It Was Her Family Who Didn’t Want Her Anymore

Yun Jianyue knelt on the broken pieces of glass; her pink lips were very unelegant as they opened in an O shape. It surprised her that she'd gotten pregnant with Gu Zhishen's child. How come she had no idea about it?

Yun Xiaotian was a little unhappy with Gu Zhishen's stubborn attitude. He raised his eyebrows to hide his anger and was about to speak.

Gu Zhishen's low, deep voice rang out again. "Uncle, I'd like to have a chat with you alone!"

His sharp gaze was twinkling with determination and a powerful glow, and his tone was dominating, not allowing anyone to reject him.

Yun Xiaotian glanced at his kneeling daughter. There were some words he couldn't say in front of her. Maybe it would be more convenient if they were talking between men, and he nodded.

Gu Zhishen lifted Yun Jianyue in the next second. She was surprised, and she noticed that her mother was unhappy. She patted his chest and said, "Put me down quickly!" Don't make her parents angry again!

Gu Zhishen acted as if he didn't hear her. He walked to the side of the sofa and put her down gently. He turned his head to the side as he ordered Auntie Wen very gently, "I'll have to trouble you to prepare an ice pack and let her cool her face."

Auntie Wen nodded and went to the kitchen immediately to get the ice pack.

His large, warm palm caressed her hair, and his voice was warm as he said, "Be good and wait here for me!"

He didn't wait for Yun Jianyue to speak. Gu Zhishen was already up to the study room to chat with Yun Xiaotian.

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't go over. She walked to the sofa by Yun Jianyue's side and sat down. She looked on as Auntie Wen took an ice pack and helped to ice Yun Jianyue's swollen cheek.

The atmosphere in the living room was icy. Chen Xiaoxiao didn't question her or chide her. The iciness in her gaze was enough to make Yun Jianyue feel even worse than getting slapped twice.

She couldn't help but lower her head. She didn't dare to look at Chen Xiaoxiao's gaze. She knew that this time she'd really made her mom disappointed.

About twenty minutes later, the nervous and tense energy in the living room was finally broken. Gu Zhishen and Yun Xiaotian walked down together, and Yun Xiaotian's expression finally wasn't as bad anymore.

Gu Zhishen walked over to face Yun Jianyue. His voice was low and warm as he said, "Ah Jian, let's go home!"


Yun Jianyue raised her half-swollen face. It was so swollen it looked like a pig. She hadn't reacted to what was happening before she'd already been lifted in Gu Zhishen's arms.

Looking at her swollen face, Gu Zhishen really felt bad. It wasn't until this moment that he finally understood why she'd been so nervous and hesitant and deathly unwilling to tell her parents about them getting married!

Yun Xiaotian saw him wanting to bring Yun Jianyue away and spoke immediately. "Gu Zhishen, I didn't agree to you bringing Yue Yue away."

"She's my wife, and I have the rights to bring her away!" Gu Zhishen looked at Yun Xiaotian with a cold gaze. He was all solemn as he said, "Dad, as long as you're all willing, I can announce my wedding with Ah Jian at any moment. I can also let her marry into the Yun family glamorously any time. Right now, I have to bring her away!"

He couldn't allow Ah Jian to stay here in case Chen Xiaoxiao got livid and hit her again. What was he going to do then?

Gu Zhishen's wife, no matter if it was just one strand of hair, without his permission, nobody should be touching her at all.

Even Chen Xiaoxiao couldn't!

Yun Xiaotian was dumbfounded. They'd already gotten legally married and Yue Yue was his wife. He had the right to bring Yue Yue away, and nobody could stop him.

"Gu Zhishen, I…"

Yun Jianyue hadn't finished speaking. Gu Zhishen seemed to know what she wanted to say and cut her off calmly. "Your face doesn't hurt anymore?"

Eh, who said her face didn't hurt? It hurt so much!

"Dad, Mom, we'll be going now." Gu Zhishen didn't have any emotion as he threw this line to them and carried Yun Jianyue, taking large strides out of the Yun home.

