Late-Stage Stomach Cancer; Are You Confused

As they'd agreed beforehand, Yun Jianyue accompanied Gu Zhishen to see Grandma Gu Wei. Although Gu Zhishen said they could call and cancel, Yun Jianyue wasn't willing to disappoint Grandma.

The elder was already old in age. She didn't have any other desire but to have more people visit her.

They visited Gu Wei, who was still in the hospital. When Gu Wei saw Yun Jianyue, she was very happy. She kept asking if Yun Jianyue was well, while pulling her hand and asking if her tummy was well.

Yun Jianyue didn't say anything.

When Gu Wei saw that Yun Jianyue's palm was injured, she couldn't help but say a few words to reproach Gu Zhishen. What was his use if he couldn't even protect his own wife?

Yun Jianyue naturally wanted to explain on Gu Zhishen's behalf. Gu Zhishen wasn't present when she was injured. How could he be blamed?

Gu Wei took advantage of Yun Jianyue not paying attention and gave Gu Zhishen a pleased look. See how much your wife defends you.

A trace of a smile went underneath Gu Zhishen's eyes. Grandma was such an old child, whose playful heart never vanished.

After dinner, Gu Wei was reluctant to let Yun Jianyue leave, but in order for her to rest early, Gu Zhishen still forcefully brought Yun Jianyue away. Moreover, he also had matters to attend to and needed to go back to Jia Yuan earlier.

While Gu Zhishen was taking her back, Yun Jianyue couldn't help but lift her head and ask curiously, "Is Grandma's illness very serious?"

If it wasn't serious, why would she have to constantly stay at the hospital?

The light underneath Gu Zhishen's eyes suddenly turned dark. "She's at the late stage of stomach cancer. The doctor says she has half a year at most."

Yun Jianyue was stunned. She never would've thought it was like this. It was as if she asked something she shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know…"

Before she finished speaking, Gu Zhishen suddenly held her hand. His deep eyes looked at her and said calmly, "Grandma is a very cheerful person. She only became depressed for two days after she learned the news. After she decided not to let it bother her, she's lived very happily every day! She said that birth, growing old, getting sick, and dying are things that everyone needed to go through. It was already very good that she's lived till today."

He looked very calm, but Yun Jianyue could feel he had a very good and deep relationship with his grandma. Compared to everyone else, he would feel the most upset when Grandma had such a sickness!

She had a stupid mouth and didn't know how she could comfort him. After hesitating for a while, she took the initiative and hugged him. She patted his shoulder as if transmitting warmth and strength to him.

Gu Zhishen's sharp eyebrows raised and surprise appeared underneath his eyes. She'd taken the initiative toward him three times today.

In the morning, she took the initiative to kiss his lips. At the office in the afternoon, she took the initiative to kiss his eyelashes. Now, she took the initiative again to hug him.

The more he interacted with Yun Jianyue, the more he could feel the goodness and considerate nature in her body. She wouldn't excessively show off and wouldn't stay indifferently silent.

She would bring him pleasant surprises every time.

He hugged her and, in the dim light, his thin lips moved upwards slightly.

Yun Jianyue returned to the Yun house and greeted her parents. They weren't suspicious, and Yun Jianyue safely went upstairs to rest. Right after she finished bathing, she received a call from Zhu Jingyi. She only kept teasing her about her precious night with Gu Zhishen, where each moment was worth thousands of gold. As they chatted, she fell asleep.

The lights were bright at Jia Yuan. Inside the villa was a sea of quietness. The servant still hadn't gone to sleep.

As Gu Zhishen stepped into the house, Zeng Pei took the coat in his hand and said in a suppressed voice, "Madam has been waiting for you for a long time."

Gu Zhishene let out an indifferent grunt of acknowledgment and took meteor-like steps toward the living room.

Bo Wenqing sat on the sofa with the book The Classic of Tea in hand. She was deeply engrossed until Gu Zhishen came beside her. Only then did she realize and put down The Classic of Tea and took off the glasses she was wearing.

"You're back."

"Yeah." Gu Zhishen sat beside her and answered very simply.

"You went to see Grandma again," Bo Wenqing turned her head sideways, looking at him at an even height. "Bringing that girl."

