Don’t Want, Don’t Want; Meeting The Love Rival Again

Yu Chengfei scanned Zhu Jingyi, who was extremely excited to fight. He raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't say anything as he got into the car and ordered the driver to drive back to the Yun home.

Zhu Jingyi looked at Su Xu, who was lying on the floor, as he was all stiff and stricken. "Pftt!" she scolded him. "You deserve this!" She turned around and called a cab to leave.

Yun Jianyue sat down inside the car. Her gaze was fixed on the scenery outside the window, and she still felt a little depressed and upset in the bottom of her heart.

She would also feel sad if she raised a dog and lost it. She would feel sad, furthemore, since he was a man she'd dated for three years.

Yun Jianyue couldn't stop herself from taking deep breaths and exhaled heavily.

Cheng Yufei was in the front passenger seat. He glanced frequently through the rearview mirror at Yun Jianyue. He really hadn't expected President Gu to marry Yun Siwan's younger sister.

Because compared to Yun Siwan, Yun Jianyue seemed to be more normal in comparison.

Yun Jianyue went back home. Yun Xiaotian was still in the office and hadn't come back yet, and Chen Xiaoxiao was at a gathering with her friends. She was the only one at home, and she had just returned to her room when she got a call from Zhu Jingyi.

Zhu Jingyi was extremely excited as she described what had happened after Yun Jianyue got into the car. Su Xu was thrown onto the floor, and he was extremely stricken.

Yun Jianyue lay down on the large bed and was unable to be happy at all. She told Zhu Jingyi that had happened in the past two days.

Zhu Jingyi also felt it was extremely unbelievable. She was hesistant on the phone as she said, "Baby, do you think Gu Zhishen felt very embarrassed because your sister escaped marrying him, so he grabbed you as a replacement and would also torture you at the same time, and he would channel all of the hate that he has for your older sister and take revenge on you instead?"

Yun Jianyue didn't say anything.

It wasn't so dramatic, right?

Zhu Jingyi continued to speak. "But the other party is Gu Zhishen! He's the perfect lover in all women's hearts! Even if you're tortured by him, you'd also be extremely willing to allow him to do so! He might torture you for a moment, and he might realize your pros, and it's also possible for him to fall in love with you…"

Yun Jianyue's thought of how Gu Zhishen would torture her, not giving her food to eat, not letting her sleep. She had to clean the floors every day and do chores. She couldn't control herself as she shivered, as she sobbed out, "Baby Pig, I want to get a divorce, I definitely do!"

She didn't want to turn into Gu Zhishen's target for his revenge!

Zhu Jingyi comforted her. Gu Zhishen was the person that so many women chased after but couldn't get. Even if she was tortured by him, it was also an honor for her, and Zhu Jingyi told her not to be ungrateful.

Yun Jianyue persisted and said she didn't want it. She didn't have the tendency to torture herself.

Both of them chatted on like that. Yun Jianyue forgot to take a shower, and she fell asleep while her phone was still on the line.

Gu Zhishen, who was far away in Melbourne, knew that Cheng Yufei had already sent Yun Jianyue back to the Yun home. He thought about her injured kneecaps and made a call to her to remind her to apply medication.

He called her twice, and it showed that she was on the line.

Chen Yufei had said that when he went to pick her up, he met a man who had been bothering her nonstop, and it seemed he was her ex-boyfriend.

Gu Zhishen thought about the night in the bar. She had been drunk and kept repeating, "Su Xu." He slowly raised his eyebrows.

He gave Cheng Yufei a call and said, "Help me investigate who this Su Xu is."

Yun Jianyue had a dream again that night.

In her dreams, she was locked up in a large empty house by Gu Zhishen, and she knelt down on the floor as she held the cloth and wiped the floors nonstop.

Gu Zhishen stood by her side and wouldn't stop using a whip to hit her. As he did so, he said evilly, "Wipe quicker; wipe it clean. Don't be lazy! Your older sister dares to run away from the marriage and made me lose all of my face. I want you to wipe the floors for me for your entire life!"

