Forced Divorce; Not Your Real Mom

Before Bo Wenqing finished speaking, she was interrupted by a deep voice. "Mom…"

Yun Jianyue and Bo Wenqing heard the voice and turned to look behind them. They saw Gu Zhishen taking meteor-like steps over. Yun Jianyue's expression lit up, and she stood up very naturally.

Bo Wenqing's heart moved slightly. She never would've thought Gu Zhishen would come so quickly.

Gu Zhishen walked to the front and exchanged glances with Bo Wenqing first and then looked at Yun Jianyue. He saw that her expression didn't look abnormal and secretly let out a breath of relief.

His gaze shot toward Bo Wengqing again. He never would've thought his mother would be so anxious. She even came to see Ah Jian in a hurry without permission.

Bo Wenqing naturally understood what Gu Zhisheng felt dissatisfied about. However, she didn't care and swept a gaze of unwillingness over at Yun Jianyue.

It seemed she wouldn't have an opportunity to say the words she didn't finish.

Bo Wenqing got up elegantly, "I won't interrupt you anymore."

Yun Jianyue looked at her, her eyes bright and joyful. "Auntie, why don't you sit for a while?"

"You still have to work in the afternoon, so I won't delay your work anymore." Bo Wenqing had a smile at the corners of her mouth but this smile didn't exceed the bottom of her eyes.

Gu Zhishen spoke with a deep voice, "I'll ask Xu Shi to send you."

"No need. He Huan will send me back." Bo Wenqing gently rejected her son's good intentions.

"Auntie, please take care." Yun Jianyue's gaze followed Bo Wenqing's back as she left the café.

Gu Zhishen's gaze had already been watching only Yun Jianyue since long ago. He raised his dark eyebrows slightly. "What did my mom say to you?"

"She didn't say anything! But…" Yun Jianyue thought of something and immediately held the check in front of him honestly. "Auntie gave me such a huge meeting gift. You said that I need to accept it if a senior offers it, otherwise it would mean I'm unsensible. So I accepted it!"


Gu Zhishen swept his gaze over at the rows of beautiful zeros on the check. The light underneath his eyes showed he understood thoroughly what it meant.

From his understanding of his mother, she wasn't someone extravagant. She especially wouldn't give such a big check to Ah Jian as a meeting gift during their first meeting. Especially when she still didn't like Ah Jian.

Unless it was…

Gu Zhishen immediately understood the real meaning of this check.

The only thing he didn't understand was how Ah Jian could treat this check as a meeting gift. No wonder his mother's complexion looked quite bad.

Yun Jianyue saw he didn't speak after a long time, and she felt somewhat uncertain. She said timidly, "Should I not have taken it?"

Gu Zhishen heard her, and his eyes that were filled with a layer of smiles gazed at her. "Taking it is correct. You're very sensible this time!"

Since she'd treated this check as a meeting gift from his mother, it would be considered a meeting gift. In any case, the mother-in-law needed to give her daughter-in-law some meeting gift.

If she didn't know, it would be better if it stayed that way. Perhaps this was a fool's blessing. That's why she was able to live so happily, simple and pure.

Yun Jianyue felt at ease after hearing him say this. The next second, she felt at a loss again, "But there's no use for me to have this much money!"

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

Yun Jianyue thought about it and said, "Why don't we donate it under Auntie's name?"

She didn't do such charitable things often, but Yun Xiaotian was doing charity. She really liked her dad's good deeds of always helping those who needed help.

An unexpectedness swept underneath Gu Zhishen's eyes, and there was a strong concentration of smiles at the corners of his mouth. "It's given to you, so it's yours. You can take care of it however you want."

Yun Jianyue knew he was supporting her, and the smile on her face grew more bright and splendid.

"Right, you still haven't said why you suddenly came. How did Auntie know about us? Did you tell her? Will she tell my parents? What to do? I still haven't told them…"

Yun Jianyue let out the series of questions, and she became more worried the more she spoke. Her clear eyes were filled with worry as she gazed at him.

