.

"Yes, it is me," it patted on her head.

It screened her and she was not infected, Zen wanted to laugh like human, how can she get infected when she bore no ordinary human characteristics anymore.

Staff was standing outside, Zen copied through some data and finally found the signature of original doctor Zen, it wrote on the writing pad, "She is rare type with strong immune system and extraordinary blood formation, she is safe," it signed and removed the curtains.

The staff checked the note and nodded, they were responsible now to send her back as promised, the sat in the van to drive her back.

Wu Lan was sitting silent.

"Since you are rare type, you can help people in this emergency, we lack volunteer emergency staff," the staff volunteer saw her serene expressions and suggested.

Wu Lan got the word, she asked, "Help," which he nodded.

"Yes, help people because they need it badly," "I will," she spoke and turned silent again.

The staff volunteer was amazed at her simple and serene answer, he added her name in the list of emergency staff volunteer.

Zen was following behind the van, it was worried that after knowing that she was rare type whether they would harbor any malicious act against her.

The van stopped in front of the junior high school.

Wu Lan got off and entered the school, a staff member followed and sent her in the office.

She was sent then in her class to attend the last subject.

Zen returned back after making sure that she was in safe hands.

Her step mother came to pick up both girls, Xiao Mei told her mother, what happened in the school and how older sister was sent for screening.

"What, she picked an infected girl," there was horror on her face.

She suspiciously looked at Wu Lan.

"Get out of the car immediately, you are such an irresponsible step child, I never thought about it, why did you picked the infected girl?" she gestured Wu Lan furiously and she came out the car.

She could see that her mother was angry again.

She silently stood outside.

"Why did not you tell me before Xiao Mei, what if your mother happened to get infected, do you want me to die early?" she also scolded her biological daughter.

Xiao Mei was shocked why her mother suddenly started yelling at her.

"Mother, why would you die?" she pouted.

"If this daughter of bitch infected your mother, then your mother will die, did you get it?" she explained patiently this time.

"But they said, older sister is not infected," Xiao Mei spoke complete truth this time.

Xiao Xi heard and heaved a sigh, then she looked at Wu Lan was standing silently outside of the car.

"Why are you standing there showing that your step mother is cruel toward you? Come inside," she gestured her.

Wu Lan opened the door and sat inside.

They drove back home without any further conversation on this topic.

Wu Lan was not aware about the severity but she agreed to render help as much as she could.

After the dinner, she kept sitting in the living room waiting for her father, she wanted to share this news that she was going to help people, she was sure that her father won't stop her.

Her eyes turned stone, she looked at the clock, the clock showed half past ten but her father still was not home.

She picked up the landline and looked through the diary placed beside, her father taught her that she could contact him if she wanted to talk to him.

She dialed the number and no one picked the call.