Handing The Rest Of My Life Over; He Forget About Her

This was fated to be a sleepless night. Her entire mind was filled with what Gu Zhishen and that sexy woman did. Were they going back to Jia Yuan together?

She hadn't had dinner yet, and she was hungry.

Every time she met with such a situation, Yun Jianyue really didn't know whether she should be happy that she still had the appetite to eat, or if she was supposed to feel happy that she'd still actually feel hungry!

Auntie Wen and the rest of the helpers were all resting already. Yun Jianyue was embarrassed to wake them up, and she went downstairs herself to go to the kitchen and looked for something to eat in the fridge.

There were no leftovers in the fridge, but thankfully there was milk and cakes in the fridge. She could eat them to fill her up for now, and after she slept, there would be breakfast in the morning.

Yun Jianyue took the cake and milk. It wasn't easy to shut the fridge door, and she used her elbow to knock on it. She was about to turn around and leave when the figure behind her scared her, and she let out a scream.

The moment her hand shook, the cake fell onto the floor.

"Shh! What are you screaming for? Don't wake your father up!" Chen Xiaoxiao was in her pajamas. She looked at her frightened daughter, and her expression was full of unhappiness.

"Mom, don't you know that you almost scared me to death? Why are you so silent when you're standing behind me in the middle of the night?" Yun Jianyue patted her chest and felt her own small heart was still thumping wildly.

"I'd just walked over and hadn't had the chance to say anything. Who knew that you'd turn around so suddenly?" Chen Xiaoxiao's voice paused for a moment, and she glanced at the cake on the floor. "You didn't eat dinner?"

Her daughter never had the habit of eating supper. She knew that for a fact, unless she hadn't had dinner that night.

Yun Jianyue followed her gaze and saw the completely destroyed cake on the floor. There was a touch of disappointment in her eyes as she pouted her lips. "This is the only thing I found inside the fridge that was ready to eat!"

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't have to ask to know that Yun Jianyue must be very hungry. She put the glass she was holding in her hand down and rolled her sleeves up as she said, "Clean the floor. I'll cook steak for you!"


Yun Jianyue's eyes lit up. She was immediately in a good mood as she said, "Sure! I know that Mommy is the best, and she loves me the most!"

"Stop trying to suck up to me!" Chen Xiaoxiao spoke like that, but there was a smile on her features. It was obvious that her daughter's compliments were very effective on her.

Chen Xiaoxiao seared a steak for Yun Jianyue and made a salad for her.

As she looked at the delicious food, the sad feelings at the bottom of her heart disappeared completely, and Yun Jianyue was immersed in the delicious food.

Chen Xiaoxiao held a cup of water as she drank slowly. She waited till Yun Jianyue was done eating, and half of her water wasn't even finished.

They left the mess to Auntie Wen and the rest to tidy up tomorrow. Yun Jianyue planned to bid goodnight to Chen Xiaoxiao and go upstairs, but Chen Xiaoxiao put her glass down. Her gaze was serious as she looked at Yun Jianyue and said, "Yue Yue, there's no one else here. It's just us, mother and daughter. You tell me honestly, what's going on between you and Su Xu?"

Upon hearing the words "Su Xu," Yun Jianyue's heart thumped for a moment, and her gaze was all over the place. She didn't dare to look into Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes for long, and she said, "There's nothing going on between me and Su Xu. We're doing pretty well!"

"Are you two really fine?" It was obvious that Chen Xiaoxiao didn't believe what she said. "That day when he came over to our house, both of you seemed to be looking at Gu Zhishen with a weird expression. Does Su Xu know Gu Zhishen?"

Jianyue had met Gu Zhishen before, she knew that, but Su Xu probably didn't know Gu Zhishen. But that day, it seemed that Gu Zhishen was behaving weirdly toward Su Xu, and it seemed that he was making things difficult for…Su Xu!

"He probably knows Gu Zhishen! After all, Gu Zhishen is so well-known!" Yun Jianyue replied to her and seemed pretty confident. Chen Xiaoxiao was unable to catch onto anything wrong.

Was this the case? Chen Xiaoxiao still felt that something was amiss, but upon looking at how her daughter was reacting, she also couldn't tell what was going on between the youngsters.


