1- Kara Zor-El.



I realize that for some people reading about the Protagonist's level of strength it might seem a little absurd for the MCU but believe me when I say that she is not all that strong in my version of the MCU so relax this is NOT a dumb wish fulfillment fic with an absurd op main character.


[Earth, C-53, 7:00 Am 1995]


On the peaceful and quiet silence of the vacuum of space, more specifically at the Sol system on the Milky Way Galaxy, a fast projectile approached a small Blue planet.


Passing through some planets at an amazing speed the red projectile arrived at the blue planet in mere minutes, the planet had the name designation of C-53 or like the natives called Earth.


Most of the Galaxy didn't know of it' existence due to its complete lack of relevance but those who did knew that it is a perfect planet to hide be it something or... someone.


Stopping at the planet's atmosphere the projectile lost its blurry image, revealing a gigantic Spaceship with a syrup brown color, blue engines, thrusters, and weapons at each side of its gigantic wings that extended forward until the end of its head.


Cloaking itself and becoming invisible the Ship stayed on orbit for some seconds, when suddenly It opened one of its compartments and launched a small rectangular, white, black pod towards the small blue planet.


Entering the mesosphere of the planet the pod started to heat up, creating a red burning light in the morning sky and crashing down to the ground in less than five seconds somehow not receiving any damage.


Opening its two metallic doors the pod released a cold white mist that gradually faded away while slowly revealing a white-haired woman peacefully sleeping inside the pod, the woman stood still for some seconds when suddenly she opened her eyes and jerked awake with a big gasp.


Suddenly awakening Kara opened her eyes and took a big breath, feeling her cold body she looked at where she was while trying to get out of her pod, she is confused, she felt cold, her muscles were weak and she couldn't remember anything.


Shaking her head she lifted herself up accidentally tripping over and falling down.


Sensing the incoming collision she closed her eyes while putting her hands in front of her face and prepared for the impact, an impact that never came.


Opening her eyes, she saw the ground centimeters away from her face, she stayed confused for some seconds before relaxing and looking around herself, it took mere milliseconds for her to see her body floating in the air just centimeters above the ground


'I should probably get up, but how?'. Suddenly her body flew back, hitting one of the doors of the pod and throwing it back on the ground with a loud bang.


'Stop'. She thought and her body obeyed by stopping on the air for one second, just to fall to the ground once more on the next.


Catching herself before she could fall again Kara landed on the ground with her legs and looked around herself, only to see a desert full of rocks.


Taking a big breath she closed her eyes and started thinking about her situation, she woke up inside a pod, she was cold and couldn't remember anything, she still retained her knowledge of the world and the names of every object but nothing much, it is because of that that she knows for a fact that she was in cryogenic sleep.


Closing her eyes she tried to remember her last memory, she was inside a pod, being trow into a spaceship while screaming to someone below trying to break the glass of a window, and failing.


She remembers a cold mechanical voice speaking with her, she does not remember what it said, she remembers feeling sleepy, and then, an explosion.


Standing up motionless she opened her eyes and touched her face, she could feel her tears flowing once again, she didn't understand why but she knows she can't stay that way.


Her memory was foggy but she could somewhat remember her training, sitting on the ground with crossed legs she started to meditate.


One second she was in total darkness feeling the hardness of the ground below her, the next she was in the arms of a man, crying, she knew exactly where she was, no, when she was.


'My birth, too far.' Not bothering to hear the words of the people around her she accelerated her memories, through the tunnel of memories years seemed to pass in seconds before her eyes.


Her father Zor-el comforted her as she came back crying from school, her mother Alura taught her the principles of the fundamental forces of the universe, in school, she made her first friend, a brunette called Alrya Hu-ui.


Going through her memories she started to remember all her life, her dead parents, her world destroyed, the elders, her master's teachings, Faora's stealth training.


Her wife, Alrya Hu-Ul's death, her brief escape from Krypton, her wedding when she was thirty-one, the first time she met her wife when they were fourteen, the time before that when all the kids avoided her, the mean history teacher that hated her.


