Surprise Vacations

Wu Lan kept staring at the cloak, when she got bored, she came out and stood outside the gate.

The street was dimly lit with the small lamps.

The bright headlights of a car fell on her face.

Her father saw her standing outside and thought that her mother must have punished her, it happened before and he tolerated this but to see her standing again after this long time, he was disappointed about the behavior of his wife for this child.

Wu Lan moved aways and he entered the garage.

"Why standing here this late? her father asked.

"I was waiting for you," she answered and the duo went in the living room.

"I see, I got late today, my office was in mess, I have to spend some extra time there," Gao Zuo was on leave for whole week and this proved that every department of his office slowed down the work pace.

Also few employees were worried for the overall situation in the state, he needed to think a way to encourage them.

"Sleep," Wu Lan told and went in her room.

She was waiting for him and now she was fine.

Her father nodded, he was exhausted but it was pretty surprising for him that his daughter was worried for her father.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep on the sofa.

Early morning, both girls prepared and their father drop them school.

Xiao Mei spotted her friends and went to chit chat with them.

Her older sister was boring.

She rarely speak and if ever, she would only speak few words.

"You don't know the meaning of fun if not this," Xiao Mei winked.

Her friends sneaked eyes at her older sister, they pitied her in their hearts.

Xiao Mei come up an idea to tease her older sister because yesterday she could not make fun of her properly.

The idea was simple, she dabbed a sponge in the red ink and thought to place on the seat of her older sister, when she would sit on her seat, her skirt would get stained red, and this will be a great chance for Xiao Mei to witness the embarrassment of her older sister.

They all went in the class, only five minutes were left before the class teacher take the first subject.

She dabbed a sponge and walked toward the seat where her older sister sit yesterday.

Wu Lan walk like lazy and she was the last one to enter in the class, she saw that her sister who was sitting on her previous seat stood up and something fell from her hand on the seat.

She thought to return this thing immediately to her sister.

Xiao Mei did not go to her seat, she instead walked toward her friends and told them that they should get ready to watch the show.

She was standing back face and could not see that Wu Lan picked the sponge.

"Younger sister, did you forget something?" Wu Lan asked her, she wanted to hand over her the sponge but she stopped when she saw that her younger sister seemed angry.

"Why are here and disturbing my mood, go and sit on your seat," Xiao Mei shook her hand with disdain and kept talking to her friends.

Wu Lan placed the sponge on the chair of her sister and returned back on her seat, she shook her shoulders thinking that her sister will pick up her thing before sitting here.

"Attention," the class teacher suddenly entered and Xiao Mei ran to sit on her seat, she didn't see the sponge.

Class teacher marked the attendance and glanced on the students who were busy reading previous day lesson.

He gestured randomly and started listening the lesson, "Bring here your homework Wu Lan," since class teacher got special instructions from the Dean, he gave more attention toward Wu Lan .

Wu Lan picked her homework copy and placed on the table in front of her teacher.

Xiao Mei and her friends were waiting for this moment, but for their surprise, Wu Lan did not stained her skirt.

Xiao Mei looked at her back to see her friends and they were already looking disappointed.

"You failed again?" her friend asked.

"How can I, I placed it there with my own hands," she wanted to slap on the small desk in front of her to satisfy her anger.

"What is this whispering, stop commotion and concentrate on your books," the teacher spoke without lifting his head from the homework copy.

The girls immediately started reading.

"Xiao Mei, what are you waiting, didn't you prepare your homework?" the teacher gave positive remarks for Wu Lan and then called Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei hurriedly grabbed her homework copy and staggered in hurry then she placed the homework in front of her teacher.

Her friends were agape when they saw her skirt from back, the male students started making fun few who were shy, they were smiling head down.

Xiao Mei slightly got nervous when she noticed that all the class was looking at her.

She looked at her friends and they pointed toward her skirt dumbfounded.

Class teacher was unhappy while looking at the homework, he could sense that students were not reading instead trolling and laughing.

He stood up to give them warning, "Mr. Cao, the Dean called for immediate meeting all the teacher, you should also come," a female teacher who was heading toward the meeting room stopped to bring along this colleague.

Cao nodded and left the class, the students burst into laughter while pointing toward Xiao Mei who was trying her best to not face their faces.

Xiao Mei looked toward Wu Lan with complete disgust, because of her older sister she was facing this.

After half an hour, another senior teacher came and announced that school was closing for some days and their parents will be informed when the school will reopen.

Junior high school students were happy to hear this announcement.

For few days, no homework, it was most relieving for them.