I Don’t Believe This; Whose Wife

Zhu Jingyi and Gong Lanran looked one another in the eyes. It was a rare time, but they both agreed with one another.

"I'm betting on three times!" Gong Lanran raised three fingers, just as if he was swearing.

"I can't believe you're still my male idol's good friend!" Zhu Jingyi rolled her eyes at him again, and her gaze was fierce as she stared at the tightly shut resting room door. She was confident as she said, "My male idol is the real-life version of a dominating president; I believe in his powers, and I believe he's able to do it seven times in a night without any problems!"

Gong Lanran didn't say anything.

Seven times a night?

Did she want Gu Zhishen to die quickly?

"The moment I looked at you, I knew you're a virgin without any experience. If a man does it seven times a night, he'd have been squeezed dry a long time ago!" Gong Lanran looked down on this foolish girl who didn't have any common sense or real knowledge.

Zhu Jingyi's ears turned red. She was furious as she glared at him. "I might not have done it myself, but I've definitely seen it before! You're unable to do so yourself, and you're even suspecting your teammate's abilities. You're really so evil inside your heart!"

"Who said that I couldn't make it?" Although Gong Lanran looked even more beautiful than a girl, he was still a man one hundred percent, and this woman was looking down on him. He was agitated as he growled softly, "I'm very able. I'm way better than Gu Zhishen, okay?"

"What are you two arguing about?" The door of the resting room opened suddenly. Gu Zhishen walked out; his features were tightly knitted together, and his cold gaze shone down on both of them. It was obvious that he was very unhappy at both of them for being so loud.

"Eh, nothing…"

Zhu Jingyi and Gong Lanran looked at one another. They wanted to deny it immediately, but they hadn't finished their words when an irritating voice rang out from behind them. "They were betting with one another about how many times President Gu could do it in a night, and whether Mr. Gong was pro or if President Gu was better."

Zhu Jingyi and Gong Lanran turned their heads and looked at Cheng Yufei; they hadn't noticed when he walked inside. He heard everything. It was fine if he heard everything, but why would he say it out loud?

Big mouth! Zhu Jingyi was very unhappy as she protested.

Gu Zhishen heard what he said. His expression became dark. His sinister gaze stared at Gong Lanran. If gazes could kill, Gong Lanran and Zhu Jingyi would have died a thousand times already.

Zhu Jingyi felt guilty. She rubbed her nose and was extremely careful as she said, "Where's my little babe?"

"She's tired; she's resting!" Although the door was closed, Gu Zhishen intentionally lowered his volume. He didn't want to disturb her.

They really had been kissing, but they didn't do it for half an hour, and she'd actually stopped moving.

He'd stopped to look, and it turned out that she'd been so tired that she fell asleep.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She could fall asleep in the middle of kissing, which was probably something that only Yun Jianyue could do.

"Oh." Zhu Jingyi nodded. Yun Jianyue was resting, and since she'd seen her male idol—who found out that she was discussing his skills in that aspect—she felt kind of weird. She decided to leave for good measure. "That…I'll go back home first. I still have to go to work tomorrow. I have to go to bed early to get up early."

Gu Zhishen nodded and allowed her to leave. He thought about something, and before Zhu Jingyi stepped out, he suddenly said, "Ah Jian won't go back tonight. If the people in the Yun family call, you probably know what to say, right?"

Zhu Jingyi's eyes whirled around, and she nodded quickly. "I know. I know, Idol, you should just relax! I'll definitely help cover up for both of you!"

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything.

He finally knew why Ah Jian behaved erratically sometimes. She was affected by this unreliable friend in front of him!

But he didn't hate Zhu Jingyi. He also wouldn't object to Yun Jianyue continuing to be friends with Zhu Jingyi. He'd worked in the corporate sector for many years. Gu Zhishen's taste was very evil, and he could tell that Zhu Jingyi was unreliable, but she was kind and loyal. She wouldn't harm Ah Jian, and all of this would be enough!

