I Will Never Spare You; Thank You

Gu Zishen only let go of Yun Jianyue as she almost suffocated. His deep gaze looked at her fiercely. His voice was raspy and hoarse as he said, "If you let me hear the words, 'fake married couple' and 'divorce,' I'll never let you off, do you remember?"

Yun Jianyue finally could breathe in the air that she loved. She panted huge breaths. She was blocking his hands tightly, and she grabbed the material of his shirt and crumpled it.

His gaze was way too fierce and scary. It was as if she said no, he would treat her like a roast duck and eat her up right now!

Yun Jianyue hesitated for a moment before she nodded her head.

Gu Zhishen was satisfied and touched her small head and said in the next second, "Remove your clothes."


Yun Jianyue was shocked and almost leaped from the seat. Her head was about to hit the roof of the car. She looked at him with fear in her eyes, and she was extremely stricken and fearful. He—What did he want to do?

"Apply medication!" Gu Zhishen took a medicated spray from his pocket.

Yun Jianyue secretly heaved a sigh of relief. She turned her injured left shoulder's side to face him. She undid her shirt and exposed her left shoulder.

After previous sessions, the strength that Gu Zhishen used in his hands became more and more experienced.

Xu Shi was very observant, and when Gu Zhishen kissed Yun Jianyue's lips, he read the situation well and raised the divider in the middle up, and the backseat was completely sealed off from the front.

Yun Jianyue bit down on her lips and controlled the pain. Compared to the previous two times, it was way better now. It wasn't so painful that she wanted to cry.

Other than the panting that rang out when she was in pain, the otherwise silent space had the sound of a slightly rougher panting. It was vaguely there as it spewed down on her skin, and it was boiling hot and scary.

Yun Jianyue turned her head to look at him. The beads of sweat on his forehead appeared under the dim light; her gaze slid down slowly from his handsome features as she said, "Are you very hot?"

His fingers were getting hotter and hotter.

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows; he used his other hand to push her egg-shaped face away, and his voice was tight as he said, "Isn't it all because of you?" Little thing without any morals!

Her skin was very fair; the soft and elegant lines on her tender shoulder made her look like a white swan. Her collarbones were very sexy, and he couldn't control himself. He wanted to pounce on her and eat her up entirely. He imagined how she would pant subtly underneath his body, and how mesmerizing she'd look when she was all ruffled up.

This scene appeared in his mind for a brief moment, and his entire body was hot.

Because of me? Yun Jianyue was suspicious and said, "You're tired? Then don't help me massage it anymore. Actually, it doesn't hurt that much. It'll definitely get better after two days."

He must be very tired after working normally, and today he helped her massage it twice. He must have been exhausted.

Yun Jianyue was a little embarrassed to trouble him again. She tilted her body forward and pulled her shirt back up.

Gu Zhishen scanned the watch on his wrist. He had massaged her for thirty minutes. He was almost done, and he took his hand back.

Yun Jianyue buttoned her shirt up and put on her coat. "Thank you!"

Gu Zhishen didn't look over at her and responded calmly. He took the document opposite him and opened it up to read through it.

Yun Jianyue noticed that he was working, and she was very obedient and didn't say anything. She didn't want to disturb him in his work.

How could she know that Gu Zhishen only wanted to use the documents to block the small tent on his zipper? His gaze landed on the document, but he didn't read even one word. His peripheral gaze scanned her tender neck the entire time.

The lines on her tender neck were very attractive, and it made him want to have a bite!

The car stopped outside the Yun family villa, and Xu Shi stepped down from the car to help Yun Jianyue open the door.

"Thank you for today! I'll go back now. Goodnight!"

"I'll come over to pick you up tomorrow morning!" Gu Zhishen was neither cold nor hot as he threw out this sentence.

Yun Jianyue had already stepped one foot out of the car. She turned her head back to look at his side profile that was hidden in darkness and said, "Don't be so troublesome, tomorrow I—"

"Listen to me!" She hadn't finished speaking, but Gu Zhishen had already cut her off. His tone was firm, and he didn't allow her to retort!

