A Man And A Woman; Love Support


Yun Jianyue wanted to call to Zhu Jingyi to stop her, but she was too late. Zhu Jingyi had already rushed toward the "beautiful lady's" embrace, using all sorts of ways to try to please him.

Zhu Jingyi didn't have hobbies in her regular life. She only liked handsome men and beautiful women. She could still somewhat restrain herself in front of a handsome man. But in front of a beautiful woman, Zhu Jingyi was a wild horse that had thrown off its reins and was completely uncontrollable!

Yun Jianyue also liked handsome men and beautiful women, but she knew how to discern the situation. When she was in a public place, she still knew how to control herself.

It was a pity Zhu Jingyi had no control at all. At this moment, the face of the "beautiful person" turned dark, but she was still totally unaware.

The "beautiful person" could truly no longer hold it anymore and grabbed Zhu Jingyi's collar and threw her to the side. He screamed with his slightly deep voice, "Who's a beautiful woman? Don't you see I'm wearing men's clothes! Men's clothes! Are you blind?"

Yun Jianyue saw the "beautiful person" get angry and couldn't help but turn her head, not able to bear looking at this scene anymore.

Zhu Jingyi was stunned and said in confusion, "Why does the beautiful person's voice sound so much like a man's?"

The "beautiful person" almost vomited blood. He shouted angrily, "What do you mean 'sounds like'? I've always been a man! A man!"

Zhu Jingyi finally came to her senses. Her eyes widened. "There's actually a man who's even more beautiful than women. Are you a ladyboy from Thailand?"

"You are the ladyboy; your entire family are ladyboys!" The beautiful person's face was already completely twisted from anger. However, it still couldn't cover up his beauty.

Yun Jianyue was afraid that the beautiful person would really commit murder if Zhu Jingyi continued to speak. Yun Jianyue wanted to smooth things over, and just as the words reached her mouth, the beautiful person's eyes suddenly shot toward her. He bit down on his teeth, "Old Gu, are you blind? What kind of rotten wife did you choose?"

The beautiful person thought Zhu Jingyi was Gu Zhishen's wife. In his heart, he looked down on Gu Zhishen's taste in women!

Yun Jianyue knew those words weren't directed at her. She turned her head back to look and saw Gu Zhishen behind her. She didn't know when he stood up.

Gu Zhishen stretched his hand and grabbed Yun Jianyue's shoulder. He said to the beautiful person, "This is my wife, Yun Jianyue. That's her friend!"

Did he make a mistake? The beautiful person's disdainful eyes swept over the person beside him. He seemed to really dislike girls who were obsessed with handsome guys.

"My name is Zhu Jingyi." Zhu Jingyi's gaze turned from the beautiful person's body to Gu Zhishen. She couldn't control her small heart, and it was beating crazily. If Gu Zhishen wasn't Yun Jianyue's husband, she, at this moment, was really afraid that she would've rushed over and taken advantage of Gu Zhishen long before.

Gu Zhishen gave Zhu Jingyi a nod that could be considered a greeting. He said to Yun Jianyue, "This is Gong Lanran!"

"Hello!" Yun Jianyue never would've thought such a beautiful man would be Gu Zhishen's friend. She heard what he called Gu Zhishen, and it seemed they had a good relationship.

Gong Lanran stood up and slightly tidied the long hair that Zhu Jingyi had messed up. His thin lips slightly opened and exposed a faint smile. "Hello, nice to meet you. You can call me Lanran in the future."

Yun Jianyue saw the hand he stretched out to the front of her. The bones were very distinct and looked as though they were jade plants. His hands were unbelievably fair. She hesitated for a few seconds but still grasped it. However, she felt ashamed in her heart.

Compared to Gong Lanran's hands, her hands were much rougher!

Gong Lanran held Yun Jianyue's hand, and he glanced at Gu Zhishen for a while. Your taste isn't too bad!

Perhaps it was because he compared her with Zhu Jingyi. At this moment, in his eyes, he wasn't just satisfied; he was extremely satisfied!

Gu Zhishen looked disdainfully at him out of the corner of his eye and pulled Yun Jianyue's hand out of his palm straightaway. He held her hand too long.

Yun Jianyue was stunned and looked at him in puzzlement.

