Let Herself Go; Kissed The Wrong Place

Not only did Yun Jianyue's answer surprise the people there, even the woman who'd fallen to the floor was astonished.

She'd already pleaded with her like this. People who have the slightest bit of kindness would probably let her off. Why did she still cause her such harm?

At this moment, she'd already completely forgotten that she'd been the one who'd pushed Yun Jianyue first. Her eyes were filled with hate and malice.

"You lie. Why do you want to cause me harm?" The woman got up and immediately wanted to pull Yun Jianyue. However, she was stopped by Cheng Yufei and Gu Zhishen.

Yun Jianyue looked at this woman silently. Did she have dissociative identity disorder? It was clear that she was the unreasonable one and an annoying troublemaker. How could she pretend to be the victim?

She didn't know her at all. Why would she want to cause her harm?

Gu Zhishen's sharp eyebrows tightened and looked sideways. The coldness shot toward the woman on the floor and was filled with disgust.

He hated it the most when people lied, especially women. There were no women who could lie in front of him.

The woman was frightened into trembling by his gaze. She saw a man in the crowd, dressed impeccably in a Western suit. It was as if she'd seen her savior. "Manager Lin, you have to help me! That woman intentionally caused me harm….Help me ask for mercy from President Gu. We've been together for so long. You can't not help me!"

The Manager Lin she was talking to was Lin Haoxuan, the general manager at the operation department.

When Lin Haoxuan heard her, there were huge changes on his face. His eyes really wished to strangle her to death. He said, flustered and exasperated, "Li Manman, you better shut your mouth! Who's together with you?"

Everyone there knew Lin Haoxuan was in his fifties with a wife and a son about Li Manman's age. Li Manman exposing that she'd been together with Lin Haoxuan for a very long time undoubtedly meant that Lin Haoxuan had an extramarital affair.

"Manager Lin, are you not acknowledging me now that you've put on your pants? Don't forget, you promised me before that you'd divorce that yellow-faced wife in your family and marry me!" Li Manman cried like pear blossom bathing in the rain. It wasn't clear where she was cut by the glass, and the ground was filled with blood.

"You're just speaking nonsense!" Under the surprised and disgusted gaze of the public, Lin Haoxuan's face turned red. This was throwing his reputation away.

Yun Jianyue leaned against the wall, stunned. She never would've thought a simple and minor issue would turn into such a scene.

Gu Zhishen's sharp eyebrows wrinkled, and it was obvious he was already very impatient. His voice was deep and cold. "Cheng Yufei, immediately terminate Lin Haoxuan's contract. Reimburse him two years of his salary and bonus, effective today."

Cheng Yufei was as calm as ever. "Yes, President Gu."

Lin Haoxuan, on the other hand, was stunned. He stared at Gu Zhishen and was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He covered his heart and said, "President Gu, I toiled alongside your father my entire life to build this company. What are you doing now? Destroying the bridge after you cross it? Do you think us old folks are useless and you want to kick us aside?"

Gu Zhishen swept his gaze indifferently at him and didn't speak. He held Yun Jianyue's shoulder and walked toward his office. He ordered, "Deliver a medical kit immediately."

"Yes, President Gu." Cheng Yufei gave the secretary a look, and the latter understood what he meant and immediately set about on it.

Lin Haoxuan wanted to chase after Gu Zhishen, but Cheng Yufei swiftly went in front of him and blocked him. He lowered his voice so only the two of them could hear. "President Gu has never mistreated people who were loyal to him. However, if someone wants to become vermin to gnaw away at Bo Lun's foundation, President Gu absolutely won't tolerate it."

Lin Haoxuan's expression froze and a guilty streak passed underneath his eyes. However, he pretended to be calm and asked, "Assistant Cheng, what do these words of yours mean?"

Cheng Yufei smiled but this smile didn't go past the bottom of his eyes. "Manager Lin, I believe you know in your heart very clearly what I meant! Will the two of you be leaving voluntarily, or are you waiting for the security guards to come to escort you out?"