Yun Jianyue cried, as she choked up. I don't want, I don't want…

The next day, Yun Jianyue had heavy bags under her eyes as she went to the office for a meeting. Her colleagues laughed at her. Was it because she was missing her boyfriend so much that she couldn't fall asleep and she turned into a national treasure now?

Yun Jianyue smiled and didn't explain. She sat in front of the computer and thought about Su Xu, and she still felt a little sour inside her heart.

When she entered the company, she had a boyfriend. This was something everyone knew, and now that she had been dumped, it was also nothing to be proud of, and she didn't have to spread this piece of news around.

They were rushing a little for the jewelry exhibition. Lunch times were used for small teams to have meetings. They had to report to the head of department in the afternoon and come up with a proposal in three days. They still had to check the routes and the layout of the exhibition.

Yun Jianyue bid farewell to the large bed at home in the coming five days and stayed behind in the office to work overtime.

Everything was hurried but went very smoothly after a few rehearsals, and experiments showed that security in the exhibition was going well, without any loopholes.

The jewelry exhibition was from Friday to Sunday, and it was open to the public. These three days were the key. All of her colleagues couldn't take a single step away from the exhibition hall, and they had to guard the jewels twenty-four hours a day.

Yun Jianyue was a technical staff member, together with a few colleagues. She sat in the CCTV footage room as she stared at numerous screens and looked at every corner of the exhibition hall. They confirmed there were no problems.

It was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon, more and more people came. Every person passed through tight security to come inside, but to prevent anything from going on, the head of department still asked two people out from the CCTV room to help out.

The two colleagues weren't too willing to stand guard, and they had to abide the attitudes of the rich people. Yun Jianyue was a girl. It was more likely that she wouldn't be put to a spot, and she was naturally pushed out.

Yun Jianyue wore a white shirt and matched it with a small black vest. She had a thin butterfly bow on the back of her waist. It was clean, simple, and wasn't too boring. She didn't like to wear high-heeled shoes and only wore a pair of black leather flats. Even if she stood for a few hours, she wouldn't be tired.

She pointed the way for two rich ladies to go to the washroom. She brought a missing girl to find her mother. She was hit on by three guys. And, finally, she almost made it to the closing time of the exhibition.

Her colleagues from the CCTV room rang out in her earpiece. It seemed that something was happening at the entrance, and they asked Yun Jianyue to go over to have a look.

"What's wrong?" Yun Jianyue asked her colleague and walked over.

"It's already past the time of the exhibition right now, and these two guests are insisting on going inside the exhibition hall."

Yun Jianyue raised her head up to look at the two people standing by her side, and her expression froze suddenly.

A couple was arguing with Yun Jianyue's colleague. It was no one else. It was exactly Yun Jianyue's ex-boyfriend, Su Xu, and his new girlfriend.

Su Xu's new girlfriend raised her head to look at Yun Jianyue. There was a slight mocking look in her attractive eyes, and she intentionally grabbed Su Xu's wrist tightly.

Su Xu hadn't expected Yun Jianyue to be here. He had a slight frown on his forehead. He instinctively wanted to remove the hand on his arm, but he didn't manage to do so.

"The opening hours of the exhibition today are already over. You two should just come over tomorrow," Yun Jianyue told her colleagues the principles softly, as she said calmly.

"Why do I have to come tomorrow? Don't you know who the designer is who designed the majority of the designs inside? It's me, Lin Yaxin! I brought my boyfriend over to have a look at my own work. Do I need to be limited by time?"

Lin Yaxin was all mighty and arrogant as she chided Yun Jianyue. She raised her hand and almost pointed at Yun Jianyue's nose as she blasted out at her.

Su Xu, who was standing at one side, was all cold as he stood there to watch, and he didn't express any emotions.

It was Yun Jianyue's colleague who recognized Su Xu. She was surprised as she said, "Jian Yue, isn't he your boyfriend?"