Not So Easy

The day was not all bright, there can be seen scattered clouds and if they thought to gather in unison then the rain can be expected.

The vacations were given to the most of schools, colleges and universities, the government was taking great deal of efforts to stop the further development of this certain virus.

"Xiao Mei, you can't go outside, if you wanted to enjoy vacation, there is no way, and your father strictly ordered me to take care both of you," her mother frowned.

Xiao Mei originally was happy to get surprise Vacations but her mother was strict to let her go outside.

"We can cook something delicious," her mother suggested.

Wu Lan was sitting beside the window of her room, she was looking outside, the backyard was decorated with different flowers and the grass was cut smoothly, a small soft and fluffy cat jumped on the window and sat there.

The cat looked at the girl and then meal plate, it was perfect meal time, it was not clear how this cat sensed the perfect time and came looking for this opened window.

The cat would look at the girl briefly and then Wu Lan slipped the meal plate toward it.

Without blinking once, Wu Lan kept staring at it.

The cat licked it's mouth after finishing meal and looked again at the girl.

Wu Lan nodded her head and cat understood that there was nothing more to stay, it plunged backyard and disappeared in the rows of plants.

There was a call on the landline.

Wu Lan picked up, she heard a male voice, "Hello, can I talk to miss Wu Lan?"

"Yes, Wu Lan speaking," she answered short and brief, she remembered this voice of the senior volunteer staff.

She was curious why he called for her.

"Junior, I need you to join us since a member of our team left the service," he spoke dejected, it was nerve pulling every hour and seeing every death, even if one tried his best and keep his emotions and heart strong, still a human can't face this much.

This service and work call for more strong and invulnerable courage to stand out all the way.

Not many people can do but you cannot test your caliber unless you face such situation and prove your endurance and strength that you can stand through thick and thin.

This ideology work for nations as well, to test the sustainability of a Nation required firm courage in such conditions as a role model for others.

"Sure, I am ready," she answered.

"Great, I will pick you up," the senior excitedly spoke, he arranged a complete set of precautionary clothing for her and drove to pick her up.

It was beginning of the long day work.

Wu Lan went in her room to charge herself and do some suggested exercise, Zen taught her this exercise because her whole body needed a balance, since she could no more take food to support her body, then it was necessary for her different body parts to get regular move on and stretching.

Wu Lan came at the gate and silently left, she knew if her mother saw her, she would scold her or stop leaving house, she has already spoke this senior that she would help then if he saw that her mother was unwilling, he might leave her.

But she don't want to stay in her room and stare the backyard flower garden, if she kept wasting her time then how she will find those few faces which were engraved in her memory?

This volunteer work was a chance for her to find them and after learning few days in the school, she was able to understand that she might not be able to remain in the present condition with the time, her few body parts were showing signs of failure, at least it was what she understood.

She sat in the van and they drove toward the hub of the city.

"Wu Lan, here take this upper cover, keep the sterile mask on your mouth and nose and remember to sanitize your gloves every after an hour or depends if we are helping someone then immediately after shifting the infected," the senior explained to her.

Wu Lan saw and nodded since senior was wearing all these similar packs, she wore them as well.

She was prepared now.

She was young sixteen years child and she was ready to help, the senior was impressed now, yesterday he thought she only have sympathy for the people, today to see her in full spirits and after finding out that she was with similar serene expressions, it was clear that her previous words was not empty talk.

Wu Lan looked outside, the van was moving at a rapid response.

"We are heading toward east of this City, we'll pick some medical kits and drop at airport, they needed new kits," he let her understand their first work of the day.

The busy airport was no more crowded and flights were no more in huge run but still few flights and routes were operational, the people who were leaving and landing in the city needed a thorough check out, it was to secure the safety of other people.

They needed to be cleared that they were not infected or if they were little sick, they can be treated immediately.

"Medical kits," Wu Lan was curious what was this thing called medical kit.

"It is used to test whether a person is sick or not," senior explained simply.

"Sick," she found another word for her curiosity.

"Yes, those who infected with covid-19, I am referring them as sick," he further explained.

They reached the east center and loaded the medical stuff in the van.

While senior was picking the load the man who was responsible to hand over this package of the medical stuff to this volunteer team asked, "Did you bring new volunteer this time?"

He was about to write the names of these team members when he noticed that one member changed already.

"Yesterday, the good buddy was vomiting non-stop after he saw the seriously sick patient, he fell on the spot unconscious and I was forced to bring this girl, she volunteered two days ago already so I called her this morning,"

"But she seemed young, did you join this team with your parent's permission?" the man asked from her directly.

Wu Lan stopped when she saw the man was looking at her, "Parents," she heard his words and thought that what was this permission, did she need to go back and take permission from home from her parents and come back.

The senior staff did not ask her when she came out of her home, he forgot to ask this question from her, he was worried now.

He was about to say something when he received a call, it was from the airport staff, they were waiting for the medical equipment.

"I am loading the equipment, I will be on my way soon," he immediately answered and hung up.

The man who questioned before did not ask further instead he himself started helping them load this packed equipment.

They soon were on their way to airport.

"Hurry, we need to reach as soon as possible," the senior spoke to the driver.

They crossed a single crossover and a van coming from rare direction came hitting the van, the breaks made creaking noice and both vans stopped.

This van was taking an emergency patient toward central hospital in a hurry.

The van felt a strong collision force but hopefully it didn't reel.

"Are you alright?" the senior who was sitting opposite to her asked.

"I am alright," she spoke and turned slightly, gave a strong punch to the half broken glass and released her elbow, it was not bleeding and there was no scar.

The senior saw that her elbow hit the glass, he got off the van and reprimanded the driver.

"I am greatly sorry senior," the driver apologized for his mistake, it was the mistake of the driver of other van and he was sorry for this.

"Be careful next time," the senior was not in mood to quarrel, they were getting late already.

He sat in the van again.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, this was her first day for volunteer work and she escaped this horrible accident, he wanted to make sure that she was not scared with this, if she wanted to discontinue, he will send her back.

"No, it doesn't," her brief answer made him breath with ease.

The remaining journey was smooth and they reached airport.

Few people were already waiting for this equipment on the airport, the atmosphere was little tense, they were guarding that people don't leave airport without proper examination of their health.

Wu Lan picked two packages and delivered them the inside team, she then walked back to pick more.

She saw a man sneakily retreating like a thief.

The man came from foreign flight and he was afraid that if he was found even ten percent infected, he would be isolated immediately.

Mostly people love their freedom but they forget that healthy people people deserve this too, they should be careful for others, for their people, family and friends, they should not be this careless.

Wu Lan was curious why this man was acting strange? She looked around, the airport main hall was little deserted, the landing population was standing in row to give a health check up while this man was taking chance to sneak away when others were busy and hostile about the results.