Full Of Feelings; Afraid Of Approaching Him

Cheng Yufei didn't hurry to agree or to reject her. He was calm as he asked instead, "If even Madam isn't able to convince President Gu, why would President Gu listen to me, then?"


This didn't seem to be the same thing, right?

"Madam, there are some things that I shouldn't comment much about, but I want to help you understand Bo Lun better and get to know President Gu better!" Cheng Yufei was silent for a brief moment and then introduced Bo Lun's situation to Yun Jianyue.

"When Bo Lun was handed over to President Gu, President Gu was still young. Bo Lun might have seemed glamorous on the outside, but actually the losses on the inside were extremely serious. The board of directors and the high-level executives in the company didn't care about President Gu at all. The things that President Gu faced to control Bo Lun entirely...I'm afraid Madam wouldn't be able to imagine what he went through. Right now, although the majority of the inner parasites in Bo Lun have been gotten rid of, there are still some left behind who are eager to start a revolt. President Gu has always been waiting for a chance, and today is a perfect opportunity to do so. President Gu did something that he's always wanted to do. As for Li Manman…"

Cheng Yufei paused and he laughed. "President Gu has always disliked flower vases without any abilities, but Bo Lun is such a large company, he cannot manage every single person. As he finds out about them, he definitely doesn't leave the people who don't make any contributions to the company and might even bring troubles to the company in the future."

Yun Jianyue listened and didn't really understand, but she could understand that she hadn't brought trouble for Gu Zhishen today. She'd created a chance for him to remove a parasite.

Thinking about it this way, she heaved a sigh of relief. Everything was fine as long as she didn't bring trouble for him.

Yu Chengfei noticed that her expression relaxed, and he thought that she must have understood what was going on. He was going to head out, but he remembered something. "Madam, I have something to ask you."

"Yeah?" Yun Jianyue raised her head, and her eyes were bright as she looked at him. "What's the matter? You can ask me!"

"You've known Zhu Jingyi for a long time now. Do you know where she's from?" Yu Chengfei asked.

"Jingyi's from Da Lian. When she was in primary school, her entire family moved over to Harbin, and she came to study in the same primary school as me. What's the matter?" Yun Jianyue didn't understand why he was suddenly asking about Zhu Jingyi.

"Then does Madam know if she changed her name in the past? Or if she has any sisters?"

Yun Jianyue shook her head. "Jingyi's an only child. She doesn't have any siblings, but…"

She paused and had a slight frown on her face. She suddenly remembered something. "I remembered that Jingyi brought this up once. She wasn't originally named Jingyi; in the past, her name was Zhu something…"

"What was her previous name?" The moment Yu Chengfei heard her say that, he immediately grew nervous and couldn't wait.

"Zhu Xiaoxin!" Yun Jianyue's eyes lip up, and she said firmly, "Yes, she was named Zhu Xiaoxin! I remembered that she said when she was young, others laughed at her and called her 'Little Heart.'"

Zhu Xiaoxin!

Cheng Yufei's gaze tightened. It was just as he expected…

That damned woman really cheated him!

She moved away and changed her name. No wonder he'd spent so many years looking and couldn't find her at all. It was as if this person had disappeared into thin air. She'd actually pretended to be someone else and denied that she came from Lian Cheng.


Little Heart, you're dead!

The call that Gu Zhishen received wasn't from someone else. It was his mother, Bo Wenqing.

Lin Haoxuan had been his father's subordinate. He could have been considered a senior in the company. His relationship with the Gu family ran deep, and, if not for Lin Haoxuan who'd gotten more and more daring, he also wouldn't go to this extent.

Who would've thought that he'd just gotten rid of Lin Haoxuan and Lin Haoxuan had immediately complained to his mother.

On the other end, Bo Wenqing was trying her best to persuade him. If he could spare him, he should do so. After all, that was a person who had served his father for his entire life.