She already knew, so Gu Zhishen wouldn't deny it. He nodded slightly.

Bo Wenqing put down the glasses in her hand. The noble and graceful temperament on her face immediately turned into a sternness, her voice somewhat displeased. "Zhishen, ever since you took over Bo Lun, I supported you no matter what you did and never meddled. It was because I know you're someone who knows the limit. However, your behavior this time really disappoints me too much."

"Because of Lin Haoxuan?" Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows.

"Because of Yun Jianyue!" Bo Wenqing threw out these four words coldly. Her expression flowed with disappointment at her son, for whom she had high hopes.

Gu Zhishen fell silent.

It turned out it was about Ah Jian!

This was also good. It saved him the trouble of having to find an opportunity to bring this up.

Bo Wenqing saw he didn't speak and his expression was calm. She couldn't figure out what her son was thinking at this moment. She hesitated and then spoke up again, "Although the Yun family is able to match the Gu family, it was Yun Siwan who ran away from the marriage first, causing the Gu family to completely lose face. Now, you get tangled up with her little sister, Yun Jianyue. How would this make outsiders look at the Gu family? Zhishen, it's not like you don't understand the present situation…"

Before she could finish speaking, Gu Zhishen interrupted her with a deep voice, "Ah Jian and I already registered."

Bo Wenqing was momentarily stunned. "Who?"

Who was Ah Jian?

"Yun Jianyue and I have already registered." Gu Zhishen opened his mouth calmly. He patiently said it again, "Ah Jian is already my wife now."

"You—" Bo Wenqing's pupils suddenly widened with the word disbelief written all over as she stared at him.

He'd actually already registered with Yun Jianyue and never told her about it.

This was an important lifelong decision and he acted on it before reporting it. If it had happened to any other elders, they wouldn't be able to accept it either. What's more, the person he married was the daughter of the Yun family, whom Bo Wenqing didn't like.

Bo Wenqing was so angry that her entire body trembled momentarily. "Zhishen, are you confused…?"

How could he marry the Yun family daughter so hastily? With Gu Zhishen's qualifications, he could have any woman he wanted, no matter how good they were!

Why did it have to be the daughter of the Yu family, who had embarrassed the Gu family?

Gu Zhishen saw she was extremely angry. He secretly took a deep breath, slowed down his speech and said, "Mom, that ship has sailed. There's no use in getting angry and harming your body. Once I introduce Ah Jian to you in the future, you'll know she's completely different from Siwan."

"How much different could they be if they came from the same family?" Bo Wenqing only felt angry now. She was both upset and wronged. Tears were in her eyes and they slowly fell down unwillingly.

"You'll only know how they're different once you interact with her." Gu Zhishen wasn't in a hurry to immediately make his mother accept Yun Jianyue.

The relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had always been the most difficult relationship in the world. Add to the fact Bo Wenqing's first impression toward Yun Jianyue already wasn't good because of the situation with Yun Siwan. That's why he didn't need to rush this. He needed to find an appropriate opportunity to let Bo Wenqing and Yun Jianyue interact. Allowing her to understand what kind of girl Yun Jianyue was would be much more convincing than if he used his mouth!

If he did his best to speak well about Yun Jianyue now, it would make Bo Wenqing feel even greater dislike toward Yun Jianyue and end up causing the opposite effect.

Tonight, Gu Zhishen's feelings were complex and relaxed. Relaxed because his mother knew his wife was Ah Jian and he wouldn't need to hide it anymore. Complex because his mother didn't like Ah Jian. In the future, he needed to find a way to handle well the relationship between his mother and Ah Jian.

That night, Bo Wenqing tossed and turned and couldn't sleep the entire night. Her heart hurt because her son had concealed it from her. Her heart hurt because, out of all the thousands of choices, he chose the worst choice—Yun Jianyue.

Tonight, Yun Jianyue had a dream.

She was living together with Gu Zhishen in the dream. Gu Zhishen's mother, her mother-in-law, was like the evil grandmother in Home Temptation. She kept ordering her to wash the clothes, cook, and clean the floors. She even got physical to hit and scold her and forbid her from telling Gu Zhishen.

Yun Jianyue woke up from fright in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. She patted her chest and said while gasping for breath, "Mothers-in-law are really the scariest creatures on earth…"