Although They Were Small, They Were Acceptable

Sunlight entered the room through gaps in the curtains and landed next to the dark-colored pillow. As time passed, it slowly climbed up onto a delicate and idle face.

The harsh light made Yun Jianyue slightly uncomfortable. While she sat up, she used her hands to rub her eyes out of habit, yawning inelegantly.

When Yun Jianyue opened her eyes and took a clearer look at the furnishing in the room, she was stunned.

This was…

Her dizzy brain still hadn't come to its senses. A deep voice floated into her ears, "You're awake."

Yun Jianyue lifted her head and followed the source of the voice. She saw a man sitting on the sofa while he read some documents with his head down. She was so surprised that she almost bit her own tongue. "Broth…Brother-in-law…"

Why was she in the same room as her brother-in-law?

Gu Zhishen replied with his deep voice. He lifted his head to look at her and his voice sounded out at the same time, "Do you have a headache?"


Yun Jianyue's brain was a bit stuck right now, and she shook her head after some delay.


Why would she have a headache?

The reflection of the sunlight glimmered in Gu Zhishen's clear eyes as he stared sharply at her for a few seconds. He then went silent again and looked down at the documents in his hands, looking extremely serious.

Yun Jianyue, on the other hand, looked embarrassed. She felt being in the same bedroom as her brother-in-law was too strange.

Just as she was about to get up…

"Ahh!!!" A panic-stricken and miserable scream completely destroyed the peace in the room.

It was because she was naked right now.

There was only a loose bath towel hanging in front of her breasts, and it was on the verge of collapse.

She could even feel that she wasn't even wearing any underwear.

Yun Jianyue looked at Gu Zhishen in panic and fear. She held the thin quilt in front of her breasts as a guard. She was so frightened that she started stuttering when she spoke, "You—You...I...I...we…. What happened last night?"

Gu Zhishen lifted his head and stared coldly at her. He didn't answer but instead asked, "What do you think?"

"I...I…" Yun Jianyue was so nervous that even her tongue was about to fall off.

It was because she completely could not recall what had happened last night.

Damn it. Why couldn't she remember it?

Her neat and white teeth bit down tightly on her pink lips. When faced with Gu Zhishen's oppressive eyes, her body couldn't help but unconsciously move toward the other side, wanting to get slightly further away from him.

She moved a little bit further away.

She moved a little again, moving further again.


"Ah—" A miserable scream accompanied a muffled bump once again. She hadn't realized she had already reached the edge of the bed, and her butt fell off straight away.

Gu Zhishen quickly got up and took big strides towards the bed. However, it was already too late.

Yun Jianyue fell down while both her hands frantically grabbed at the blanket, but she didn't get it. When her body fell, her butt hit the floor. Half of the loose towel was wrapped on the thin quilt. The other half was hanging on the upper half of her pretty, shining white legs, covering the embarrassing spots.

And her upper body…

"Ahhh!!!" Yun Jianyue shouted for the third time, frantically putting both her hands on her chest.

She even felt like she wanted to die at this moment.

Gu Zhishen frowned subconsciously. His gaze had already brushed over her exquisite and fine body.

Yun Jianyue was about five and a half feet tall. She had very fair skin; her limbs were slender and straight; and her waist even more so didn't have any traces of excess fat. She even had the sexiest thing a girl could have, a vest line.

It was just that a certain part of her body was a little small.

Gu Zhishen involuntarily gulped in secret. It was so sexy that his Adam's apple moved up and down.

He thought again, they were a bit small, but they were within an acceptable range.

Yun Jianyue's face was burning red. She saw Gu Zhishen sweeping over her with his gaze and she shouted in a panic, "You're not allowed to look!"

She immediately grabbed the thin quilt and wrapped her body. Even her entire head was wrapped up by the quilt. She wished she could immediately turn into an ant and just crawl into a hole.

If she couldn't do that, she would be okay even if she turned into a fly and flew away.

Gu Zhishen withdrew his gaze. Looking calm, he looked at the men's watch on his wrist. "I will give you five minutes to wash up. Go down to have breakfast later."

"Huh?" Before Yun Jianyue could react, he had already turned around casually and left.

Yun Jianyue's clean clothes were placed neatly in the bathroom. She quickly changed her clothes and went downstairs after bathing. She already knew clearly in her heart that this was probably Gu Zhishen's private residence.

Gu Zhishen sat at the front of the dining table. His fingers' joints were so distinct that they looked like a Solomon's seal plant. He held a cup in his hands, and it gave off an innate noble and graceful temperament.

There was sunlight coming in from the glass window beside him, softening his side profile. A faint halo hovered over him, making everything else around him lose its color at this moment, making him the most eye-catching star.

Yun Jianyue's heart trembled for some reason. Truth be told, she had never seen a guy who was more elegant or more attractive than Gu Zhishen. Not even her most beloved Su Xu.

However, no matter how good Gu Zhishen was, she had never thought about getting into any sort of relationship with him. After all, he was her future brother-in-law.

Did they really have those sorts of relations last night?

Why didn't she have any memory of it at all?

Yesterday was her sister Yun He and Gu Zhishen's engagement day. However, it was also a very important day for Yun Jianyue.

It was because she was dumped by her boyfriend of three years, Su Xu. Without any signs. She was dumped for no reason.

Yun Jianyue didn't act like other women who broke up. She didn't make a terrible scene and insist that he give a reason no matter what. She also didn't ask any questions like if he had another girl. She just asked him extremely calmly, "Have you really decided to break up with me?"

Su Xu's handsome face was full of certainty. He answered resolutely and decisively, "Yes."

Yun Jianyue looked at her boyfriend who she had been with for three years and nodded. "Okay, we'll break up. We aren't friends from now on, and we'll take a detour if we see each other!"

She threw out these words smoothly and cleanly, turned around, and left.

From Yun Jianyue's understanding, the last luggage of love was dignity. That needed to be left to herself. Since Su Xu already said clearly he wanted to break up with her, she wouldn't desperately cling to him and not let go. Not only would it make him feel fed up with her, but she would also throw away her own dignity and reputation.

She could control it when she needed to keep up her appearance, but when she turned around and was by herself, Yun Jianyue couldn't hold it in. She sat in the car and couldn't help but keep on crying and crying.

She really liked Su Xu. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been with him for three years. She even saw him as her husband in her heart. They thought they would get married, but she never would've thought Su Xu would suddenly break up with her. She could pretend not to care when she was in front of Su Xu and act carefree, but her heart was really in pain.

She cried for a long time in the car. Yun Jianyue didn't want to go to her sister's engagement banquet while in such a state, as she was afraid she might sweep away their enthusiasm. She sent a message to her mom, saying something suddenly came up and she couldn't go.

In any case, it was just an engagement and not a wedding. Her sister probably wouldn't get mad if she didn't show up.

After that, she switched off her cell phone, and she didn't know where she could go. She drove around and inadvertently saw a bar.

She was momentarily possessed and stopped the car. She went into the bar and ordered alcohol to drink.

She couldn't remember how much she drank. She vaguely remembered someone calling her, and then...