A Little Appreciation; Just Take It If I Give It To You

Yun Jianyue had come back from her leave. The first afternoon that she had a break, she received a call from the on-call room. They said someone was looking for her.

She found it weird and wondered who it was. When she went downstairs, she saw a woman dressed in a suit with her hair tied up and extremely neat. When she saw Yun Jianyue, she was extremely polite as she said, "Miss Yun, how are you? I am He Huan; my Madam wants to meet you!"

"Madam?" Yun Jianyue was even more puzzled. She didn't know any Madam. "Who's your Madam? Do I know her?"

"Miss Yun will know when you come with me." He Huan seemed to be in her forties and smiled politely. "Madam has been waiting for you in the neighboring café for a long time now."

Yun Jianyue was extremely curious as she went with He Huan to the neighboring café. There was only one person seated there. He Huan sent her over to the door, and she didn't have to ask to know that the person seated there was the so-called Madam.

The Madam seated there was dressed in a red cheongsam. She was proper and elegant with light makeup on. The makeup covered the light wrinkles on her face but didn't make it seem like she was wearing too much makeup.

Yun Jianyue walked over and looked at her. She had a slight frown on her face; she didn't remember meeting this Madam before!

She rarely accompanied her mother to attend any banquets, and didn't know any Madam. There were a few rich ladies who knew her.

Madam saw her and pursed her thin lips gently. She said elegantly, "I'll introduce myself first. I am Gu Zhishen's mother."

Gu Zhishen's mother?

Yun Jianyue's black pupils enlarged quickly. Her entire mind was in a blur; her small heart was beating quickly.

Why would Gu Zhishen's mother look for her all of a sudden?

She was so nervous that she was about to suffocate. She maintained her calmness on the outside and was polite as she greeted her. "Aunty, how are you?"

Bo Wenqing nodded and said, "Have a seat."

After getting permission, Yun Jianyue sat down opposite Bo Wenqing.

Bo Wenqing looked at Yun Jianyue carefully. Her features were delicate and she had fair skin. She seemed to be not bad, but she was dressed in her work attire, and Bo Wenqing was unable to tell from her clothes. Her entire being could only be described asso-so.

She didn't understand what was good about Yun Jianyue or what was worthy of her son striking before he informed her of it, and he went to get the marriage certificate directly.

No matter how she looked at it, she didn't understand.

Yun Jianyue knew that Bo Wenqing was observing her, and she decided to be cool about it as she allowed her to look.

The proverb was, "Ugly daughters-in-law would have to meet their parents-in-law one day." This day was going to come sooner or later, but her dreams were too accurate! She'd just dreamed of how Gu Zhishen's mother was going to toture her, and then his mother came to look for her so quickly.

"You've already registered your marriage with Zhishen." Bo Wenqing spoke first.

"Yes, Aunty," Yun Jianyue replied obediently.

"Do your parents know about it? Do they agree to this?" 

Yun Jianyue's face froze. She took a breath before she said, "I still have yet to find an appropriate time to tell them about this."

When she found an appropriate time, she'd definitely let them know!

Bo Wenqing frowned and asked again. "Your parents have no idea about this, and you made this decision on your own. Don't you think that you're being too careless about this?"

Yun Jianyue bit down on her teeth and was silent. She didn't know how to reply.

Not only was it careless; it was absolutely ridiculous.

But she couldn't tell that to Bo Wenqing so directly, that she'd been drunk that day and didn't know anything. The moment she woke up, she'd already gotten married to her son.

Bo Wenqing looked at her as she lowered her head and didn't speak. Her chest felt stuffy, and she felt more and more that this Yun Jianyue in front of her didn't match her son, Gu Zhishen.

After a slight silence, Bo Wenqing took a check out from her bag and pushed it over to Yun Jianyue.

Her red nails barged into her gaze, and what followed was a check with numerous zeros. Yun Jianyue raised her head in a daze as she looked at Bo Wenqing. She didn't know what Bo Wenqing meant.

Bo Wenqing tilted her chin up and said, "I know that Yun Corporation doesn't lack this amount of money, but this is merely a little bit of sincerity from me; please accept it."

Yun Jianyue pursed her lips. She had a moment of indecision in her gaze and hesitated whether she should accept it or not. "Aunty, you don't have to be so courteous with me."

"Take it. Smart people do smart things, and I believe that you're a smart person." Bo Wenqing came from a wealthy family, and there were some uncouth words that she wouldn't say.

If Yun Jianyue felt this amount of money was too little, Bo Wenqing could add more.

As she looked at Yun Jianyue, it seemed that the Yun family didn't pamper this young girl too much. It made her seem like a young, old-fashioned child who hadn't seen the world before.

Yun Jianyue looked at the check in front of her. She carefully counted the number of zeros; she went a ten thousand, hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand inside her heart.

Five hundred thousand!

If not for the fact that she had to uphold her image, Yun Jianyue wanted to jump for joy!

This meeting gift was way too much!

The people from the Gu family were really so generous with their money!

After she was done being happy, Yun Jianyue felt that she shouldn't accept such a huge sum for a meeting gift. But when she thought of the time that Gu Zhishen had given her the bracelet, he'd said that if someone gave it, just take it or it would seem that she was being foolish.

Since Aunty wanted to give her such a large sum for a meeting gift, it didn't seem good not to take it.

Yun Jianyue made her final decision; she'd accept it!

Bo Wenqing looked on as Yun Jianyue took the check, and at that moment, she laughed coldly inside her heart. She really looked down on such a woman and wondered why Zhishen was interested in her.

"Thank you, Aunty, for gifting me with such a big meeting gift. I won't let you down and not waste your sincerity by accepting it! Both you and Grandma really treat me so well!"

Thinking about when she dreamt of Gu Zhishen's mother as an evil mother-in-law, she really shouldn't have done so!

When Bo Wenqin heard Yun Jianyue say the words "meeting gift," the mocking smile on the corners of her lips froze immediately. The last sentence made her face turn both green and white at the same time.

What was called "meeting gift?" What did she mean by the words "your sincerity"?

Did she think that this check was a meeting gift from a future mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law?

Bo Wenqing didn't know how to react. She was stumped and started to pant in anger. She took the glass of water from the table. She drank half in one shot, wanting to let herself calm down.

Yun Jianyue's defined gaze was looking at her, and she sensed that Bo Wenqing didn't seem to be fine. She was concerned as she asked, "Aunty, are you okay? Are you feeling too hot?"

But she felt that the temperature inside was just right.

What about being too hot? This was all because Bo Wenqing was furious with her!

Bo Wenqing stared at Yun Jianyue. It seemed that she'd underestimated Yun Jianyue. Her name was extremely simple, but this person wasn't simple at all.

The water in her glass was all gone, and Yun Jianyue took the initiative to add water for her. "Aunty, the next time you want to meet me, you can contact me directly. You don't have to come down specially for me. The weather is slowly getting warmer, and you shouldn't go here and there."

It was okay if Yun Jianyue kept quiet, but the moment she opened her mouth, Bo Wenqing got even more livid.

She thought, in her entire life, she'd met with different obstacles, but she didn't expect that she'd actually be stumped in the hands of a young girl.

This won't do! She could never let this go just like this. She had to explain everything clearly.

Since this young girl was trying to pretend to be dumb with her, then she shouldn't blame Bo Wenqing for being too harsh with her words.

"Yun Jianyue…"