How Dirty Are You; He’s A Lover

"What do you mean 'her boyfriend'?" Lin Yaxin shouted sharply, and she grabbed Su Xu's arm tightly. Her pupils radiated satisfaction and she declared sovereignty. "Su Xu is my boyfriend now. She's only a girl who was dumped by Su Xu. Ex! Girl! Friend!"

Dumped. Ex-girlfriend. She emphasized these words heavily and filled them with ridicule.

A sulkiness bubbled up in Yun Jianyue's heart. Especially when she saw how indifferent Su Xu looked after he heard what Lin Yaxin said.

Lin Yaxin was doing it intentionally in front of her colleague to embarrass her. There was no way Su Xu didn't know this, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at her as Lin Yaxin ridiculed her.

She felt both sad and disappointed.

"I'm sorry. It's really past the time of the exhibition right now. According to the rules, we can't let you into the exhibition hall. I still hope that you come back tomorrow." Yun Jianyue breathed secretly and tried very hard to maintain her emotions. After all, she was working. She shouldn't lose control and blur the lines between her private life and work.

Lin Yaxin's face turned uglier and uglier. She stared at Yun Jianyue with eyes filled with fury. "Who the hell are you to dare stop me? Do you want to bet I won't ask your boss to fire you at any time?"

Yun Jianyue usually disliked the most people who bullied others. In front of her eyes, Lin Yaxin, Su Xu's new girlfriend, even more made her feel unbelievably annoyed. She had never seen such an unreasonable woman before.

Was Su Xu blind? Otherwise, which part of Lin Yaxin did he like?

"If you want to make a complaint, then go ahead. However, I definitely won't let you in right now!" Yun Jianyue's face turned sullen, and she hardened her attitude.

"You…" Lin Yaxin was so angry that her face turned red.

"Yaxin." Su Xu called her and subconsciously took a glance at Yun Jianyue, who had an unhappy expression. He knew Yun Jianyue was really angry right now. He said softly, "We'll come back tomorrow."

To Lin Yaxin, Su Xu's words were undoubtedly helping Yun Jianyue. This made her even angrier. She asked in a rage, "Are you speaking up for her? Have you forgotten who's your girlfriend right now? Is it me or her?"

She pointed very impolitely at Yun Jianyue.

Su Xu faintly cast a glance at Yun Jianyue and frowned. His thin lips pursed into a thin line, staying silent and not speaking.

Lin Yaxin unkindly examined Yun Jianyue with her gaze and emphasized, "I still want to go inside today. What are you going to do about it?"

After her voice disappeared, she wanted to burst in no matter what.

The person to the side was a male colleague. To prevent awkwardness and unnecessary trouble, he didn't stretch out his hand to block Lin Yaxin. Yun Jianyue blocked her. Her voice sounded cold, "You cannot go in!"

"I insist on going in!" Lin Yaxin wanted to go inside no matter what.

Yun Jianyue would naturally want to pull her. Just as her fingers touched Lin Yaxin's arm, she screamed loudly as if she were crazy, "I don't know how dirty your finger is. You actually dare to touch me! Go away, you dirty thing!"

She screamed while going crazy as she pushed Yun Jianyue. Her pretty crystal nails ferociously pinched at Yun Jianyue's arm. Yun Jianyue groaned in pain. When she wanted to push her away, Lin Yaxin used all of her strength to push Yun Jianyue.

 Yun Jianyue didn't stand still and her body was ferociously pushed to the security door at the side and she knocked against it. This wasn't a light knock. It was so painful that she moaned out loud straight away.

Su Xu didn't even have the time to think about helping her up because after Lin Yaxin finished pushing Yun Jianyue, her high heels broke, and she let out a painful cry. She looked at Su Xu and said pitifully, "This bad woman made me sprain my ankles. Aren't you going to come to help me up?"

Su Xu stood still and didn't move. His gaze kept moving between Yun Jianyue and Lin Yaxin indecisively.

