Chapter :-1 Awakening

Inside a dimly lit room, five coffins were placed parallel to each other. The coffins were made of Purpleheart, an extravagant wood used to make beautiful pieces of architecture. The silver lining ran across the coffins and converged at the center where the letter ᒥ M ᒧ was embedded in the wood.

The room was pretty dark since the light didn't reach the depths of the darkness. Veins covered the place everywhere, chains bound to the coffins were coiled against them. But this was only true for the coffin that lay in the middle of the others.

It was as if the veins wanted to break the chains which were wrapped around the coffin.


The veins tightly wrapped around the chains and twisted them, the sound of creaking was crystal clear in the never-ending silence. The chains gave in and scattered across the room.


The hatch flung open, inside laid a young boy about 12 years old with light skin and a healthy body. The boy wore a black coat and shoes. Short black hair and sharp features.

His eyes fluttered open, the grayish-blue orbs gazed at the dark ceiling above him. He supported his body up with his hands and stepped out of the coffin.

His eyes darted around and scanned through the place. The four coffins that were chained were beside him. He tried to touch them but an invisible force repelled his hands away from the coffin, rendering him unable to touch the coffins.

A frown appeared on his face as he thought,

ᒥ.....I can't touch the coffins, the spirits have confined them with a Boundary spell. I need more power to break through.....ᒧ

Thinking up till here the frown disappeared and was replaced by a grin.

"Hahaha hahaha...I succeeded" laughter echoed throughout the sealed room as the seemingly 12 years old boy continued to laugh.

"I finally have my family back...." He sat on top of the coffin which contained him. Memories of the past permeated his mind as he thought of how all this began.

Henrik Mikaelson was born in the 10th century. He died when Klaus brought him to see the werewolves transform, but one of the werewolves lost control and mauled him to death. His death is what drove Mikael and Esther to protect their children by turning them into the Original vampires.

Henrik was the youngest child of Mikael and Esther. Henrik was the younger brother of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol and Rebekah and the younger half-brother of Klaus.

After being killed by the wolves, Henrik found himself in a dark place. Emptiness and loneliness became his companions. He watched his siblings being transformed into monsters, he watched how they ran from their father, he watched how their mother was so hell-bent on killing her children.

Henrik was a normal human when he was killed. His Witch-powers awakened in death and protected his soul from endless darkness. He was teleported to an alternate world with no living being in it.

Henrik learned every magic available on the planet while his magic power continued to increase infinitely. Like his siblings, he too became immortal who grew stronger by the passing second due to the nature of the prison he was held within.

After 1000 years, he finally became strong enough to interfere with the world of the living at a certain level.

Qetsiyah, known in modern-times as Tessa, was the most powerful witch of the Traveler subculture, as well as "one of the most powerful witches of all time". Qetsiyah is best known for creating the first Immortality Spell, and subsequently the first immortal, as well as the only cure for it, and the supernatural purgatory known as the Other Side.

She killed herself after taking revenge on her lover but her soul lost all its magic powers as Henrik absorbed every last bit of her magic from her, similarly, he also absorbed all the power and knowledge from both Silas and Markos.

He knew that to come back into the world of the living, he would need a lot of magic power. He kept on devouring every Witch's power who died. He knew that this power would be used in breaking the prison which held him confined in this space.

His aunt Dahlia had been fighting to gain immortality by using his niece Hope Mikaelson. His mother and siblings were able to stop their aunt and successfully killed Dahlia and Esther in the process.

His aunt and mother achieved peace, but their powers were absorbed by Henrik who was preparing to break free from the alternate world that had been keeping him imprisoned for so long.

All the power he had achieved over the 1000 years was all lost in breaking the prison world. He only had his aunt and mother's magic along with all the knowledge from different Witches inside him. He still was very strong yet since he didn't have a body and only existed as a soul, his strength was limited.

Inadu or rather known as Hollow haunted the Mikaelson family. Inadu was a powerful Native American Witch in 500 A.D. She was powered as a witch by her mother's pregnancy as a symbol of prosperity but she killed her people for power.

The 7-Great elders used their magic and created a magical ax to kill her, her mother carried out this task. But before her death, she used a powerful spell to curse the people into turning into werewolves who they hunted.

In hopes of resurrecting, she sacrificed many innocent souls and was able to manifest inside Hope. Henrik was angered by the seemingly unending waves of danger attacking the Mikaelson family. With his powers as the strongest witch, he descended inside Hope Mikaelson's body using the Esther bloodline as a bridge.

He tore apart Inadu from inside of her body and killed her soul using the Soul-destruction spell which his dearest aunt Dahlia created. Yet, even so, it was too late to save Klaus and Elijah from death.

To save their souls, Henrik used all the power he absorbed after killing Inadu to create a Special supernatural purgatory using Qetsiyah's spell to trap both of his brothers' souls inside the other side until he found a way to resurrect them.

Many years passed as Elijah and Klaus watched Hope grow up and live happily over time. Due to Dahlia's power being absorbed by Henrik. The spell which she cast on his eldest sister Freya wore off. She began to age and finally after living a long happy life, she died.

Rebekah was granted her wish to be happy forever after and lived a normal life before finally dying. She took the cure from Damon after he decided that it was time for him and Elina to join Stefan on the other side.

She and Marcel live a long happy life before eventually dying and being caught by Henrik who waited for the time to come when he could perform the Resurrection spell.

Finn had died before he could have saved his soul whereas Kol would spend the rest of his eternal life with Davina and take care of Hope. He knew that his eldest brother Finn craved for his end, for peace so he left his brother alone.

Knowing that is was now time for him to be together with his family. He activated the Resurrection spell along with a Destiny travel spell.

The latter was a spell which Henrik created himself and only he could use it. It was a spell that allowed one to travel to a different world. One vastly different from the one which they knew.

Using all the power collected all this time, he along with Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Freya transmigrated into a new world. But not everything according to his plan, the spirits imprisoned his siblings with special magic while Henrik's soul was too strong to be affected by their spell so he could only be imprisoned for a short time. Now that the short time had ended, he broke the spell and freed himself from their binding.

"It took so long but I can finally be a part of ᒥ....Always and Forever....ᒧ"

He stopped laughing and stretched his body before walking towards the light which permeated the room through a narrow slit. His young body was filled with ending tide of strength and magic.

He bent his knees a little and launched himself in the air, successfully exiting the room through the tunnel-like passage.

Unlike his siblings, he didn't have a body to be resurrected into thus he had to create one for himself. He manipulated some witches to collect Mikael and Esther's ashes which were mixed with Qetsiyah's blood and Dahlia's ashes to act as a binding agent in the formation of a body.

He now possessed power greater to his father's as an Original vampire and unmatched as a witch. He had gained a strong, indestructible body along with a powerful soul and magic power.

A smile appeared on his face as he took a deep breath, trying to savor the feel of breathing after such a long time. The wind around him whistled as if delighted from his presence.

"It feels nice to be alive and breathing....." His smile slowly disappeared, eyes narrowed as some people entered his vision.