Getting A Taste Of It And Then Stopping; He Wanted To Stop But Couldn’t

"When you looked at me just now, it wasn't because you were thirsty and wanted to drink?" Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows and asked.

Yun Jianyue thought, Mr. President, is your eyesight bad or do you have problems with comprehension? Was that the look of being thirsty and wanting to drink? I was clearly begging you to rescue me from the fire!

The two of them looked at each other for a while and neither of them spoke.

Gu Wei walked over slowly, holding a crutch. She held a small antique box in her hand.

Gu Zhishen took big steps over to help support her. Yun Jianyue put down the cup and got up to go get a chair for her to sit.

Gu Wei sat down and lifted her head to look at Yun Jianyue, who was standing at the side. She said while laughing, "Little Yue Yue, come here!"

"Grandma!" Yun Jianyue obediently stood in front of Gue Wei. It wasn't the fake smile that one intentionally put on but the kind of smile that came naturally from the heart. Although it was the first time she saw it, she felt Grandma Gu wasn't difficult to get along with. On the contrary, Grandma was a very enlightened person.

Gu Wei opened the small antique box. "This bracelet is called Lovers' Tears. It's an heirloom passed down for generations in the Gu family. It's passed on to each generation's lady of the Gu family! Zhishen's mother was afraid of damaging it, so it's been kept here with me so I could help look after it. Since you're now married to Zhishen, the Lovers' Tears will naturally pass to you."

Yun Jianyue's eyes suddenly tightened up. She shook her head lightly, "Grandma, this is too valuable. I can't accept it!"

"As a daughter-in-law of the Gu family, it doesn't matter if you're willing to take it; you have to accept the Lovers' Tears! This is the Gu family's rule!" Gu Wei said earnestly and sincerely. Her gaze swept toward Gu Zhishen, and she said unkindly, "Aren't you going to come over to help your wife put on the Lovers' Tears? Could it be that you still need me, an old bone, to help you do something like this?"

Gu Zhishen's expression looked as plain as before, and he went up to take the Lovers' Tears straight away. He turned sideways toward Yun Jianyue, and Yun Jianyue's expression indicated to him, No, don't put it on me.

Thinking about it again, she remembered his marvelous comprehension abilities and sight. She was afraid he might think she was asking him to help her put it on. She wasn't counting on him being able to understand her gaze so she moved her hands back in desperation.

He should understand such an obvious hint, right?

Who would've guessed…

Gu Zhishen didn't forcefully pull her hands and only lifted his own palm. He said indifferently, "Left hand."

"Huh?" Yun Jianyue momentarily didn't know how to react.

Gu Zhishen shot a faint and cold glance at her, showing his might without getting angry.

Yun Jianyue remembered when he threatened her and couldn't help but let out a cold shiver. She put her hand into his palm extremely unwillingly.

Gu Zhishen gripped her slim wrist as if he was afraid she would back out!

Yun Jianyue's skin was very fair and her wrist was very slim, so the Lovers' Tears was very easily placed on her hand.

The Lovers' Tears was as white as teeth, and there was a picture of a tear on it, which is why it was named Lovers' Tears.

The cool touch made Yun Jianyue feel very lost. This was their family heirloom. Why was it placed on her own wrist?

She wanted to withdraw her hand, take it off, and give it back to him. But her hand wasn't withdrawn, and it was held firmly in Gu Zhishen's palm. The heat from his big palm completely wrapped around her small hand like a stove.

Yun Jianyue lifted her head and was immediately welcomed by his clear and deep eyes. A deep and husky voice sounded beside her ear, "Once you put on the Lover's Tears, you are a daughter-in-law of the Gu family. You have to be obedient in the future, remember?"

Remember, my ass! If it weren't for her many years of good upbringing and her ability to control herself, she really would curse out loud.

"It. Is. Too. Valuable," Yun Jianyue said softly and bit down on her lips.

Gu Zhishen pretended he didn't hear and lifted her hand to touch her head as if touching a pet. "Grandma gave it to you so just accept it. Don't be unsensible! Be obedient!"

Obedient, obedient, and obedient again!

Yun Jianyue pouted. Why did it feel like he was always treating her like a pet!

She was very unwilling in her heart but she couldn't show it in front of Grandma. Doing that was too rude.

"Thank you, Grandma!" Yun Jianyue gave Gu Wei a sincere bow.

Gu Wei's smiling eyes squinted into a line. She waved her hands, "It's getting late, and I need to rest. You should also quickly head back to create a person. When you come to visit Grandma next week, I hope there will be three of you!"

Yun Jianyue thought, Grandma, not to mention that your grandson and I are a fake couple, it's impossible for us to have a baby. Even if we were a real couple, it's also impossible to get pregnant within a week.

Although she had no actual experience with it, she at least knew some things about it! Yun Jianyue heard from her married university friends that they didn't get pregnant for two or three years after they got ready to do so. That's why Yun Jianyue directly equated getting pregnant as something that was super difficult.

Gu Zhishen held Yun Jianyue's hand with a calm expression and he sounded confident, "Grandma, you can relax. We'll try our best."

Yun Jianyue thought, President Gu, can't you be less shameless? Who wants to work hard with you to birth a baby?

Yun Jianyue and Gu Zhishen said goodbye to Gu Wei. It was only after they got in the car and Xu Shi drove onto the main road that Yun Jianyue took off the Lovers' Tears on her wrist. She carefully put it into the box and handed it to him, "I'm returning it to you. It is such a valuable thing, you should keep it." He still needed to keep it for his real wife in the future!

Gu Zhishen looked disdainfully at her out of the corner of his long and narrow eyes. His voice was neither cold nor hot. "Exactly which of the two of us is the daughter-in-law in the Gu family?"

"...Me?" Yun Jianyue replied uncertainly after some delay.

"Then why do I need to keep it?" What he implied was that he wasn't the daughter-in-law in the Gu family so this was unrelated to him. He wouldn't take it!

President Gu, I didn't think you were so tsundere!

"But we're a fake…"

Before the sound dropped off, it suddenly turned black in front of Yun Jianyue's eyes. A warm and soft touch was added on her lips. She was completely stupefied.

This was the second time Gu Zhishen had kissed her on the lips. The first time was during the day in the surveillance room. However, that was just a light kiss that felt like a smidgen of electric current sweeping through her lips and was numbing.

But it was different right now. He was truly kissing her lips.

When Yun Jianyue came to her senses, she wanted to push him away, but it was too late. His slender and strong fingers were pinching her cheeks, forcing her to endure his domineering and strong kiss.

From time to time, he would be tender and inseparable. From time to time, he would be domineering to the end.

Tears were gushing like a spring in Yun Jianyue's heart. She was being taken advantage of again for no reason. She felt like she was a plate of food being eaten by someone!

Gu Zhishen was thirty-two years old this year, and he could be considered to have gone through countless women. However, there had never been lips like Yun Jianyue. He initially only planned on getting a taste and then stopping, but he realized he was captivated by her lips and wanted to stop but couldn't.

Gu Zhishen was impatient every time he heard her say, "fake couple" and "divorce." He'd already said he would try it with her. Why was there a need to keep repeatedly mentioning the same topic? Was it that bad to just honestly and obediently be Gu Zhishen's wife?

No matter how the future was, in any case, he'd never treated any of the women who were with him before badly, much less someone with the position of Missus Gu.

But contrary to what one would expect, she seemed to be constantly thinking of ways to dismiss all relations with him.

Who was he?

The brilliant, impressive, and famous Gu Zhishen who was chased after by countless women like vultures. He was always the only one to dislike others. When had it ever been the other person's turn to dislike him?

This little lady truly made him mad.