She’s Pregnant; Will Not Divorce

Yun Jianyue was woken up by the ring of her phone. Chen Xiaoxiao was calling.

Chen Xiaoxiao only said one sentence, "Immediately come back home within half an hour!"

Yun Jianyue's head was still muddled, but because of this sentence, she immediately mostly woke up. She got up in an instant and looked for her coat and shoes.

Gu Zhishen was woken up. He got up and said, "What's going on?"

"My mom knows I'm not at home, and I need to go back immediately!" Yun Jianyue couldn't find her coat and kept on turning around anxiously, feeling very scared in her heart.

It was because she could hear that her mother's tone wasn't very good.

Gu Zhishen got out of the bed and walked over beside the sofa. He handed the coat that had fallen behind the sofa to her and said with a deep voice, "Don't be anxious. I will send you back!"

While on the way, Yun Jianyue's mood was restless, so she didn't speak.

The car stopped not far from the Yun house. Yun Jianyue unbuckled the seat belt, said goodbye in a rush, got out the car, and ran toward the Yun house door.

Gu Zhishen got out of the car and called to stop her, "Ah Jian—"

Yun Jianyue stopped in her steps and turned her head to look at him. Because of the backlight, she couldn't tell what his handsome face looked like at this moment. However, his deep voice was sent into her ear along with the spring wind. "Call me if there's anything."

Her restless heart was like dust rummaging and clamoring in midair. However, now, the dust settled.

Yun Jianyue nodded. When he softly said, "Go ahead in," she turned and ran in through the house door.

The atmosphere immediately tensed when she walked through the Yun family door. The low-pressure atmosphere made her feel even colder than winter temperatures.

Chen Xiaoxiao and Yun Xiaotian sat on the sofa. Their faces were imposing and expressions gloomy. The looks they gave her were even sharper than the edge of a knife.

"Mother, Father, good morning!" Yun Jianyue walked over and greeted them.

Chen Xiaoxiao was the first to speak. She asked directly, "Where did you go last night?"

Yun Jianyue's heart was startled. She bit her lips and said hesitantly, "I…I went to Jingyi…"

Before she finished speaking, Chen Xiaoxiao stood up, grabbed the newspaper on the coffee table, and threw it at her face. She berated, "You still dare to lie even now! Yun Jianyue, do you even know what shame means?"

It was the latest newspaper delivered that morning. Auntie Wen still hadn't had the time to do the ironing. The corner of the newspaper crossed Yun Jianyue's cheek, leaving a red trace.

Yun Jianyue looked down at the bold and black headline in the newspaper, "Scandal in the rich and powerful families. The youngest daughter of the Yun family fell in love with her brother-in-law, Gu Zhishen. The two of them carried out a love affair late in the night. How can Yun Siwan endure this?"

Her heart immediately froze. I'm finished. Mom and Dad still found out.

Chen Xiaoxiao stared at Yun Jianyue, unable to restrain her rage. She bit down on her teeth and said, "Tell me, is the person in the newspaper you?"

Her hands were hanging to the side and her fingers dug into the flesh of her palms. She'd kept worrying before that her mom and dad would find out about this, so no matter how much Gu Zhishen pressured her, she didn't dare to tell them on her own accord. However, since they already knew, she didn't want to lie anymore.

"Mom, Dad, the person in the newspaper is me…"

Before her words even faded, Chen Xiaoxiao raised her hand in exasperation and slapped her in the face. "Yun Jianyue, do you know no shame? This man is your brother-in-law…"

Yun Xiaotian never would've thought Yun Jianyue would get tangled up with Gu Zhishen. He even more hadn't imagined his wife would get so angry as to hit her. He quickly got up and grabbed his wife's wrist, stopping her from getting physical with their daughter again.

"Speak properly if there's something to say. Don't hit the child!"

Chen Xiaoxiao had used great strength to slap her face. Yun Jianyue's cheeks had become sunken from the hit. Five distinct finger marks immediately appeared on her fair skin. 

