Poor Sweetheart

She had been sitting for too long and she drank too much. The aggressive pull made Xia Yuxun feel her world twist and turn. Her vision went black and she lost consciousness.

Leng Sichen gave Li Yunzhe a look that predators do to those who try to steal their prey. Without another word, he lifted her up by the waist.

As Leng Sichen was leaving, Li Yunzhe finished up his drink. His gaze was dark, "Qianning, this is the man you are set on?"

Ah, women, they are all like this. If you don't pay attention to them, they would miss you and think about you. If you do everything for them, they would go and find someone else.

Why would you rather be with this cold man who doesn't even care about you, than to even look back at me once?

Leng Sichen was only successful now because of all the funds the previous generations left him. Fortune and luck go round and round. I do not believe that he will always be this lucky! I, Li Yunzhe, will never lose to him!

"Haoyang, I will leave first." Leng Sichen said to Lan Haoyang.

"Bye~ Be careful. Sweets can make you feel fat!" Lan Haoyang grinned meaningfully.

How remarkable! He's never seen Leng Sichen reveal this expression… the expression of hating someone so much that they want to shred them to pieces.

Because towards any women, he only had one expression. And that was, he had no expression towards women. Today, today, he truly made a scene.

Poor sweetheart. I grieve for you. You aren't even enough for Leng Sichen to fill the space between Leng Sichen's teeth…


Unexpectedly, Xia Yuxun did not struggle at all while drunk. She took her glasses out of her purse and then peacefully fell asleep while on Leng Sichen's back. She was so calm it was eerie.

Half an hour later, Leng Sichen drove his car to his mansion. Then, he opened the door to wake her up.

Xia Yuxun fixed her glasses and then walked out, stumbling. The first thing she did was take off her high heels and then held them in her hand. After, she took all the accessories out of her hair and with her feet bare, she stumbled forward, "Leng Sichen, you SOB only knows how to screw with me!"

"Where are you going?" Leng Sichen rushed ahead and pulled her back.

"Let go! We aren't that close! This isn't my home. I want to go home!"

"You aren't scared of your dad?" Leng Sichen didn't stop her. He merely crossed his arms and asked honestly.

"Leng Sichen, don't threaten me you SOB! I am telling you, I am not afraid! I cannot always hide every time I get drunk. Something that pitiful could only be done once, I will not do it a second time…"

Xia Yuxun was furious as she stood on the side. Struggling, she found her way to Leng Sichen's door and knocked on it loudly, "Why are you just standing there? Leng Sichen, open up! Open…"

Staring at her aggressive actions, Leng Sichen was speechless. He must've been knocked in the head for him to think she was calm and well-behaved.

In giant strides, he walked over and slung her over his shoulder.

"Ah—bastard! What are you doing! Put me down—" Xia Yuxun screamed and her two small hands flapped around.

"Pia—" Not bad. Substantial. Hitting it felt nice.

"You are a bastard! Even my dad doesn't dare to hit my butt! Wahh…" Xia Yuxun felt wronged.

"Pia—" Another time.

"Xia Yuxun, you are getting more and more daring! Tell me, who gave you the guts? Hmm?"

"Winnie the Pooh gave it to me! What about it? Put me down! I don't dare to do it again! I am going to throw up!"

"Don't you dare!"

"Leng Sichen, you aren't humane, whaaaa…"

"Shut up! I will deal with you once we get inside!"