Neither A Dream Nor A Joke; Her Older Brother-In-Law Husband

"Do your fingers taste very good?" A voice rang out suddenly and startled Yun Jianyue, and she almost bit down on her fingernails.

Yun Jianyue had a habit. When she was deep in focus, she would instinctively bite her fingers without noticing. When she was young, her mother often criticized her because of this, and the result was that she still hadn't managed to correct this bad habit, even after she grew up.

In the past, Su Xu also laughed at her and said that she was just like a child and always liked to bite her fingers.

…Su Xu.

A dark shadow was cast in her bright, clean eyes, and she put her hand down.

Gu Zhishen caught her gaze dimming, and his eyebrows raised slightly. A bout of light shone over; their gazes collided in an instant. She instinctively lowered her head and avoided his intense and sharp gaze. She walked over to the dining table and sat down.

It was still better to sit down at the seat…furthest away from Gu Zhishen.

Gu Zhishen didn't leave a trace behind as his gaze turned heavy; his voice was just as usual as he spoke calmly. His voice didn't have any emotion or color in it as he said, "I don't know what you like to eat. Just make do with it."

"I'm not picky with food." Yun Jianyue pursed her lips and showed off a smile that she thought was the most demure.

Not picky with her food?

That was very good.

Gu Zhishen was in his thoughts for a moment before he said, "In the future, when you think of something that you want to eat, tell Zeng Pei about it."

Zeng Pei was his butler, and he managed all the nitty gritty matters in Gu Zhishen's life.

In the future?

Yun Jianyue was thinking about what he meant by his words, but he had already taken the utensils up and started to eat his breakfast. The words that reached her lips were swallowed hastily down into her belly.

It was the most basic courtesy not to speak when they were eating, and she knew how to do so.

After they finished breakfast, Zeng Pei ordered the helpers to remove the utensils.

Yun Jianyue sat down before the dining table and seemed to be slightly awkward, because Gu Zhishen seemed to be very busy. When he was halfway through breakfast, it was interrupted by a phone call, and after that, he didn't touch the food in front of him at all. He held his phone the entire time, and it seemed to be something involving work.

She waited for such a long time, and when Gu Zhishen finally ended the call, it was already twenty minutes later. Yun Jianyue was about to stand up and tell him that she would head back first.

Gu Zhishen spoke first and said, "I will send you back."

Her red lips just pursed together and was about to say no. Gu Zhishen had already turned around and headed outside. He used one hand to hold his phone, and he had his other hand in his pocket; his back profile looked very handsome and long. As he walked, he ordered Zeng Pei, "Ask the driver to prepare the car."

Yun Jianyue had no other choice but to force herself to go in the car with him.

During the entire journey, nobody broke the silence. Gu Zhishen had many documents stacked by his side, and Yun Jianyun's mind was filled with how she would explain to her mother when she got back why she hadn't returned for the entire night and actually stayed the night in her future older brother-in-law's house.

The car stopped outside the Yun family villa, and Yun Jianyue undid her safety belt as she told Gu Zhishen, "Thank you, Older Brother-in-law."

Gu Zhishen's dark eyebrows knitted into a frown immediately, and he followed closely after her as he stepped out of the car and called after her.

"Older Brother-in-law, what's wrong?" Yun Jianyue's clear eyes were reflecting the sun as she looked over at him; her face was plain and clean, without any other impurities, and she had a very comfortable beauty to her and made others like her.

Gu Zhishen stared at her eyes for ten seconds, and Yun Jianyue was scared after he stared at her. She was thinking about how to escape from this kind of weird atmosphere. A voice came from above her head like a lightning bolt on a sunny day.

"When do you plan to inform your family members about us getting married?"


Yun Jianyue thought that she was hallucinating. She must be hallucinating.

Or not. How could she be hearing her own future older brother-in-law say that he was going to marry her?

"Older—Older Brother-in-law, this joke isn't very funny—"

She had yet to finish speaking, and Gu Zhishen had a tightly knitted frown on his face and was extremely frustrated. He interrupted her immediately and said, "The marriage certificate is inside your bag. I have to go on a business trip to Australia in the afternoon for a week. I hope that during this period of time, you can prepare yourself mentally to fill the role of Mrs. Gu well."


