Want Me To Go Over; Sexy Woman

Gu Zhishen hadn't contacted Yun Jianyue by Wednesday. Yun Jianyue also didn't take the initiative to contact him!

Every time, when she couldn't help but pick up the phone and was about to call him, she'd think of scenes of him being with that sexy woman, and she'd angrily throw her phone to the side.

It was clearly he who had stood her up and went on a date with someone else, but he still didn't contact her. Why should she take the initiative to call him?

She wouldn't call, wouldn't call, definitely wouldn't call.

Yun Jianyue didn't make the call, but she and the head of department went to stand at the Bo Lun company's entrance straightaway in that afternoon.

They were chasing after Bo Lun because of its change in the security system in the next half of the year. Every security company in Harbin was getting restless. Yun Jianyue's boss naturally hoped to get a big client like Bo Lun.

The head of department also knew Yun Jianyue and Gu Zhishen had a great relationship. How could he not bring Yun Jianyue when he came to Bo Lun to discuss the question of working together?

Yun Jianyue heard the head of department say they were going to Bo Lun. Before she could even say no, the head of department had already nipped the thought of not wanting to go out of her head.

She very reluctantly followed the head of department to Bo Lun. The lady at the front desk smiled as she welcomed them and led them to the guest room. She delivered tea and said the manager currently had very important matters to attend to and asked them to wait for a while.

Yun Jianyue and the head of department waited for almost an hour in the guest room. The head of department waited until he ran out of patience. He looked at his watch frequently and then asked Yun Jianyue, "Why hasn't he come yet?"

Yun Jianyue shook her head. "I don't know either!"

The head of department couldn't sit still. He stood up and paced around the guest room. Yun Jianyue, on the other hand, was calmly sitting down and drinking tea. The tea Bo Lun served their guests was quite good.

The two of them didn't realize the people passing outside the unclosed door could see them. Gu Zhishen was startled. Although he didn't walk in and greet them and leave, Gu Zhishen came over very soon.

Knock, knock.

The knocking sound made the tea-drinking Yun Jianyue and the pacing head of department look at the door. Gu Zhishen wore an all-black, orthodox, concise suit. His eyebrows were sharp, eyes cold, and his silhouette was tight. The area between his eyebrows tightened, and he gave off an arrogance that was hard to approach.

The head of department gave Yun Jianyue a look, asking her to quickly stand up.

Yun Jianyue reacted quickly. She put down the cup, got up, and followed the head of department to go in front of Gu Zhishen.

The head of department was even more courteous to Gu Zhishen than when he was facing his boss. "President Gu, hello. I'm Department Head Fu Lang of the Hero Company. We came here today because we wanted to discuss cooperating with your company. Our company is very capable and also has confidence—"

Before he'd finished speaking, Gu Zhishen had already lifted his hand to stop him. His deep and serene eyes were kept low. He didn't utter a word and didn't look at his own Yun Jianyue. He turned his sights to Fu Lang and said in a deep and slightly husky voice, "Hero wants to work with Bo Lun?"

"Yes." Fu Lang nodded, and his attitude was determined. He signaled to Yun Jianyue with the light under his eyes. It was to no avail, as Yun Jianye's head was constantly lowered and she didn't receive it.

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything immediately. He looked at Cheng Yufei, who was beside him.

Cheng Yufei immediately understood and cleared his throat, saying, "The two of you, please follow me!"

It was only now that Yun Jianyue lifted her head to exchange glances with Fu Lang. She didn't know what he wanted to do, but she still followed Cheng Yufei and walked toward Bo Lun's security department.

Cheng Yufei looked at Fu Lang and Yun Jianyue, and he said with a tone that showed he would treat work as work without involving private interest. "On Sunday, Bo Lun's system suffered an attack from an unknown source. Not only did it lead to the system becoming paralyzed, but many confidential documents were leaked. Although people from the security department and technical department tried their best to fix it, the system still doesn't operate normally. Some of the deleted data couldn't be recovered. If Hero can help Bo Lun get over this difficulty, Bo Lun would naturally give top priority to Hero for its security system for the next half of the year!"

Fu Lang looked at the computer in front of him, frowned, and exchanged glances with Yun Jianyue. In the end, he decided to do it himself. "Then let me give it a try!"