Gong Lanran snorted disdainfully in secret. It was just a handshake. Was there a need to be so short tempered? He really was so petty.

"You guys do whatever. I have something to speak to Ah Jian about!" Gu Zhishen threw out this sentence and didn't wait for Yun Jianyue to react. He pulled her into the private room's lounge straightaway and closed the door.

Gong Lanran and Zhu Jingyi were forced to be left behind, and they exchanged glances. Gong Lanran snorted softly, sat down, and continued to drink alcohol. He had no plans to acknowledge Zhu Jingyi.

Zhu Jingyi didn't get mad. She saw that the private room had karaoke, and she ran over to pick songs to sing, entertaining herself. When she opened her mouth, Gong Lanran almost cried.

It was really…too unpleasant to listen to.

In the lounge, before Yun Jianyue could speak, Gu Zhishen opened his mouth first, "You're sick?"

As he spoke, his hands covered her forehead. His body temperature was slightly higher than Yun Jianyue's. The moment their skin touched, her heart couldn't help but beat uncontrollably. She even stuttered when she answered, "No…no! Why are you asking this?"

Her enchanting eyes were fixed on him, the shining light getting brighter and brighter.

"You forgot Hero is working with Bo Lun?"

Yun Jianyue immediately understood. Even if he didn't want to know her condition, it was very likely the head of department would be eager to report it to him!

"I'm not sick. I only just applied for leave because I wanted to rest!" Yun Jianyue explained. It was all because her mother thought she and Su Xu broke up and that she was heartbroken. She wanted to let her rest to heal her emotions and forced her to apply for leave. She initially wanted her to take half the month off. It was only after Yun Jianyue had insisted that it changed to three days.

"Okay. Then rest well for a few days!" Gu Zhishen showed an expression of "I permit it," as if he was Hero's boss.

Yun Jianyue nodded and looked at him face-to-face. It felt a bit weird. "Why are you looking at me with that expression?"

Gu Zhishen's fingers with distinct bones stroked her eyes lightly. He said with a deep voice that was full of bewitchment, "You have dark circles. You didn't sleep last night, you went to become a thief? Hmm?"

Yun Jianyue's heart trembled. Feeling both shy and guilty, she immediately pulled his hand and covered her dark circles. "I…I played video games last night."

If she'd known she would see Gu Zhishen, she would've put on makeup and at least covered the dark circles.

Boohoo. She actually embarrassed herself in front of Gu Zhishen!

She even allowed him to know she didn't sleep and stayed up all night yesterday. As for what she did last night, she definitely couldn't let him know.

Gu Zhishen saw the pupils in her eyes keep spinning around. The corner of his mouth lifted up into a faint smile. He stretched out his hand to pull on her hand, "Why are you covering it? Don't you know pandas are national treasures?"

Besides, the only reason she had this pair of panda eyes was because of him.

"National treasures are cute. I'm ugly!" Yun Jianyue puffed her mouth like a little frog.

Gu Zhishen laughed, "Not ugly. Frogs are cuter than the national treasures!"

Yun Jianyue showed a face of despair. Was he saying she looked like a frog?

She immediately pouted. Before she fully pouted, he lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

Yun Jianyue was stunned for two seconds. She came to her senses and gradually closed her eyes. The corner of her mouth couldn't help but move up.

Outside the lounge, Zhu Jingyi had become very hyped up from singing. Gong Lanran couldn't take it anymore and interrupted her. He pulled out the electric plug directly. "People want money when they sing; you take lives when you sing! Please stop singing. I can give you however much money you want!"

What he had was money. He only begged the heroine to spare his life!

Zhu Jingyi couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. "My Power Sister's song 'Love Support' can wake up people who are in a vegetative state, giving the national health system an outstanding contribution. Following in the footsteps of the Power Sister is the goal I struggle toward my entire life!"

The corner of Gong Lanran's mouth pulled out slightly. "With your skills, I think you can put a person into a vegetative state!"

Zhu Jingyi wasn't the slightest bit affected. Her head turned sideways and looked at the tightly closed lounge door. She said curiously, "What do you think they're doing inside?"

Gong Lanran said without even thinking about it. "What else can a man and woman do together while alone?!"

Hug, kiss, and make love on the bed!