Burn, Bugs Burn!

Aurella would stand there in the middle of the circular room feeling the magic that had been held back for so long. Unleashed for the first time in years. It as almost insane how electrifying it felt just under her skin. Had she truly been sealed by her family?

It was a troubling thought to have, but it wasn't a unfair one. For it explained why she wasn't capable of really casting spells to begin with. And why it took so much out of her to even do it really. Shaking her head she would begin to once more refocus on the situation at hand. Being surrounded by a lot of bugs.

Taking a deep breath she would begin to form flames within her hands once more. Feeling the electricity that came with it. It was crazy almost that she could now do it with almost little to no effort.

She would focus upon the bugs in front of them and wave her hand across the air in front of her, spreading the flames as far as she hand moved her hand. Before pushing the flames outward and like a wave almost. Engulfed the bugs that were in front of them, burning them into a crisp of almost close to charcoal.

"Wow! You can actually use spells Aurella! And quite effectively as well! Luna thought you were going to have some weird kind of training thingy only shown in Manga or cartoons" Luna would say holding the torch stick within her hand before looking to the other bugs that were beginning to surround them. "And do you have enough to handle all of these bugsies?"

Beginning to take notice of the horde of bugs that were continuing to surround them. Aurrella would take a deep breath as she realized just how bad things were continuing to get for them. For they still had to somehow deal with all of these bugs, and find a way out of these caves before Boris found them. This was going to be far from easy for them. But they still had to find a way out of this situation. If they wanted to live.

"I don't think I can handle all of these bugs with just my magic alone Luna. I may have a lot of magical power now...but I can't control it yet." Aurella would explain to the girl backing up some as bugs continued to advance towards them.

Things were beginning to look hopeless for them, but not before the appearance of the white skinny entity that had grabbed Aurella originally. It would stare at the two girls with a twisted neck as if watching them closely to see what it was that they would do.

Aurella would place herself before Luna staring down the entity. And mainly due to the fact that she had a bone to pick with it having grabbed her and dragged her away.

"What is that thing?! Is it the Slender Mans?!" Luna would yell quickly backing up away from the white creature. For a moment completely forgetting about the bugs that were behind her.

The thing would almost vanish from before Aurellas eyes, appearing right before Luna holding out its clawed hand prepared to swipe at her. Luna would stare at it fear being written all over her face. What was there that she could do? Besides fighting back with what to this thing was the equivalent to a twig. And it would release any of the pent up potential energy it stored within its arm when it then swung out at the young girl.

"Do you hear footsteps?" Maurice would ask out of the blue. Disturbing the silence that had been building up between the three young vampires that had been sitting in wait for the sun to go down. Peeling their ears, Julian and Myst focused and eventually heard what Maurice did. Footsteps.

Quickly standing up they would ready themselves with their weapons. In there just about nude state. Keeping their hearing peeled and their eyes on the holes that allowed light to flow through them. They would tighten their grips on their weapons as the door shook violently. As if someone were trying to take it out. Who could it be?

"Don't open the door too fast! If you are a friendly that is!" Julian would yell as the quick and forceful nature of them trying to open the door suddenly stopped. And eventually the door was opened ever so gently enough to slide in three spheres.

"Put those on you dumb brats!" The near Australian voice of a man came out from the other side. "This will allow your asses to move around in the daylight without being burnt into some crispy bacon!"

They would each observe the sphere seeing the Morave crest engraved upon its light absorbing surface. It perplexed Julian that anyone could make something for a vampire to endure the sunlight with. But he also wasn't one who was going to look a gift horse in the mouth. They would begin to look over the sphere trying to figure out how exactly to use the spheres.

"Um...Gypsy? How do we use the suits?" Maurice would yell out to the man who was outside. Earning a long and drawn out sigh.

"You press the Morave crest and nano-bots will begin to cover your skin! And then begin to reflect the accursed light and allow you to walk around!" Gypsy would yell back at them. They would then begin to press the Morave crest, earning a explosion of of nano bots that began to crawl all over their bodies. covering them completely in the black nano bots. They would blink being able to see, before very cautiously going and grabbing their clothes and getting dressed once more. Before opening the door to see a short and stout figure wearing the similar suit standing comfortably within the sun.

"I was told to give ya bugga's these suits to allow you to finish your very important job." Gypsy would say in a very sarcastic tone earning sighs of aggravation from the three of them.

"Thank you for the help Gypsy. We would have been here for hours if you hadn't came by. We will remember this." Julian would say nodding at Gypsy before looking towards the cave mouth. It was time to save his sister.