
Five days later, Carlo have to leave home in order to renew his application for his military service. After his last mission, he was given the chance to terminate his service. The only thing that is left is for him is to submit his resignation letter.

This time, there is no turning back, Carlo decided to return to the military and report. He only have three weeks worth of leave after his discharge from the hospital. He have to return with or without his resignation letter. If he however, does not return to camp without his resignation letter his military career will resume.

"Take care, my son!." Carlo's mother said as he grabbed his things inside his luggage.

Carlo's father remains silent beside of her still with disapproval in his face. After hugging his mom Carlo went to his father.

"You know I disapprove greatly of this decision but you are not anymore a child. I just want you to return home after your service. Also, take care of yourself!" Carlo's father said and gave him a hug.

"I will, father. I will return home, I swear!" Carlo replied to him.

After that the shuttle that will take Carlo to the nearest military camp has arrived. It is time for him to depart. His parents wave their hands as he boarded the bus. Carlo waved in return after he found himself a seat inside.

As the bus started to move, Carlo felt strange that as if he will never return to his home once again. It is odd but it seems like it is an omen of some sorts. Despite of the warm weather during that morning, a cold wind suddenly sent chills to his spine.

"You have chosen well, for the sake of this world and yours!" A familiar voice spoke to Carlo.

Carlo began to question his sanity in hearing things out of the blue, or those dreams and the strange things that he is seeing. He believes he need to seek for a professional help about these matters. It is not anymore normal and his career will be cut short because of these matters.

Post traumatic distress had possibly affected Carlo. These things got worse after that ambush from his recent mission. He may be a faithful and believed in the supernatural but there are things where you need to believe in science. With technology, a mental illness could be mistaken for a demonic possession or something.

"Your faith may be strong but your doubts mislead you, for you are almost in the right path my child!" The voice continues as the wind gets colder.

The soldier beside of Carlo felt the temperature dropped beside me. He closed the windows thinking it might be the wind outside. After closing it, he looks at Carlo in chills with the coldness that he felt.

"Are you alright buddy?" A soldier said to Carlo.

It took him three attempts to call Carlo's attention before he snapped out of it. He gasped for air and felt thirsty then sweated hard as the temperature around him returns to normal. The soldier near Carlo's seat who felt the sudden drop of temperature looked at him.

"Here, have some water!" He said handing out a unopened bottle of 500 ml distilled water.

"T-thanks!" Carlo shivered.

The temperature inside the bus gets warmer and the soldiers who closed the windows earlier opened it once more for some air. Carlo remained in his seat after the incident. He realized that something is amiss. Probably this is not anymore psychological for other people experienced the same as he felt.


Three hours later, Carlo arrived in Camp Simeon Gonzalo in the Municipality of Dalisay in Sugbu Province. It is a two hour ride from Subu city, the capital of the region. He submitted his papers for reinstatement for military service. Probably he will be given a contract in the military for at least 2 to 5 years. He will have to wait until his papers are approved. In the meantime Carlo will stay in the town for at least a week.

The town looks laid back and there were fewer people compared to his hometown. Old churches and some architecture from Hispannic colonial times, defiant to the tests of time, like the faith of the people of the country to their maker.

Carlo decided to take a rest the entire afternoon and went for a stroll that evening. The lights of the plaza illuminated the scenery that is both romantic and breathtaking. The bay walk is well constructed and artistically designed.

After taking a stroll outside, Carlo went inside the church to say his prayers to his maker. He asked forgiveness for his sins and his mistakes in life, asked intercessions and lastly thanked him for the blessings he have received.

Carlo's prayers lasted for at least twenty minutes before he stood up from kneeling in front of the altar. When he checked his watch it is already 7:30 PM. His stomach grumbles, he must be hungry already. As Carlo's hunger pangs started to be felt he went out and proceeded to the nearest fast food restaurant. Despite having a lot of money, he wanted to eat something that is convenient.

Carlo hastily walked after he got out from the premises of the church. Carlo was really hungry when he suddenly bumped to someone. He sensed a familiar voice as the lady shrieked and hit the ground.

"I am sorry!" Carlo looked at the lady that is thrown to the ground and offered his assistance.

"Watch where you are going!" The lady yelled and suddenly paused when she saw Carlo.

"Carlo?" She asked in surprise in seeing his face.

"Do I know you?" Carlo asked the chubby lady in white blouse and dark blue pencil skirt. She is wearing heeled shoes and is two inch shorter than he is.

"How can I not forget!?" She stood up on her own, grumbling.

"Theresa?" Carlo suddenly recognized her in as she stood up.

"Yes, it's me. Bully!" She replied to him, "Why are you here by the way?" She continued.

"Work matters, I will be reinstated soon to my post." Carlo replied to her.

"Oh, I forgot. You work in the military!"

"Yes, I do."

"By the way, have you heard of the ambush lately? There are only few soldiers that survived during that encounter." She suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Yes, I saw the news. It was really horrible." Carlo replied.

"I will be going now. I am sorry if I cannot stay long for a chit-chat. My children are waiting for me." Theresa excused herself and left.

Time sure flies so fast, Carlo classmates and peers now have lives on their own. While him, he still am single with his career that he loves doing. "If I have chosen a different path, what would his life look like?" Carlo wondered as he continued to walk in the streets that night.