The Dirty Laundry Of The Wealthy; Sneaking Out For An Affair During The Middle Of The Night

Gu Wei made it out from being in a life-threatening condition and was sent back to the hospital ward. Gu Zhishen stayed in the hospital the entire time and didn't leave for a single second.

Bo Wenqing also wanted to stay behind, but Gu Zhishen asked her to go back. It was enough for him to stay behind in the hospital.

Gu Zhishen asked Xu Shi to send Bo Wenqing back home to rest.

At 3:00 in the morning, Gu Zhishen's phone rang. He stood up and left the hospital ward softly. He stood in the corridor to answer the call; it was from overseas. He answered simply with a few words before he hung up.

He was about to turn around to go back to the ward, but he came to a halt. His gaze was sharp as he looked over at the plotted plants, which were some distance away.

He slowed down in his tracks and walked over slowly. While he was one step away, he grabbed the hand of the person hiding behind the potted plants.

The other party was shocked and almost screamed. She realized what was going on and immediately bit down on her lips to prevent herself from letting any sound out.

Gu Zhishen's handsome features froze. "Ah Jian? What're you doing here?"

Yun Jianyue's attractive gaze was looking at him. Her eyes were just like the sparkling stars in the night sky, illuminating the dark night.

"Bai Changan gave me a call. He said that Grandma went into surgery; I was worried, so I came over to have a look!"

Actually what Bai Changan had said was this, "Older Sister-in-law, Eldest Brother's grandmother went into surgery today. Although she was saved, Eldest Brother must not be in a good mood right now. During this time, men would be the weakest, and they need a woman to be maternal and love them the most! Older Sister-in-law, we'll hand Eldest Brother over to you."

And after that, she didn't know how her brain made a wrong decision. She hastily ran over here. Although she obviously knew that Grandma was fine, she was extremely afraid that Gu Zhishen would be just like how Bai Changan had described, and she felt upset in her heart.

When she thought about him being upset, her heart also felt upset somehow.

Gu Zhishen had a frown on his face. That stupid Bai, he'd go and settle this with him another day.

He looked at Yun Jianyue. Maybe it was because she'd been in a hurry to get out of the door, but she wore a random jacket and was a little messy and her feet…

One foot was wearing a slipper and the other foot was cheekily stepping on the floor.

"Why did you run out?" He remembered that Chen Xiaoxiao had a curfew for her.

Yun Jianyue followed his gaze and looked at her feet. She was very embarrassed as she immediately placed her bare foot behind the other foot. "I…ran out here secretly."

To avoid her parents finding out, she'd hacked her own home's security system and got rid of the police alarms. Then she'd avoided the guards on patrol. She'd been in a rush when she'd flipped over the wall and lost her shoe that way.

It was as if Gu Zhishen guessed that this would be the case. "What were you hiding from just now?"

"The nurses in the hospital said that visiting hours were over and didn't allow me to come inside. I came in here secretly."

To avoid getting seen by the nurse, she'd had a hard time hiding.

Gu Zhishen's clear gaze was looking at her clean and elegant face. When he thought about her disobeying her mother's curfew and sneaking out here, even losing her shoes in the midst of it. She'd been blocked by the nurses and was unable to come in. She thought of a solution to come inside secretly, and made herself look messy. She did all of this because of him, and his heart was so warm that it became a disaster instantly.

His long and powerful arm opened up suddenly, and he embraced her.

Yun Jianyue was caught off guard as she was pulled into his embrace. She was frozen for ten seconds, and her feelings, which had been extremely nervous the whole way here, finally calmed down.

The entire way here, she'd been worried about him, but she also felt that she was way too daring. She sneaked out in the middle of the night; this was the first time she'd done such a crazy thing all her life, and this was too crazy to imagine.

But at this moment as he embraced her, this warmth and comfort made Yun Jianyue feel that everything was all worth it.

"Did you not bring your brains?" Gu Zhishen's lips were close to her ears, and his voice was pleasant. "You were stopped by them and unable to come up. Don't you know how to give me a call? Or didn't you know how to quote my name?"

Gu Zhishen, these words were enough for her to go anywhere she wanted in all of Harbin!

"Eh…" Yun Jianyue instantly wished that she could find a wall to hide inside. "The moment I got anxious, I forgot about it."

Gu Zhishen couldn't help himself and laughed.

His young wife was really so foolishly cute.

In the next second, Yun Jianyue was lifted up into his arms. It was already so late, and he definitely wouldn't let her go back to the Yun home. He couldn't leave the hospital without worrying, so the best solution was for Xu Shi to get a room by the hotel next to the hospital, and she could rest there for now.

Because it was located very near, Gu Zhishen carried her all the way there. There weren't too many people in the night, but Yun Jianyue was still embarrassed and hid her face in his embrace.

Xu Shi sent them to the door of the room and placed the key card inside. He switched the lights on and read the mood as he retreated out.

Gu Zhishen placed Yun Jianyue down on the sofa gently and turned around to go to the shoe cabinet at the door to get a pair of slippers. He turned back to walk back to her.

Yun Jianyue raised her hand to take the pair of slippers, and just as she expected—

Not only did Gu Zhishen not give her the pair of slippers, he bent down. His long and powerful fingers were holding her feet; his fingers were boiling warm as they made Yun Jianyue's breathing freeze.

That brush of warmth went from her skin all the way to the bottom of her heart. Her heart was beating quickly and her cheeks turned hot.

Zhishen held her feet and used his other hand to pat the heart of her sole and brushed off the dust.

This gesture was both gentle and focused. It made Yun Jianyue feel as if she were thrown into the clouds.

There had never been a person who had done such a thing to her before. She never knew that such a simple gesture, when Gu Zhishen was the one doing it, could be so elegant and so sexy and mesmerizing.

The air in their surroundings seemed to be full of love and pink bubbles.

Gu Zhishen put on the shoes for her, and it was only when he raised his head that he realized that she'd been looking at him the entire time. Her eyes were just like stars, looking all smitten and in love with him.

"In the future, can I just address you as Shenshen, okay?" She was staring at him intently, and her voice was soft as it rang out in his ears comfortably.

"Huh?" He frowned. What was Shenshen?

"I like to give people I like nicknames, so in the future, I'll be calling you Shenshen, okay?" Yun Jianyue asked him again. She was afraid that he wouldn't like it, so she paused for a moment and added, "If not, I'll call you Zhizhi or Gugu?"

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything.

Yun Jianyue noticed that he was silent. There was a touch of disappointment in the bottom of her eyes. "You don't like it?"

She wanted to give him a special name. When she addressed him by his name, it seemed to be distant from him.

"Just call me Shenshen." Although he didn't like this girly name, as long as she liked it, it was fine.

Gu Zhishen's large warm palm caressed the dark hair on her back. A smile curled up on the corners of his lips.

Ah Jian, this is what you wanted to name me. Don't regret it in the future!

The next morning, Yun Jianyue was still sleeping sweetly in Gu Zhishen's embrace, but she didn't know that she was already in the headlines. A huge bomb that had exploded in quiet Harbin.

The Younger Young Miss of the Yun family met Bo Lun's President Gu Zhishen in the middle of the night; both of them went inside a hotel room and spent the night together.

The dirty laundry of the wealthy. The younger sister-in-law of the Yun family is in love with her older brother-in-law Gu Zhishen. They were having an affair in the middle of the night; what is Yun Siwan going to do now?