Cheng Yufei gestured for him to go ahead.

Yun Jianyue stood behind Fu Lang. She looked at the lines of data that quickly rolled over the screen. But she was thinking, Bo Lun's system had been attacked?

The time had been Saturday, the day she was supposed to have had dinner with Gu Zhishen!

Did he not intentionally stand her up and it was instead because something had happened at Bo Lun?

But what was that sexy woman about?

Even if something had happened to Bo Lun and he hadn't had time for their appointment, he could still have given her a call. It had caused her to wait and waste a couple of hours at the restaurant.

Fu Lang really wanted to get this big client Bo Lun. However, how could he solve a problem by himself when Bo Lun's entire security and technical department couldn't solve it?

In the end, he moved out of the seat, embarrassed. He swept a glance at Yun Jianyue. Yun Jianyue's performance at the company had always been average. If he couldn't solve it, he didn't place his hope on Yun Jianyue.

Cheng Yufei also didn't say anything.

Fu Lang embarrassed himself at Bo Lun. Just as he wanted to quickly go back to the company with Yun Jianyue, Cheng Yufei spoke up, "May Miss Yun stay back? President Gu wants to ask for advice about something!"

Gu Zhishen wanted to ask her for advice?

What kind of international joke was that!

The word strange was written all over Yun Jianyue's eyes. She looked at Fu Lang and hoped he didn't agree.

Things turned out contrary to what she wished, and Fu Lang nodded. His eyes indicated for Yun Jianyue to go ahead. He, on the other hand, quickly left!

Yun Jianyue accepted her fate and went with Cheng Yufei to Gu Zhishen's office.

Cheng Yufei pushed open Gu Zhishen's office door and gestured for her to please go ahead. "Missus, please go ahead."

Yun Jianyue entered the office and Cheng Yufei immediately closed the door, as if he was afraid she would escape.

Gu Zhishen sat on the leather chair. His eyes, which had been closed for resting, suddenly opened and sharply locked onto her. His thin lips pursed up. "Come here!"

Yun Jianyue stood for a moment and didn't move. Won't I be too unprincipled if I go over just because you ask me to?

Gu Zhishen saw that she didn't obey, and his complexion darkened. He raised his eyebrows and said, "You want me to go over?"

Yun Jianyue immediately strode toward him. It's fine if I don't have principles. It's not like principles can be used as food!

She bypassed the stack of documents piled like a mountain. Just as she arrived beside Gu Zhishen, before her legs stilled, Gu Zhishen grabbed her wrist, pulled her, and her entire body lightly fell into his embrace.

"President Gu…" Yun Jianyue started to struggle.

Why did it feel like she was being forced to do something she didn't want to do?

"Hmm?" He raised his eyebrows and his eyes were full of danger.

Yun Jianyue thought of something and immediately changed her tone. "Gu Zhishen!"

His tight silhouette loosened and his deep and mysterious eyes stared at her. He asked, "You got angry?"

He didn't have dinner with her the other day and had been too busy these last two days to have time to take care of her.

Yun Jianyue didn't want to pretend and conceal her mood. The truth was, she really was angry. She nodded. "I waited in the restaurant from 6:30 until the restaurant closed and you didn't come."

"You waited until the restaurant closed?" Gu Zhishen's sharp eyebrows frowned. Didn't he order Cheng Yufei to call her and tell her that he wouldn't be able to make it? "Cheng Yufei didn't call you?"

"Cheng Yufei?" Yun Jianyue's dark eyebrows frowned slightly and she worked hard to recall what had happened that night. "I was in a rush when heading out and forgot to bring my cell phone. When I went back home, I did see a missed call, but I didn't know who it was."

This Cheng Yufei…

Gu Zhishen frowned. Recently, Second wasn't the only one who had a bad memory!

"Actually…I did see you that night!" Yun Jianyue was a very honest child. She didn't want to hide what she knew from Gu Zhishen.

"Hmm?" He lowered his gaze and looked at her in puzzlement.

Yun Jianyue bit her lip and said hesitantly, "When I left the restaurant, I took a taxi to Bo Lun. When I was about to get out of the car, I saw you, Cheng Yufei, and…and a very, very sexy woman get into a car and leave."