"Yue Yue, Mommy will tell you the truth. Both I and your father still don't like Su Xu! It's not that we feel that his family background is unable to match ours, but it's because his character as a person isn't good! He's greedy with succeeding quickly, and he's very focused on what he has lost. He's not someone you can rely on for the rest of your life!"

Being a mother, she'd hoped that her daughter could find a suitable man to marry and have kids and lead the rest of her life peacefully and happily. So, no matter how much her daughter didn't like to hear these words, she still had to say it!

If this had been in the past when Chen Xiaoxiao said all of this, she'd definitely feel unhappy inside her heart, but now her emotions were extremely relaxed.

Mom, you don't have to say all of this; I get it!

Her heart was very clear about it, but she couldn't express it on the outside. Yun Jianyue lowered her small head and pondered for a moment. Her eyes looked at her mother carefully. She hesitated before she said, "Are you asking me to break up with Su Xu?"

Chen Xiaoxiao knew that this was too cruel for her daughter. After all, Su Xu was her daughter's first love.

A girl would be unable to forget her first love for her entire life, but Su Xu really wouldn't be a good husband. She didn't want to see her daughter suffer in the future because of him.

"If it's possible, Mommy hopes that you can see this person clearly and see whether he's really worthy of you giving your youth up for him!" She spoke very subtly, but the meaning was the same.

"Oh." Yun Jianyue pretended to be in deep thought as she nodded and said, "I'll think about it properly."

Chen Xiaoxiao nodded and didn't say anything more. She asked Yun Jianyue to rest early; she'd also go back to her room. She was worried that her husband would wake up in the middle of the night, and if he didn't see her, he'd come to search for her.

Yun Jianyue went back to her room. She'd originally been in a good mood due to the food, but her mood became bad again after she saw her phone.

She walked over with large strides and grabbed her phone. She had a brief look, but there were still no calls and texts, and in a fit, she turned her phone off.

"Since you went on a date with a big beauty and aren't calling me, then don't call me forever! Hmph!"

Yun Jianyue threw her phone casually onto the sofa without much thought. She lay down onto the large, soft bed, and she pulled the blankets over her head and was extremely cool as she said, "Sleep!"

The next morning, Auntie Wen woke Yun Jianyue up, and she asked Yun Jianyue to come down for breakfast.

The first thing that Yun Jianyue did when she woke up was to run barefoot over to the side of the sofa, and she grabbed her phone and quickly switched it on.

She'd said that she didn't want to answer even if he called her, but inside her heart, she was still waiting for him to give her a call!

She switched her phone on and the notification bar was clean. She didn't have any missed calls and also didn't have any texts.

Yun Jianyue's heart dropped down to the bottom in an instant. Did he really forget her?

"Would it be because my phone is ruined? Or is it because I don't have a signal?" Yun Jianyue bit down on her lips and murmured to herself. While she held her phone, she headed toward the window. Her signal had full bars and it probably wasn't due to her not having any signal.

She sent herself a message and managed to receive it successfully. Her phone wasn't faulty, and he really didn't contact her.

Yun Jianyue switched the phone off again and threw her phone onto the bed. She didn't have any strength in her as she washed up and went downstairs to eat her breakfast.

She didn't eat too much for breakfast, and she also wasn't in a good condition. Chu Xiaotian asked her with concern if she was feeling uncomfortable.

Yun Jianyue said that she was feeling fine.

Chen Xiaoxiao looked at her. Her gaze was complicated and full of pain; she thought that what she'd said yesterday made her daughter feel confused about her feelings and she hadn't managed to have a good rest because of it.

Pain was painful, but her daughter hadn't faced many setbacks since she was young. She grew up in such a good environment, and there were times that it was good for her to experience some setbacks, especially in relationships, and that could let her grow as a woman!

After she was done with breakfast, Yun Jianyue went upstairs. She didn't have anything to do. She switched her phone on and played a game.

Yesterday, she'd left them in a hurry and all her teammates in the game were scolding her badly. Yun Jianyue apologized to all of them and guaranteed that she'd use the entire day to accompany all of them. No matter what mission they chose, it was all fine!

In real life, she looked warm and harmless, but in the game, she wore a long red dress and had a head of flowing long hair. She held the gun with both hands and looked extremely cold. She was at the top of the server, and nobody was able to beat her!

She was even more cruel and bloody today and made all of her teammates fear her. Did she take the wrong medication? Why was her temper so bad?