Gu Zhishen took the phone and stood along the corridor. He looked at the large land mass of Harbin, lit up brightly outside the windows, and his eyes were cold. With his voice deep and cold, he said, "Back then, if not for this group of people who were greedy and breaking rules and who made Bo Lun lose so many millions—how could Father be so angry and have a heart attack? Sparing him until right now is already the most benevolent that I can be!"

Upon hearing her son bring up her deceased husband, Bo Wenqing fell silent.

Gu Zhishen knew that he'd brought up something that made his mother sad again. His voice softened. "Mom, you shouldn't bother about the matters in the company; I have my own plans."

"Okay!" Bo Wenqing didn't persist and didn't ask him to bring Lin Haoxuan back. She paused for a few seconds and said softly, "Zhishen, Mom didn't forget about how your father died, and I'm not blaming you for being too cruel. Mom's worried about you being too harsh right now. You aren't leaving any leeway for yourself and making too many enemies. In the future, you won't have any alternative paths to go back to!"

Bo Lun was already a huge company in Harbin. It had a powerful place that couldn't be uprooted, but flowers couldn't bloom forever and a person couldn't have good days everyday. She had to worry for her son's future.

"Mom, you don't have to worry for me. I'll be careful and will protect you and Grandma." Gu Zhishen's voice was deep and low. He was full of emotions, but he had the responsibilities of a man, and he definitely could achieve it.

Bo Wenqing heard what he said and was comforted as she hung up. She didn't ask for further clarification about how Lin Haoxuan had been kicked out of Bo Lun.

There were some matters that she still wanted to ask her son about in person!

Gu Zhishen hung up and returned to the office. Yun Jianyue was holding her glass of water in her left hand as she drank from it, and she smiled as she saw him.

"What're you smiling at?" He sat down by her side and asked her curiously.

"I helped you with a huge trouble. Shouldn't you be thanking me?" Yun Jianyue blinked with her bright eyes; she was very excited for him to thank her.

Gu Zhishen frowned as he said, "Are you sure you didn't miss out on the word 'more'?"


Yun Jianyue thought about what she'd said. She found a place to add the word 'more'; he was saying that she'd added more trouble instead!

Her small face turned glum immediately, and she was unhappy as she stared at him. How did she manage to add more trouble?

Gu Zhishen looked at her as she pouted her lips. He curled the corners of his lips up; his voice was more gentle than before. "If you want me to thank you, come over!"

The moment Yun Jianyue heard that he wanted to thank her, she immediately came closer to him and said, "How do you want to thank…Oof—"

She hadn't finished speaking before Gu Zhishen's handsome face enlarged a number of times before her eyes. His lips were against her lips.

After he kissed her gently and made Yun Jianyue's mind start to lack oxygen again, Gu Zhishen's irritating voice rang out in her ears. "Thanking you like that, is Madam happy with it?"

Yun Jianyue's hands were holding the material of his suit tightly. It was extremely crumpled from her holding it. She took large breaths of air and was unable to speak.

She was protesting inside her heart, I'm not satisfied at all!

How was this thanking her? This was obviously taking advantage of her!

Gu Zhishen ignored the protest in the bottom of her eyes. His powerful arms stretched over to pull her into his embrace as he held her tightly, and his loving kisses landed on her hair.

Whether it was his mother, grandmother, or Yun Jianyue, these people mattered a lot to him, and he'd use all of his abilities to protect them for his entire life.

Gu Zhishen had yet to realize that, without notice, Yun Jianyue was already categorized as a very important person inside his heart.

Yun Jianyue, who'd been taken advantage of, was quickly reimbursed again.

Because her palm was injured, lunch was ordered by Xi Xia and delivered over, and Gu Zhishen fed her lunch personally.

Actually, she could use her left hand to eat by herself, but she liked Gu Zhishen feeding her very much. It felt like he was treating her gently in his palm.

Yun Jianyue didn't realize that her eyes were filled with love as she looked over at Gu Zhishen, and she slowly got afraid of getting close to him.