Mrs. Gu?


Yun Jianyue had yet to react to what was going on. Gu Zhishen handed two name cards over to her and said, "You can contact my assistant or Zeng Pei for any matters. As for the wedding, you have to wait for me to come back to make decisions. You can also tell Zeng Pei directly about any thoughts you have."

After he was done speaking, he scanned his wristwatch. He really didn't have any more time.

His deep gaze scanned Yun Jianyue, who held the name cards in her hands as she was completely frozen. Although he was worried, he had to leave.

Before Gu Zhishen left, he stretched his hand out to touch her head, and it was just as if he was touching a small pet as he said, "Wait for me to come back."

Yun Jianyue returned back to her own room, and the first thing she did was to rummage through her bag and look for the "marriage certificate" that Gu Zhishen was talking about.

There were too many things inside the bag. She didn't have much patience and emptied everything in the bag out, and finally found a small red booklet among the mess.

She opened it up to have a look and felt like she was struck by lightning.

The small red booklet contained her marital status with Gu Zhishen. In the pictures, her cheeks were flushed red and her head was very close with Gu Zhishen, although she was facing the cameras with him, and the background was a very joyous shade of red.

Her expressions could be expressed with the word shy, but her gaze was a little blurry.

"Am I dreaming?" Yun Jianyue couldn't help herself as she pinched the inside of her inner thigh, and she was in so much pain that she took in a breath of cold air.

She wasn't dreaming.

Yun Jianyue threw the small red booklet and grabbed her phone. She flipped to the calendar as she thought, It must be April Fools' today; it must be.

And the calendar showed the date: May 21st.

It was already more than one month after April Fools'!

Yun Jianyue threw her phone and screamed loudly.

She was helpless as she collapsed down onto the large soft bed, and she rolled from one end to another before she rolled back again.

How much alcohol did she drink actually? And how did she meet Gu Zhishen? Not only could they have such relations with one another; they actually got married!

Her mind was blank, and she couldn't think of anything that happened at all.

This wouldn't do. She had to go and look for her parents; she also had to come clean with her older sister. If not, if her older sister found out that she got married to Gu Zhishen, she definitely was going to kill her!

Yun Jianyue stood up and was in such a hurry that she didn't put her slippers on. She was barefoot as she ran downstairs, and while she ran she screamed out, "Mama, Daddy…Older Sister…"

There was no one in the empty living room, and upon hearing her voice, Auntie Wen stepped out of the kitchen and said, "Miss, Sir and Madam have yet to return."

"How about my older sister?" Yun Jianyue asked.

"Young Miss didn't come back yesterday!"

She didn't come back yesterday?

Yun Jianyue's heart froze.

Oh no, did her older sister find out about everything already so she didn't want to come back to see her?

She didn't think too much about it. And when the Yun couple who returned back from outside came inside, Yun Xiaotian's eyebrows were tightly scrunched together. His fierce expression made others shiver in fear. Chen Xiaoxiao was by his side, and she looked extremely worried and uneasy.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong?" Yun Jianyue asked them carefully. She was really afraid of her parents finding out about her marriage to Gu Zhishen and their reaction after that.

It was hard to predict what Daddy would think, but her mother would definitely break her legs.

Ever since she was young, her mother had strictly forbidden her from snatching things from her older sister, no matter whether the item was just a piece of paper. And every time she fought with her older sister, it was always her fault; she had to apologize. And even if she wasn't in the wrong, she also had to apologize.

This time, if her mother found out about her snatching her older sister's husband away directly, she would really kill her!

The more Yun Jianyue thought about it, the more afraid she got. Her knees were going soft, especially since Yun Xiaotian and Chen Xiaoxiao entered the door and came inside. Their faces were glum and they didn't say anything.

If Yun Xiaotian coughed, Yun Jianyue would definitely kneel down on the floor, and admit to her mistakes with regret.

"Jian Yue, did Wan Wan contact you?" Chen Xiaoxiao spoke first.