Yun Jianyue knocked against the security door, and it was so painful she couldn't stand still. She fell down and sat on the floor. She grabbed her left shoulder tightly with her fingers, and the complexion on her face was pale and colorless. Small droplets of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Lin Yaxin saw Su Xu hesitating and anxiously urged him, "Su Xu, quickly come and help me! My leg hurts so much…"

Su Xu's gaze turned from Lin Yaxin to Yun Jianyue. While he was about to take a hesitating step out, someone was already faster than him by a step. A black shadow took big steps like a meteor and walked beside Yun Jianyue. He lifted her up with no hesitation.

It wasn't only Su Xu and Lin Yaxin who didn't think of it. Even Yun Jianyue didn't think of it. She lifted her head, and a handsome man entered her sight, making her heart shiver. Her voice was hoarse because of the pain. "Why are you back?"

Shouldn't he be in Australia?

"If I didn't come back, I'm afraid I won't have a bride at the wedding!" Gu Zhishen's voice was faint. When he saw the sweat on her forehead, there was a brush of radiant light in front of his eyes. He suddenly shot a cold stare at Lin Yanxin.

Lin Yanxin got involuntary chills from his gaze. She had never, ever seen such a handsome and dashing man before.

After Su Xu heard what he said, he glanced over and, in a flash, only these words were left in his mind, Gu Zhishen.

Yun Jianyue heard what he said, and the area between her brows moved slightly and she anguished in her heart, Oh, no! He really touched on a sensitive subject!

Gu Zhishen exerted strength using his slender arms and held Yun Jianyue tightly. When his gaze turned to Lin Yaxin, the only thing left was fright.

Lin Yaxin's backbone exuded a layer of cold sweat and she gulped. She pretended to be strong, "It's not like I pushed her. She was the one who pushed me and accidentally fell down by herself. Moreover, I want to look at my own work. What right does she have to not let me see it? It's all her fault. She even made me hurt my leg. She needs to apologize to me!"

Gu Zhishen's eyes sank and didn't move. His voice turned colder by a few degrees. "Apologize?"

Did she deserve it?

"Of course!" Gu Zhishen's eyes were close to the freezing point. Lin Yuxin acted recklessly and continued to say, "If she doesn't apologize to me, I'll ask someone to fire her tomorrow!"

"You need to ask for my opinion first if you want to fire her." Gu Zhishen's deep and cold voice didn't show any trace of undulation. There was no emotion.

Lin Yaxin frowned and said suspiciously, "What do you mean? Are you the security company's boss?"

"No, I'm not." Gu Zhishen answered with a deep voice. Lin Yaxin let out a sigh of relief. Before her joy reached the tip of her brow, she heard him say confidently, "But I can be whenever I want."

Lin Yaxin's face froze. Before she understood what he meant, Gu Zhishen's deep and cold voice rang out, "What's your name?"

Lin Yaxin didn't want to answer him but such a commanding tone made it hard for her to resist. Under his oppressive gaze, for the first time, she said her name while hemming and hawing, "Lin…Lin…Yaxin!"

"I will remember you." She dared to touch his person; she must be looking for death.

Marrying Yun Jianyue wasn't his initial plan. However, since her body already had the label "Gu Zhishen," he wouldn't tolerate other people being impudent toward her, much less bullying her!

Gu Zhishen turned around while carrying Yun Jianyue and was about to leave. Lin Yanxin's question came up behind him, "And who are you? Could it be that you're Yun Jianyue's lover? You guys already knew each other long ago and were together! Yun Jianyue, you look pure and innocent on the surface, but you cheated and betrayed Su Xu behind his back. How shameless!"

When Lin Yanxin said the last sentence, Gu Zhishen's frightening aura became much more obvious. The frightening aura came from his heart and quickly spread out to all four directions.

Yun Jianyue lay weakly in Gu Zhishen's embrace. It was really so painful that she couldn't speak. Otherwise, she would definitely tear up Lin Yuxin for her sins!

The way she spoke was really unpleasant!

"You listen clearly." Gu Zhishen turned around and his gaze shot towards Lin Yaxin. His cold voice slowly seeped out.