Zhu Jingyi had just walked out of the private room when Cheng Yufei immediately said, "President Gu, I'll go and send her off!"

Gu Zhishen nodded. Zhu Jingyi was Ah Jian's friend, and he should have asked Cheng Yufei to send her off. Furthermore…Yu Chengfei had never brought up going to send someone off before.

Even Gong Lanran could tell that something was amiss. He had a cunning smile on his face as he said, "Our Little Fei Fei is also in the heat now and is thinking of women?"

Gu Zhishen stared at him and didn't say anything. He walked over to the bar to take a wine glass and poured a glass of wine to drink.

Gong Lanran walked over to his side and clinked his glass with his own. He took a small sip. "Why did you suddenly get married? If not for Yu Jinjiu, I wouldn't have known at all!"

Gu Zhishen played with the glass in his hand. After a brief silence, he instead said, "I asked you to track down the address. It was her!"

Gong Lanran's fingers let go, and the wine glass fell onto the bar counter with a plop. The wine spilled onto the ground, and his beautiful, attractive eyes widened suddenly. "You…You're joking with me?"

Gu Zhishen heard the sound of the glass, and his expression became serious quickly as he chided him. "Be a little softer!"

He didn't want Yun Jianyue, who had just fallen asleep, to be awoken like this.

Gong Lanran picked the glass back up. He was all in disbelief as he looked at Gu Zhishen. The bottom of his eyes were sparkling and full of confusion. "I don't believe it. I don't believe it…I'd never believe this!"

Yun Jianyue had looked comfortable and delicate. Her gaze was clear, and she was a woman who wasn't bad, but she was so far away from being a hacker.

The problem that he himself was unable to settle, she could handle it all within a single night?

Even if he'd been beaten up, Gong Lanran couldn't believe it!

Gu Zhishen glanced at him briefly and didn't say too much to convince him to believe it. He just drank his own alcohol.

After some time, Gong Lanran spoke again, "Oh my gosh, I really don't dare to believe this. How can she be so amazing? Could it be that she's really the legend I cannot underestimate by looking at her outside?"

Gu Zhishen raised the corners of his lips, and he seemed delighted as he said, "Why don't you see whose wife she is?"

Gong Lanran didn't say anything. Showing off! He was just showing off!

Who knows if your wife would run away with someone else? And when that time comes, you won't even have a place to cry.

Cheng Yufei chased after Zhu Jingyi. Zhu Jingyi stood at the door to wait for an empty car. He stopped the car before Zhu Jingyi and lowered the window. "Get in."

Zhu Jingyi glanced at him and was stingy as she left him with three words, "I am not!"

Cheng Yufei frowned. When he saw her just now, she was having a good time with Gong Lanran. Why, when she was interacting with just him, did her entire body seem to be covered in spikes? The more fiery she was, he really wanted to pull out those spikes.

"Right now, you have two choices. Obediently get into the car or I'll step out of the car to invite you to come in, but the way that I invite someone is very special. I cannot guarantee that you'd be able to take it."

His voice that he'd lowered was way colder than the air conditioning in the private room had been.

Zhu Jingyi took a look around her. Damn it, her surroundings were empty and her legs wouldn't win over the four wheels of his car. A good girl wouldn't be taken advantage of, and she'd just get into the car.

As she pulled to open the door of the back passenger seat, Yu Chengfei quickly locked the doors in the back.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Jingyi couldn't help but glare at him.

Yu Chengfei's expression was plain underneath the moonlight. "That seat is specially reserved for President Gu."

"You really have so many nonsense rules!" Zhu Jingyi murmured to herself as she routed around to the front passenger seat and stepped into the car.

She'd just stepped into the car, and hadn't had a chance to secure her seat belt. Cheng Yufei started the engine, and he dashed off onto the roads with the entire car filled with moonlight.

Zhu Jingyi didn't say anything.

I'll control this!