"Relax, she wouldn't leak it before we announce it. She especially wouldn't tell your parents!" Gu Zhishen held her trembling hand, which was holding the check. He comforted her with his deep voice, which was filled with strength and warmth. "Don't be afraid. It doesn't matter even if they know. We've already received our certificates, and they wouldn't go so far as to force us to get a divorce!"

Yun Jianyue thought about Chen Xiaoxiao's temper and, not daring to be certain, said, "It's hard to say!"

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything again.

So what if Yun Xiaotian and Chen Xiaoxiao opposed it?

There was no reason for Gu Zhishen to let go of the woman he fell for.

Yun Jianyue went back to work in the afternoon, and Gu Zhishen rushed back to Bo Lun for a meeting. Bo Wenqing didn't actually go back to the Gu house residence after she left. Instead, she went to the hospital.

If she'd known about Gu Zhishen and Yun Jianyue, Gu Wei definitely had known about it long ago. However, she kept helping Gu Zhishen hide it from her. She wanted to ask the old lady what, exactly, she was thinking.

Gu Wei's afternoon rest was disturbed by Bo Wenqing, so she wasn't in a good mood. She then saw that Bo Wenqing had come to ask about Yun Jianyue, and her temper became even worse.

"So what if Little Yueyue is Yun Siwan's little sister? Which law states that our Gu Zhishen can't marry Little Yueyue after dating Yun Siwan?"

"Mom—" Bo Wenqing almost vomited blood when she heard what Gu Wei said. "Yun Siwan was who Ah Shen wanted to marry initially, but Yun Siwan ran away from the marriage first, making the Gu family's reputation fall to the floor. Now that Ah Shen has married Yun Jianyue, wouldn't we become a laughing stock if the outside world knew?"

The old lady looked disdainfully at her out of the corner of her eye. She snorted, "You also know the person who ran away from the marriage was Yun Siwan, so how does that relate to Little Yueyue at all? And what business is it to the Gu family if outsiders laugh or not? Besides, Ah Shen voluntarily married Little Yueyue. It's not like anyone pointed a gun at his head and forced him to marry her."

Bo Wenqing suddenly stood up from the bench, lowered her head, and looked at Gu Wei. She squeezed out from her throat, "Did no one really force him? Do you really not know why Ah Shen, who has been single for many years, suddenly said he wanted to marry? Especially after it was discovered you had stomach cancer?"

Before her words had disappeared, Gu Wei's expression suddenly changed. She put her hand on her chest and said, "Bo Wenqing, what do you mean? Do you mean I used my illness to threaten Ah Shen to get married?"

Bo Wenqing saw that her mother was getting emotional. She remembered that her body was unwell and didn't dare to provoke her. She looked away and said, "I didn't say that. But Ah Shen never let go of that thing for so many years. It's impossible he'd suddenly let it go and then suddenly get married for some strange reason."

There was definitely something that drove him to do this.

"But that's what you mean!" Gu Wei used all her strength to squeeze out this sentence, and her body stiffened and she fainted.

Bo Wenqing saw that she fainted and she was immediately stunned. She lost her head out of fear and shouted, "Mom! Mom! Doctor…doctor, Nurse! Someone come quickly…"

When Gu Zhishen was notified by the hospital, Gu Wei was still receiving emergency treatment in the surgery room and hadn't come out. Bo Wenqing stood guard at the surgery room's door.

"What did you say to Grandma?" Gu Zhishen frowned, and his face was tight and extremely ashen.

Bo Wenqing felt guilty, and her eyes were evasive. "I didn't say anything. I only came to see her…"

"Did you fight with her because of the thing with Ah Jian?" Gu Zhishen exposed the truth in one sentence. His hazy eyes looked at Bo Wenqing. A chilliness hovered in the area in between his eyebrows.

"I…" Bo Wenqing wanted to explain, but she didn't know how she could. She wanted to speak but stopped.

"It's not like you don't know Grandma's current condition. How could you provoke her at a time like this?"

"Ah Shen, what do you mean by this? The one lying inside is my mother. Why would I hope something would happen…"

Before she finished speaking, Gu Zhishen already interrupted her, "Not your real mom, right?!"