Crossing of blades

Mathias stood there with his hand resting on the hilt of his silver blade as he stared Julius down as he muttered under his breath sliding his hand over the knife as it slowly elongated into a full length blade.

"What I am doing here is none of your concern Mathias" Julius growled as he stood there tense waiting for Mathias to make a move. One wrong move and it could be his last. Julius was breathing heavily through the pain he was in due to the silver tipped stake that had pierced just below his heart. Losing such a great adversary to a crossbow stake would have dealt a blow to Mathias' as much as it would have done to the vampiric community.

"It is somewhat my business. How? You may be thinking to yourself young vampy. Well it is my business because I plan on burning this family down and if you have a hand in this family, well I will have to burn you down with them." Mathias spoke in a threatening tone. A tone he didn't have to focus on using bravado to embellish . Seeing the look of shock on Julius' face brought a smile to his face. His not so threat had actually worked on inflicting him with something that would effect his combat.

"How many of you lunatics are there to attack vampires at night?" Julius asked as he weighed the options he had at the moment. Which as how things were he didn't have much. "And how many do you wish to lose?"

"I have brought more than enough to handle you and a few high ranking vamps. Now what do you say about having a dance to see who still has more skill in combat. Me or you." Mathias taunted as he slowly drew his silvered blade. "And do not worry your little head. My men won't interrupt our little fight."

Tightening his grip on the knife Julius stared Mathias down as he took a deep collective breath. "I am pretty sure I am going to win this one Mathias. So you better send those junkies home before they join you in the grave!" Julius yelled out as he made a horizontal strike at Mathias, who parried the strike with his own blade before backhanding Julius with a closed fist.

Stumbling back Julius spun his blade around gritting his teeth as he stood there waiting for another chance to strike as he held his blade with both hands. The two stood there as a tense air built up between them each looking for the right moment to to move in to strike. Looking for the smallest opening, the smallest opportunity.

"How many years has it been since we last fought one on one? Man versus Vampire?" Mathias asked as he adjusted the grip on his blade opening himself up to one of Julius' strikes who took the opportunity to swing at him as Mathias spun out of the way swinging upwards barely catching Julius in the side.

Julius then spun around slashing with his blade catching Mathias across the chest as pain surged through him as he gritted his teeth before swinging down on Julius who rolled out of the way. "It has been just about four years Mathias." Julius breathed out kneeling close to the ground as he adjusted the grip on his blade. "Four years since I last beat and let your sorry ass live."

"Or was it the other way around? Always heard immortals had a shit memory after a few hundred years"Mathias chortled as he lunged forward slashing towards Julius.

Julius rolled out of the way of Mathias' swing as he sat there for a moment breathing heavily fighting through the pain he was obviously going through. He took a chance moment to glance down at the stake that was protruding from his chest.

"Keep your eyes on the battle Julius!" Mathias yelled as he slammed his blade down upon Julius' shoulder, having took the opening that he had mistakenly open. It had never been like Julius from when he had fought him before to worry about such injuries. Until the threat was taken care of. Something had him preoccupied mentally, was it the girl that he had sent away?

The smell of burning flesh raised and caught in the air as it wafted into Mathias' nose. Scrunching his nose up as Julius gripped his blade before rising up and catching Mathias across the chest. As pain shot through his body as he stumbled back cursing under his breath silently. What had him so mentally distracted?

Strikes that he wouldn't have normally he had taken he ended up getting caught by. Why were both combatants so preoccupied? Neither of them knew why.

"Are you holding back on me Mathias? Or have you gone and became rusty?!" Julius roared as he got up taking a stance as his left arm hanged limp.

Mathias stood there breathing heavily as pain raked through his body. It had been forever since he had been trading blow for blow with someone of equal skill. Or someone he deemed worthy of fighting to such an extent. Maybe it was his exhaustion from taking such a long stake out without any or much rest.

Shaking his head forcing himself to refocus on the battle ahead he allowed himself a sly smile. "Sorry to disappoint with a little bit of leniency. Guess I'll get a bit more serious!" Mathias called out before drawing a silver tipped stake from his belt loop as he stared down Julius, while resting his blade on top of the arm holding the stake.

Julius then lunged himself at Mathias with a horizontal strike as Mathias spun around swinging his blade upwards as the two connected clashing with each other as the screech of metal upon metal rang out through the night sky. As the blades connected the scent of the burning smoking eventually drifted to where they were fighting as the scent caught in Julius' nostrils as his eyes then widened at the sudden realization. h/e had just sent Angelica to her doom.