Little Soldier

You know, I really expected for there to be only 13 and a sniper total, but where my old storage room used to be... well..

They put a underground passage that leads to a secret facility, in Wich I can only assume houses hundreds of guards made to prevent me from getting the Crimson Saber.

As I strolled through the glistening facility, I also came across a few other treasures I had. Nothing too important, I didn't even bother getting most of them.

I did grab my old Combat Knife though, nothing special... just a good knife.

Actually, to these guys they might be considered divine treasures. Especially Crimson Saber... because it's a named weapon it must be ridiculously good right?

Well... it certainly had a kick, but suprisingly... not a lot of people can use it. Let alone open the SafeBox I put it in.

It has a super cool magic spell on it that prevents it's opening unless you say my password. It's a pretty good password.

I'm letting Dice and Asi skip ahead of me, they want to level up... and I'm not one to stop them. So I guess I'll take a little nostalgia trip here.

I came across a room labeled... for some reason... " Artifacts ", but it contained some items I consider junk?


Wait... is that?

Oh that takes me back, it's the storage vessel I kept the key in.

A little backstory for that won't be too bad I guess, you see the reason why people hunted me down wasn't just because I had a high level or killed players alot... no, it was because I held back the main story from progressing for years. There was a gate that bound the world... and I held the key.

Unfortunately I never gave it up, and content didn't start untill I was killed.

If I remember correctly, It was quite the party of people prepped to kill me, lead by what was considered " The Big Five ".

Big fucking ego for people who needed over 30 players to kill me, but then again I have an ego too. I mean... naming my summon spirit after a divine weapon is kinda egotistical.

I forgot a few of their names, something something Asura was one of them though. Doesn't matter anymore... not going to involve myself with them. I hope.

| Alert : Creature 'Asi' at critical Health |

Uh oh, what happened?





We have been cleaving through enemies quite easily... good thing too. I wouldn't want to trouble master. Despite his eagerness to kill, I see a softer side in him... and I want too see more of that side.

Of course we would be burdening ourselves a bit more than nessasary by not fighting with him... but I'm confident he can handle himself... besides, we need to get stronger fast so we don't burden him in the future.

| Warning: Threat level high |

Ever since I've been with Master, I've been experiencing high growth, and this is my result. Recently I've been hearing the ' System ' he calls out to, and it's working for me too now. It even tells me danger that's ahead.

Speaking of danger, a large man, covered in a white cloak... grimed with heavy stench of blood. But not the luxurious scent that master carries. This was more crude. Like comparing plastic to oil.

He heaved a heavy shield from his back, marked with blood smears and a smile that stretched across it. He pulled a chain from nearly no where, and then it hit me.


I was smacked across the marble floor, it cracked a price off my sturdy Carapace, and a leg of mine broke... but I wasn't in as bad a shape as Asi.

She was doused in cold water, a hard counter to her, being a burning inferno.

It was merciless, quick, and brutal.

Where did the water come from? Never mind, I'll take him on for now.

System, take an analysis of that target!

| Quartz |

| Level 80 Frost mage/Tower shield |

That's quite a luxurious buffet to laid out to me... I guess sill have to take you up on the offer.

I prepared huge Spears made of liquid Acids and Poisons, Wich I hurled at the Target. To surprise it plunked off the shield, leaving a small melted crater.

With a chill, the man froze the Liquid wich covered the shield, the damage my attacks did were nullified.

Around his feet lead spreading ice... slowly creeping to me. A surprise attack I assume... I'll take advantage of that.

My magic has developed past what a simple mage can do, you'll be surprised.

With a flick of my wrist to send the Mana off, I used my magic to turn the liquid at his feet into Highly deadly acid...

Damn, no effect. He froze it back!

The least I could do is stall until Asi recovers... and until master gets here.

But for now, it's just you and me. Don't think I don't remember the way you shouted obscene things at master.

That crime will be punished.


Fun fact; Cobalt, when melted, releases a noxuis gas. Therefore the theming between the main Charector " Cobalt " and his companions.





Whew, they certainly ran quite the distance away... but I arrived.

It's quartz? Really? What's he doing here?

Icy bastard never once talked to me, and he knew the password to my cool shield?

And Dice is having a field day... it's coated in Acid? Actually, looking closer it's almost like Plate mail.

Is that a new spell of it's?

Man I should ask it's gender or something... kinda annoying always saying it's... but that's for later.

Anyways, Dice has incredibly high speed now... in conjunction with the magic and Carapace... I'm confident that Dice can win. Not because Quartz is weak, but because it counters him in everyway.

Anyways, I'll just sneak over there and pick up Asi... was she always this big? She's the size of a small adult now... maybe it's my magic tatoo finally kicking in. Also, she seems to have... grown a robe? It's weird because she is fire... and the robe is fire so you can't really tell where she begins and the robe ends.

Can spirits eat apples?

I know shinigami can... but does that apply to a Divine Demon Fire Spirit??? Is that what she is technically? Whatever.


Fun fact: It's actually impossible to mine for Cobalt specifically. This is due to it's atomic makeup. It's found in small quantities in Copper and other mineral veins.





Hehehehehe, Master's watching me... oh I'm going to enjoy this.

After I beat this guy up, master will praise me... ohoho what a happy turn of events for me!

I based my new spell on Master's ideas on Magic Craft. I learned from watching him about using different magics to accomplish a goal during him making... a ' Care '. He used specifically air magic to push forwards... but that also applies to other things.

A good example is my " Toxic Lance " spell I made.

Its a combination of wind, water, and acid magic... wind to send it flying... water to keep it's shape so it flys better... acid to actually create it.

Normally, acid magic would be used to create large AoE rather than single target according to master.

Haha! And this magic is the best of my work!

Using water and acid... I created a set of acid to wear and protect me, and use wind magic to make me faster.

Therefore making me a ' Rush ' like master talked about, I now counter this trash perfectly!




Me - " Quartz, give up. Your shield can only be repaired with magic so many times. "


He ignored my taunt... whatever.

Dice is clearly out pacing him, and if it wasn't for the absurd shield he carried and his high health pool... well that goes without saying.

Whenever Dice flanks, she also conjures Attacks to hit from other angles... so no matter what she is doing damage, Dice is also too fast to get hit by Quartz's famous counter attacks.

To think I ran this dude over and panicked.

Also... I'm still confused on how he figured out the password for the shield.

It's unbreakable!

Your probably wondering about the shield... but it doesn't matter. It's a failed experiment of mine in magic regeneration of equipment.

Originally I wanted to repair a special weapon from a member of mine, but it ended up being useless... well it does better against equipment damaging attacks I guess.

Oh, and theres the finishing blow from Dice... did she make a clone out of herself for that? That's pretty sick!


Too bad you saw that finisher in cobalt's POV haha, happy April first everyone