The day when she discovered her special ability to Adapt and Evolve when she was seven, her father and mother hugging her out of happiness after the discovery, the following week when she met her martial arts master for the first time, and the first time she fought him when she was fifteen to try and become his official apprentice.


Unconsciously a small smile formed in her lips, remembering the happy times she touched the red ring on her left hand, she already remembered everything she needed.


Kara started to get out of her memories and back to her body but suddenly stopped herself, turning her back on the memory tunnel she saw a gigantic while light right in front of her, not being able to resist her own curiosity she flew ahead.


Arriving at the shining white light she extended her arm and touched with her finger, the moment she did the bright light slowly dissipated as its surface became transparent while ripples moved without meaning.




Looking inside the water-like thing she saw a small girl that looked to be ten years old playing inside a bathroom with makeup while transforming herself and her doll into clowns.


Looking at the images Kara entered a trance, she briefly felt something covering her body as she started to see through the girl's eyes, feeling her feelings and thinking her thoughts.


"Poppy!, dinner is ready, come here, or you will get late for school, and you better not be messing with my makeup again!".


Panicking the girl started washing her face with soap, failing miserably in washing the makeup off her face and only making a bigger of a mess.


"Just give me a second mom!, I'm doing number two!"


Looking at the funny memory Kara shook her head, one second she was washing her face for her mother not to scold her, the next she was in front of a circular thing showing her mother scolding her for playing with her makeup again.


With her interest picked Kara sat down on the air and continued to see the memories of the red haired girl, staying an entire hour inside her mindscape she saw through the eyes of the girl who called herself Poppy


She stated that way until the moment the girl took a small comic book on her class, she could see the image of a giant green man with a angry face before she was violently thrown out of her own head.


Forcefully going back to her body Kara fell with her back on the ground and stayed that way for some seconds, recovering from her trance she jumped on the air and stood up again.


Looking at her hand's she started to feel weird, looking at the sun and then at her surroundings in the 'unknown' planet she discovered where she was.


"Grand Canyon, Arizona". She whispered.


Closing her arms she started thinking about what just happened, after arriving at this unexplored planet she woke up with a foggy memory and proceeded to meditate with the objective of remembering everything.


But somehow she ended up going even further back than what she wanted, the only explanation she had was.


"My past life" She concluded.


"Kryptonians always believed in an afterlife where we would rest eternally on Rao's gardens or one where we would choose to be reborn as a new life form".


"I knew the Kryptonians who were spirituality strong could meditate and see parts of their previous lives but I really didn't expect to be able to do this on my own".


'My past life was that of a girl named Poppy, cute name if I have to say, in that life I had read some comics of two very interesting universes, Marvel and Dc'.


'But something expelled me from those memories, and blocked most of then, leading me to believe that in my past life I knew a vast amount of things about the future of both universes, but now I just have a limited amount of information'.


'No future events, no weakness, some origin histories that are completely useless until I discover on what universe I'm in, and a very different Krypton'.


'Still, my memory is not entirely reliable, the Tamaraneans that I met all had the power to manipulate/absorb ultraviolet energy and shoot star bolt blasts, survive without oxygen, and fly'.


Releasing a tired sigh Kara looked at one of the mountains and without thinking she shot two red laser beams out of her eyes that exploded on contact with the rocks, pulverizing everything in a three-mile radius and creating a gigantic shockwave that broke all the nearby rocks.


"And I should probably train to control my powers, Kryptonians of this universe are much more powerful than the ones in that Dc one".


Bending her knees Kara looked up while preparing herself to jump, using a small part of her strength she jumped towards the blue sky with no intention of using her flying ability to go back down, making the calculations in her head she was able to determine her position relative to the ground, 434 miles, she literally jumped out of Earth, not surprisingly, this planet has a gravity force ten thousand times weaker than her own.


Looking at the planet below her Kara saw the entirety of the Grand Canyon, together with California and Nevada, falling back she decided to not use her flight and see if she could resist the impact on the ground, she already knew the answer to that question but sometimes a woman with superpowers could have her fun, her human memories may or may not have reawakened her childlike happiness from the first time she flew.