"He isn't my brother-in-law." Yun Jianyue lowered her head and her voice was very soft.

"What did you say?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked.

Yun Jianyue slowly lifted up her head, welcoming her pair of eyes that were soaring with rage. She said, throwing caution to the wind, "Gu Zhishen isn't my brother-in-law. He's my husband. We've already registered our marriage."

It wasn't only Chen Xiaoxiao; even Yun Xiaotian widened his eyes. He looked at Yun Jianyue in disbelief. He couldn't believe his most beloved, youngest daughter would do something so preposterous!

"Yueyue, you—"

"You disgrace!" Chen Xiaoxiao was so angry that her whole body was trembling. She lifted up her hand and wanted to hit her again, but Yun Xiaotian stopped her.

"How did I give birth to a shameless thing like you? Auntie Wen, get the punishment tool. I'll teach this disgrace a good lesson today." After Chen Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she waited a while, but Auntie Wen's expression was awkward and she didn't move. She scolded, "Do you want me to go get it myself?"

Only now did Auntie Wen sigh and turn around to get it.

The Yun family's punishment tool was a washboard with bits of broken glass layered on top of it. Kneeling on top of it wouldn't pierce the skin because it was crushed up, but it was very painful. If one knelt on it for too long, a layer of skin would peel off.

Yun Jianyue knew she was wrong so she didn't give any excuses after Auntie Wen brought the punishment tool. She knelt down on it straightaway.

The one who knelt down on this the most was Yun Siwan. Yun Jianyue was too obedient when she was growing up, so she hadn't had any chances to kneel on it. Today was the first time she knelt on it. It was only now that she found out how painful it was!

"Do you know you did wrong now?" Chen Xiaoxiao looked down at her from above and scolded angrily.

"I know." Yun Jianyue nodded.

"Call Gu Zhishen immediately and tell him to get a divorce!" She didn't want to look into why they got married. They should divorce first and deal with that later!

"I don't want to," Yun Jianyue replied without any hesitation, her attitude firm.

 "You…" She made Chen Xiaoxiao so angry that she wanted to slap her face again, but Yun Xiaotian stopped her.

Yun Xiaotian turned back to look at her daughter. He let out a deep sigh, "Yueyue, how could you not tell us and marry Gu Zhishen? Don't make your mother angry and go tell Gu Zhishen to get a divorce…"

Before he finished speaking, a deep and confident voice came from the door, "Ah Jian is pregnant."

Yun Xiaotian and Chen Xiaoxiao were both stunned. Yun Jianyue heard a familiar voice and turned around. She saw a tall, beautiful body immersed in the morning light, standing there as handsome as a jade plant. He was just like a god dropped down from heaven.

Gu Zhishen saw Yun Jianyue's red and swollen cheeks and a streak of red. His eagle eyes immediately darkened.

Yun Xiaotian was the first to react. "What did you say?"

Gu Zhishen answered while he walked over toward Yun Jianyue, "Ah Jian is pregnant. The child is mine, so we won't divorce!"


Chen Xiaoxiao was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"You…You guys…" Yun Xiaotian's mood shifted around thousands of times, but he still couldn't find the appropriate thing to say.

Gu Zhishen placed his focus on Yun Jianyue's face and the thing that was flickering silver light underneath her knees.

It was obvious his Ah Jian was given a slap.

He turned his head sideways, and he looked at Chen Xiaoxiao disdainfully out of the corner of his eyes and said with a terrifying voice, "Is it you who hit her?"

Chen Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down. She maintained her composure and said in a way that was neither hot nor cold, "President Gu, this is a Yun family matter. You don't have the right to ask!"

"I don't have the right to ask about matters in the Yun family. However, I need to ask thoroughly about matters with my wife!"

His resonant voice was deep and powerful. If it were thrown on the floor, it would make a sound. A cold light appeared in his eagle eyes suddenly, danger lurking everywhere.