Chen Xiaoxiao, who'd been extremely unhappy and nonchalant the entire time, saw them leaving. She finally couldn't take it anymore. She stood and said, "You're just letting them leave like that? You've agreed to them being together?"

"They've already gotten their marriage certificates. We cannot force these two kids to really get a divorce!" Yun Xiaotian was frustrated as he sighed.

Chen Xiaoxiao looked at him. Her expression was serious. "What are we going to do when Siwan comes back? How are we going to explain it to her?"

"Siwan ran off from this marriage on her own, or maybe she didn't even like Gu Zhishen at all. It'll be fine….Don't overthink this! Right now, I'm the most worried that Gu Zhishen won't treat our Yue Yue well…"

Chen Xiaoxiao listened to him and also couldn't help but sigh.

Gu Zhishen carried Yun Jianyue to the car. It was only then that she reacted to what was happening, and she struggled as she wanted to get out of the car.

Was he mad?

He'd actually carried her away in front of her parents!

"What are you doing? Put me down quickly; that's my home!"

Gu Zhishen hugged her hand and didn't let go of her. His voice was solemn as he said, "Ah Jian, you're my wife now. Come back home with me!"

"I don't want to…My parents are already very angry. I cannot let them…"

She hadn't finished speaking before Gu Zhishen cut her off. "They've already agreed to this. If not, do you think I'd be able to bring you out?"

This made Yun Jianyue suddenly quiet down. She didn't struggle and persist in getting out of the car. She also stopped talking. She was silent as she curled up in the seat next to the windows and buried her head into her injured knees as if she were a child who had been dumped.

Xu Shi drove to Jia Yuan and parked at the door. Gu Zhishen carried her inside and ordered Zeng Pei, "Get an ice pack and some medication to reduce swelling!"

Gu Zhishen carried her upstairs with his large strides and placed her down on the bed.

Zeng Pei brought the items that he wanted very quickly, and when he saw Yun Jianyue's face, he was shocked but didn't ask anything.

Gu Zhishen applied medicine to her swollen cheek. His actions were already very gentle, but Yun Jianyue still winced in pain as she instinctively avoided his fingers. Her elegant eyebrows were scrunched up very tightly.

"Bear with it." Gu Zhishen didn't allow her to duck away and pinched her chin with the quickest speed he could and the gentlest strength he could use. He applied the medication on her face and placed the ice pack on top to reduce the pain.

"You should go out."

Zeng Pei left the room.

"Lay down and rest a while." Gu Zhishen supported Yun Jianyue as she slowly lay down. The ice pack in her hand was always on her face.

Yun Jianyue's sparkling eyes were looking at him, and she clenched her pink lips. As she slowly let go, she was extremely fearful as she said, "Do you think that my parents don't want me anymore?"

If not, how could they allow Gu Zhishen to bring her away?

Gu Zhishen froze slightly. He reacted to what she said and caressed her hair gently as he comforted her. "They won't; they accepted the fact that you've already married me!"

Yun Jianyue acted as if she didn't hear anything he said. Her voice rang out again, and she was already choking up. "I made them angry and disappointed."

Her eyelashes were like thin butterfly wings as they landed. Her sparkling, transparent tears flowed down her face slowly, brushed past her swollen face, and sparkled with a heartbroken glow.

Gu Zhishen scrunched his eyebrows up tightly and didn't say anything more.

Saying anything now to comfort her was useless. It was better to let her calm down and rest properly.

Looking at her swollen side profile, Gu Zhishen couldn't help but be angered.

He'd sent Yun Jianyue to the door. Gu Zhishen originally wanted to leave, but he got a call. The rumours had been leaked and Bo Lun's image took a blow. The share price plummeted greatly, and he had to call Jin Jiu to handle matters in the company first.

If he'd known that Chen Xiaoxiao would be so harsh, he would've gone inside first to look for her, and she wouldn't have been hurt so badly!

If not for the fact that Chen Xiaoxiao was her biological mother, he would long ago have ordered someone to destroy Yun Corporation entirely.