The moment her body hit the ground the rocky soil gave in and broke in hundreds of cracks, creating a small shockwave and destroying half of the mountain she had crashed in.


Flying out of the crater she created, Kara started to look at her body but didn't found any signal of bruises, except her slightly dirty white cryo bodysuit.


"Humm". Humming in approval Kara landed on the ground and prepared herself to run and discover her top speed but stopped herself when her feet suddenly went through the ground like it was water, she immediately stopped her fall, it was only a second later that she understood what happened.


Kryptonian bodies although externally similar to humans are extremely different on the inside, one example of this is their density that is much, much higher than any living being on planet Earth, something completely understandable for a race that can resist the force of black holes and literally fly through entire planets without a problem.


Krypton's gravity was a consistent 98km/s² in other words 10.000 times that of this planet, saying it in another way something that weighs 1Gon on krypton would weigh 0.0001 kilograms on earth, if a human tried to lift said object on earth it would be easy but if he tried to lift on Krypton he would be unable to since for him that object would weigh 10 Tons while for Kryptonians it would only weigh one Gon (Kilo) of weight is after all only a force caused by gravity and mass.


Earth largely used the metric system to calculate the Weight of an object, Krypton had the same numbers, just different names for example:


Miligram= Zitrons


1 milligram on Earth = 10 grams on Krypton = 1 Zitron on Krypton


Grams= Yins


1 Gram on Earth = 10 Kilos on Krypton = 1 Yin on Krypton


Kilogram= Gons


1 Kilogram on Earth = 10 Tons on Krypton = 1 Gon on Krypton


Tons= Setrons


1 Ton On Earth= 10000 Tons on Krypton = 1 Setron on Krypton


Gigaton= Seriton


She for example weighs 12,700,000 Setrons on krypton's metric system, something normal for a young Kryptonian like her.


Making the correct calculations, on earth, she now weighs 12,700,000 Tons, she could feel the lightness of her body and the illusion of strength the low gravity gave her, she wasn't stronger, not even a drop stronger or more resistant than before, she would not fall under such illusion but... she could have some fun.


Smiling mischievously she prepared to run before stopping herself and slapping her head.


"Hellooo Kara, you can't run around the world like that, humans will panic if you do that, you dumb idiot". Using her supervision she started to search for a suitable planet unfortunately the sun was blocking her view, using her X-ray she looked past it and found Jupiter, the widest planet on this solar system.


Using her strength she jumped towards the sky and used her flight to dash towards Jupiter, passing closely by the sun she felt her strength increase even more quickly, she wanted to stay some more time to feel the warmth but decided to continue flying forward, she had no time to waste.


The vacuum of space wasn't a big problem for Kryptonians like her, after absorbing the radiation of certain stars breathing would be mostly optional, much like sleeping, the only reason her race still had a stomach is because they liked the taste of food, there are not many foods in the universe capable of satisfying a Kryptonian's needs better or even nearly as good as a Star.


Earth's star is a small one but it is still enough to give her a healthy growth, she still needed to drink water and sleep at least three times through the year but besides that her needs were minimal.


Arriving at Jupiter's atmosphere and continuing to go down, Kara stopped counting in her head and looked around herself.


'Five seconds humm, this is way beyond light speed, not surprising since my other version from Dc could do the same, probably'.


'Wait, isn't Jupiter a gas giant?, well now it's too late to do anything besides going forward, although I doubt I will find something, this planet is completely inhabitable for humans.'


Entering the planet Kara started to analyze it, something simple just to pass time.


'The wind of this planet is fast, approximately 300 miles per hour, the pressure alone is one hundred times stronger than the one on earth's surface, not only that but this entire place is dark, maybe even more so than the night, well at least for humans, light is not something needed to see.'


'430 miles and the pressure keeps increasing 1,150 times that of earth's surface, 2,500 miles down the temperature becomes that of 6,100°F'.