Lin Haoxuan's expression was unbelievably ugly. Under the attention of everyone, it would only become more shameful the more he got tangled up. He had no choice but to leave first.

As for Li Manman, he didn't even give her another glance.

Cheng Yufei swept his gaze over Li Manman. He was indifferent and didn't show an ounce of sympathy.

Li Manman should've known she would have such an ending when she decided to sacrifice her own body and let herself go.

Everyone should pay the price for their own behavior.

This was the case of Lin Haoxuan, and it would naturally also be the case for Li Manman.

Yun Jianyue sat on the sofa in the office, and Gu Zhishen sat next to her. His secretary, Xi Xia, had already brought the medical kit over. Just as she was about to kneel down, she heard his deep voice. "Give it to me."

A trace of surprise swept underneath Xi Xia's eyes. She quickly put the medical kit down and got up to leave.

She walked out of the office, and as she closed the door, she couldn't help but turn her head to take another few looks at Yun Jianyue. The light underneath her eyes turned complex and vague.

She'd never seen a woman Gu Zhishen cared so much about before.

Gu Zhishen cleaned off the bloodstains in Yun Jianyue's palm. His eyes were serious and his expression intent. It was as if he couldn't see anything else in his eyes ever again.

Yun Jianyue saw this scene and felt warmth in her heart for some reason. It was as if her wounds had even begun to stop hurting. Especially Gu Zhishen's curled eyelashes. They were as thick as a fan. Looking at them made her want to stretch out her hand again to poke his eyebrows.

Gu Zhishen disinfected her wounds and applied the medicine. The good thing was that the wound wasn't big and wasn't too deep, so applying a bandage was enough.

"Don't let your wounds touch water for two days." When he lifted his head to look at her, he was startled.

It was because just as he lifted his head, Yun Jianyue happened to move over, and her lips touched above his eyes. The area between his eyes moved slightly. Immediately, a dense throbbing and ambiguity filled the atmosphere.

For a moment, it was quiet as death. Yun Jianyue retreated first by moving her head back. The corner of her mouth was full of smiles. "Thank you for helping me once again!"

She even deliberately lifted her hands to let him take a look.

Gu Zhishen's clear, deep eyes glanced at her. They were complex, vague, and even more so uncomprehending.

"How much do you like my eyelashes?" She definitely didn't kiss the wrong spot just now. She'd been planning on kissing his eyelashes in the first place.

"Because they really are so cute!" As Yun Jianyue spoke, she stretched out her hand, wanting to poke his eyelashes.

Gu Zhishen naturally wouldn't let her do as she wanted. His head moved slightly and dodged her.

Yun Jianyue didn't make too much trouble. She changed the topic. "My hand is actually fine. You don't need to be so stern in dealing with this matter, right?"

Although that woman had pushed and hurt her, she only just told the truth, Gu Zhishen's way of dealing with it was too cruel and ruthless.

Especially when it involved an old company veteran like Lin Haoxuan. Firing him just like that disregarded human decency too much.

Gu Zhishen's complexion darkened. He stood up and said, "This is an internal matter of Bo Lun's. You don't need to ask too much."

"But—" Yun Jianyue still had something to say. When his cold glance shot over, she shut her mouth.

Gu Zhishen's phone rang. He swept his eyes at the incoming call notification and didn't immediately pick up. Instead, he said to Yun Jianyue, "Sit for a while and don't wander about!"

He didn't wait for Yun Jianyue to speak. When his voice stopped, he'd already turned around and left the office. From the look of things, it seemed inconvenient for him to pick up the phone in front of her.

Not long after, Cheng Yufei came to deliver a cup of hot tea.

Yun Jianyue hesitated for a while and asked Cheng Yufei, "Can you appeal to Gu Zhishen for leniency and ask him not to use such a ruthless method to handle this matter?"