Yun Jianyue pursed her lips. It was those words again. She heard some movement from the villa, and she was afraid of her family seeing Gu Zhishen. She stepped down from the car immediately and gestured to Xu Shi with a, leave quickly, leave quickly.

Xu Shi bowed to her and started the engine to bring the entire car of warm moonlight to leave.

Chen Xiaoxiao had already walked out, and she vaguely saw some car leave. She saw her daughter and asked, "Who sent you back? Why does that car look so familiar?"

Yun Jianyue was frightened, and her heart almost stopped beating. She immediately used her body to block Chen Xiaoxiao and said, "A colleague of mine! The cars nowadays all look the same; of course you'd think it looks familiar!"

"Is that right?" Chen Xiaoxiao was still somewhat suspicious.

"Of course!" Yun Jianyue held her as they walked inside. She changed the topic, "Did Daddy come back already?"

"He's still outside making business connections," Chen Xiaoxiao replied, and her tone was very frustrated. She had no other choice, but the Yun family had two daughters and there wasn't a single one willing to shoulder the workload with her husband.

Siwan seemed to have disappeared completely. As for Jianyue, she was selfish and didn't want to step into the Yun Corporation to work.

Upon thinking about Yun Siwan, Chen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask Yun Jianyue if she had any news of Siwan.

Yun Jianyue shook her head and said that she didn't.

Chen Xiaoxiao was suspicious as she looked at her daughter. She was serious and said, "If Siwan contacts you, don't hide it from me. Don't do nonsense with Siwan!"

Yun Jianyue repeated that she really didn't have any contact with Yun Siwan. Chen Xiaoxiao only believed her then and released her back to her room to rest.

Yun Jianyue turned around and heaved a breath of relief.

Thankfully, her mother didn't see that it was Gu Zhishen's car!

Chen Xiaoxiao was extremely intelligent. She looked on as her daughter went upstairs and felt that her daughter was hiding something from her.

On the other side, Gu Zhishen went back to the Gu home. His mother, Bo Wenqing, was seated on the sofa. She had her spectacles on and held a book in her hands with a pot of tea in front of her.

Gu Zhishen handed his coat to the helpers and walked to Bo Wenqing. He asked, "Mom, why aren't you resting yet?"

"I ate too much for dinner. There's food left in my stomach, and I'm unable to fall asleep. I'm reading for a while to digest my food." Bo Wenqing put the book down and leaned forward to pour a cup of tea.

Gu Zhishen sat by her side, very naturally took the cup of tea that she poured, and took a small sip.

Bo Wenqing looked at him. After a moment of silence, she seemed very casual as she said, "I heard that you brought a girl to meet Grandma tonight."

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows. He knew his mother didn't not sleep at such a late hour, and she must be awake on purpose to wait for him. "It was Uncle Chen who told you, right?"

Chen Xiao was Grandma's main physician, and he was also Mother's best friend. Whichever person he brought to visit Grandma, he definitely wouldn't be able to hide it from Mother.

Bo Wenqing smiled elegantly and probed, "Could that Yun fella come back? And you brought her to the hospital to ask for forgiveness from Grandma?"

Gu Zhishen was deep in thought as he played around with the teacup in his hands. He asked her instead, "If it is her, would you be happy?"

Bo Wenqing heard him ask this, and she couldn't help but feel worried as she nagged, "Zhishen, you've been always sensible when you do things. You never made your father and me worry, so when your father left, he was also very relieved! Our Gu family has honor and respect; it's not somewhere anyone can leave just because you want to or come whenever you want to…"

Gu Zhishen heard what she said, and he had a rough gauge inside his heart. He downed all of the tea in the cup as he said, "You don't have to worry, it's not Yun Siwan."

Bo Wenqing froze, it wasn't Yun Siwan?

"Who is it then?"