Curious about what the planet might have to offer she continued to go down, her clothes were starting to get slightly damaged but she could simply make another one.


'Innermost layer 13,000 miles, a pressure two million times stronger than that of earth's surface, still, it doesn't come close to that of Krypton but this temperature, the radiation this planet is producing is not strengthening my body but I wouldn't be surprised if I gained a new ability'.


'Different types of radiation equal different powers, the yellow sun is the best besides Rao but the others are nor bad, still, the temperature of this place is much stronger than the surface of the sun 11.000°F, a temperature so extreme that even the hydrogen molecules are being affected by forcing them so close together that they form metallic hydrogen'.


'This thing is trying to throw me up and down like a ragdoll'. Looking down on the planet kara decided to get out, if the atmosphere of this planet was that bad she doubted something could survive down there, but what did she expect? that thing is just a giant ball of gas after all.


Reaching the void of space and traveling aimlessly Kara started to think about her own planet.


New krypton had one of the rashest environments of the universe but the Kryptonians didn't originally came from there, her father once told her that Kryptonians had to migrate due to old Krypton being destroyed by a single being before her ancestors became a peaceful race and established themselves on her birth planet.


A nearby but desolated planet inside old Krypton's galaxy, Rao's galaxy, the only downside was the red sun and the smaller but still big planet they had to reside in, or at least that was what her ancestors though at first.


Shaking her head and going back to reality Kara started to fly towards Mars, she shouldn't dwell on ancient history, she has things to do.


Ignoring the planet's atmosphere she landed on the rocky soil and prepared to test her powers, using her heat vision she marked a line on the ground, but ended up putting too much power into it, creating a small cliff on the middle of nowhere.


'It's not like anyone will know'.


Kara bent her knees and prepared herself to run, she knew she was faster than light while flying but she didn't know how fast she was when running, at least not outside of Krypton.


"One, Two, Three!" Kara ran forward with all her strength, breaking the ground beneath her feet and creating a small shockwave that threw most of the rocks to the air.


After running for some seconds Kara started to think she was significantly slower when moving through the ground, but after concentrating on the path ahead and seeing her mark three times in a roll, she planted her feet on the ground sliding through the rocky soil and creating a gigantic straight crater through the planet before stopping centimeters away from her starting line.


Looking around herself and seeing the destruction she caused her face contorted into a worried expression, it was obvious that she didn't know how to control her strength.


Kryptonians were powerful even without absorbing a yellow sun's radiation but she wasn't even one hundred years old and as such could only do so much to strengthen herself.


Her ability helped her evolve well beyond the people of her age but the maximum weight she could lift on krypton was 30 Trillion Seritons, compared with her mother and father that could lift well over one hundred times that weight she was not much.


She would become stronger the older she got but it would take twenty years to even reach her parent's level of power, less if she became a battle maniac and abused her ability to adapt and evolve, which she would totally do without a doubt.


Kara felt a little object colliding with her feet forcibly stopping her train of thought she looks down, only to see what looks like a broken rover robot, picking up the camera of the small metallic creature she started poking at its lenses.


Her memories from her past life gave her the ability to speak two earthling languages and understand their costumes to the point where she wouldn't be called an ignorant person.


But from what her past self knew the first robot launched to Mars was in 1997.


"Oh no". Kara quickly threw the lense at the ground and flew to space, landing on Mercury seconds later, the humans, at least on her past's life planet, haven't discovered any extraterrestrial life and if they discovered a God-like being like herself she could already imagine the chaos that would bring.


Calming herself she landed on a small planet and looked at her surroundings, only to see a desert, it was a strangely calm and peaceful place with dozens of craters on its surface.


'Black soil, no air, no sky, just silence, the stars, and the sun, so this is Mercury, it's my favorite planet already'.


Staying in a peaceful silence Kara looked to the stars and smiled, she loved the silence, on Krypton due to her special ability all of her senses reached a gigantic degree, her hearing was the worst of them, she could easily hear all the people of the planet, something that tormented her for a krytoz of her life, older Kryptonians could train to control it, but not her.


