First Phase

Enrique sat down in a chair beside Cobra somewhere in a subdivision near the country's capital. This time, the venue is acceptable to Cobra's standards. Cobra was watching a game of football from his smartphone while Enrique was eating his meal, a quarter chicken with rice and sidings from a well known fast food chain in the country.

He told Cobra to eat his share but he said he was not hungry. Cobra doesn't want Verlusian dishes and their fast food disgusts him. He preferred the savory and spicy cuisine from Java and Arabia. Anything that has western taste which includes Atlantican and Leondrian dishes will make him barf, even from the smell of it.

Cobra would rather starve than eat food that he hates. He stands up and looks at the window to see their guests which are approaching from outside.

"They have arrived boss!" Cobra said to Enrique who is enjoying his meal.

"Let them in!" Enrique said and cleans his hands with disposable napkin.

Cobra went back to his seat as Enrique's assistants entertain his guests. From outside their guests were checked. They were frisked for weapons and other things for security. After their frisking is done and weapons deposited for safety they were allowed entry.

"It's been a while Enrique!" One of their guests who is familiar with Enrique called him.

Enrique replied with his usual smile and replied, "How's the fishes in Cordoba? The fine weather in the Atlantic, must have yielded a lot of catch!"

The guest bursts in laughter and sat down before Enrique to the seat that was provided to him, "I like your humor! Business is good as usual, so as the fishes and "livestock" that I want to trade with you as well!"

"I have no need for that for now." Enrique who knows of the trade that is offered to him declined.

"Why am I called at this time? Is there anything I can help for a friend?" The man asked Enrique once again.

"This is my trusted associate, Cobra!" Enrique introduced Cobra to the man before him. "Cobra, the man before you is Gustav Heinrich!"

Gustav extended his hand for a handshake to the Arabian man before him, however, Cobra did not returned the gesture and Gustav takes back his hand.

"Are we still waiting for someone?" Cobra asked Enrique beside of him.

"They will be here, just wait." Enrique replied to his impatient associate beside him.

Moments after their small talk, five people arrived outside from their vehicles. They look foreign and are wearing clothes foreign to these regions. Locals who see them had their eyes glued at them with suspicion.

They were once again frisked and checked with deadly weapons and are asked to deposit these items before they were allowed entry. Inside Enrique stood up and welcomed his honored guests. Two of them look like from Arabia, the other two looks like from Tamil and one of them from Java and a local. They approached their assigned seats and sat on their places respectively. Cobra looked at Enrique who started their meeting.

Ten pages of documents were given to the gentlemen before him. The men started to reading them and were nodding as they understood the contents of the documents. All of them but Gustav looks convinced.

"Tell me my friend, how are we going to pull this out?" Gustav stood up displeased with his friend before him.

"You will only provide us with finances my friend." Enrique said on his seat.

Gustav became anxious of what he has heard from his friend. If it were a simple assassination attempt, sabotage or even bribery he would help his friend. However, the thing before his hand, the document and the procedures of their plans is way to risky even for him.

"You are afraid that you may be traced my friend?" Enrique asked Gustav.

"The risks are too great!" Gustav protested before him.

"Since you know of my plans, I cannot allow you to back out." Enrique warned his anxious friend and continued as he tries to calm him down. "Relax and calm down my friend. The riskier the task, the more bountiful the reward is."

Gustav became silent and calms down then returns to his seat. The two Arabian men in the room talks to each other. Cobra listened to their conversation closely as he tries to inspect the intentions of the two. One of them stood up and then raised his concerns.

"The Caliph would want to know of this man's true intentions and his resolve in doing so." The Arabian said to Enrique.

"How can we prove it?" Enrique asked in behalf of his party.

"The leader of the Caliph will send his most loyal and trusted men at your care. They will also be the ones who will take command in the local forces as well."

In hearing this statement the Javanian stood up and protested, "What does desert fools know? You underestimate the situation, Arabian!"

The second Arabian man got insulted with the Javanian's tone to his colleague and stood, "How dare you son of infidel insult the lineage of the Caliph? Show some respect!"

Enrique covers his face with his palm in disappointment as the two parties argued. The local, who is the aide of the Javanian has joined the fray as well. They were bickering at each other, arguing of the idea who will be in command of the attacks.

Cobra told the two parties to stop arguing and the two calmed down and returned to their seats. Enrique then voiced his suggestion to the Arabians before him. The face of the Javanian commander brightened while the Arabians disagreed with his proposal.

"Why would you let these amateurs take control of such operation?"

"This is just an insurance, my friend!" Enrique replied.

The Javanian stood up and proudly assured Enrique by saying, "I will not fail you, everyone in this room! We will succeed of our tasks, for our people, and for God!"

"I guess it is decided, the contingent from Java will participate on this attacks. While the Arabians will provide some support. My friend here, Gustav will provide with some financial assistance to the operation." Enrique concluded the meeting.

After the local and the Javanian guest left. Gustav and the two Arabians remained on the room. Enrique had some words for them and began to talk as the first two guests had left the compound.

"I know that you two want to prove the prowess of your men. However, now is not the time to do so. The Java and their local allies will spearhead the attacks. In the meantime, observe if they are worthy of your cause." Enrique paused then continues.

"The First phase of the birth of Chimera begins now!"