Her Special Anility to adapt and evolve never stopped evolving her body, making it so her speed of training never caught up with her speed of evolution, it took one year for her father to make a hearing aid that could keep up with her evolution, some times it failed and her father had to upgrade it.


She hated when that happened because she had to stay days and one time even months hearing everything on the planet.


She heard the air flowing, the water moving, creatures dying, Kryptonians laughing, people doing pervert things, she heard it all, she heard it so much that she tried to rip her ears out, the silence only lasted for ten seconds before her ability regrew her ears again, the last time she received her hearing aid she always treated it well, cleaning every day and praying to Rao for it to never fail her again, that was eighty years ago, she stayed with the same hearing aid to this day.


Lifting her hand Kara touched her left ear, her hearing aid was not there, that du-.


"-mb A.I must have had taken it off while I was in cryogenic sleep."


Standing in complete silence while not being able to hear anything Kara started to laugh, a soundless laugh, her chest rose and fell repeatedly before she started to sob, and then cry uncontrollably, she saw her tears flow up and freeze in the void, the silence she had now was the one she always wanted when she was no older than five krytoz old and only wanted to read her books in peace.


'Funny how the universe grants what people wish for, mine, it was when I already lost everything'. Kara moved her eyes and saw more of her tears floating above her head and subsequently freezing seconds later, in one of them she saw something strange, for less than a second a blue light reflected from one of her tears.


Wiping her eyes with her heat vision Kara quickly turned around, there she saw a weird hill, most of the rocks of mercury were black, more to the grey side to be more specific but the hill that is in front of her is both completely black and more...metallic.


Flying in the hill's direction she approached the black metal when suddenly she felt as if she was passing through a thin layer of water, ignoring the feeling she continued to pass through what she could only assume was a forcefield.


The moment her head passed through the forcefield the scenery changed, from a black, lifeless hill to a big garden with hundreds of plants and trees everywhere.


"What?".Kara said stupefied."Wait, did I just talk". She said again with a hint of surprise in her voice.


From what Kara remembered of her studies sound was a mechanical longitudinal wave of energy that emanated from a vibration, atoms hitting atoms until they reach the ear of someone, more specifically the tympanic membrane that vibrated at the same frequency, allowing the tiny bones in the middle and inner ear to translate the movement to energy that a brain can interpret.


So it should be impossible to hear something in space since there is only one atom by every cm³, with such a low density the energy of sound waves couldn't possibly bounce one from another.


Thinking about these facts Kara quickly came with an answer.


'This place somehow has an atmosphere, not only that but it managed to create life and even water?'. Kara looked at the small river that extended to a lake, dozens of fish and microorganisms living together in what should be an impossible situation.


Searching for the answer in her memories she came up with a possible explanation and ran towards one of the metallic rocks laying on the ground.


Picking the metallic object Kara used her supervision and started to analyze the structure of the metal, looking attently she was able to see an alloy containing carbon nanotubes.


Carbon nanotubes had the ability to absorb and store energy, in other words, the metal she is touching is vibration absorbent not infinitely but anything that could break that metal would have to be incredibly strong.


For what she could tell its tensile strength was of 2900.00 MPa and the Yield strength of YS1600.00 MPa, but the most interesting part of that metal was the white energy that circulated through its molecular structure.


Kara remembered reading about something like that one time, more specifically when she was in the Argo library, it was called a cosmic metal, a metal imbued with cosmic power that had unknown properties.


"Vibranium".Kara whispered in realization, the power cosmic could create, and destroy life, she didn't know how long this place existed but somehow the vibranium here created an entirely new habitat for life itself to florist.


While analyzing the object, the metal suddenly ejected a small electric beam that hit Kara's hand, slightly shocking her and making her eyes go blank for a mere second, when she recovered she shook her head and turned around.


"I... should come back later, now I need to go to Earth and see exactly what year is it".


Kara turned around and flew to the direction of the blue planet, she didn't know why but she had a strong feeling that she needed to get to her pod and go to Los Angeles.