2- Vers?

[7:23 AM, United States California, Los Angeles]

Arriving on Earth Kara landed next to her pod, the impact of her rough landing destroyed the mountain below her, looking down while ignoring the now floating pod Kara started to get worried again.

She had not used much strength in her landing, she even made sure to speed down while getting near Earth, still... it was not enough, looking down she saw the soil hundreds of meters below breaking apart.

Shaking her head she forcefully suppressed her vision, unfortunately, her special ability didn't enhance only one of her senses but fortunately, her hearing aid didn't only suppress her hearing, but that wasn't important now.

For the moment she only hoped the humans would think the gigantic crater was always there.

Using her speed Kara quickly took her clothes off, and put them inside a small drawer above the pod.

Opening a small compartment on the left side of the pod she almost flinched after seeing a black sphere, acting quickly she took the thing in her hands.

The moment the black sphere made contact with her skin it started to spread through her entire body, changing its color and becoming a dark blue and red suit with red boots, a long skirt open at the front that reached slightly above her ankle, sleeves that covered her entire arm except for her hands.

A collar with a slight opening at the front that completely covered her nape and almost all of her neck and finally an S symbol made out of a red, crimson color separated by a blue one, even in its V form one could slightly see the diamond shape forming around the symbol of the house of EL.

She barely had a moment to feel surprised as a female voice sounded out of the pod, one that made her freeze and her heart to beat faster, she didn't need to think twice, she knew who that voice belonged to, her mother.

[Hollo dear, did you like my present? These clothes are made out of unstable molecules fused with Klyntar cells, they can shapeshift and contrary to the Klyntar are resistant to extreme temperatures, in other words, Bio-suits, I know it's a while off but, Happy Birthday dear]

Not wasting any time Kara sat in the air with her legs crossed, even without using her hearing aid all she could hear is the voice of her mother, something she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to hear it again.

[Unfortunately me and your father won't be able to see you become a woman on your hundredth birthday]

This time Kara held her tears, she didn't want anything else to trouble her at this moment, her sobs would only inconvenience her now.

[We were planning to give you this present personally but, well, if you are hearing this you know why we weren't able to...]

The surroundings suddenly became silent, they stayed that way for some seconds before she heard sobbing, for a minute all she heard was her mother crying, finally, her mother came back, this time with a noticeable amount of sadness in her voice.

[Look, dear, we just want you to know that no matter where you are or where we are we will never stop loving you, what happened to Krypton to Alrya, to us, it is not your fault, it was never your fault and it will never be your fault]

This time she couldn't stop the tears falling out into her legs, she had to use all her strength just not to sob.

[I hope that wherever you are and whenever you are you are happy, don't remember us, don't let us drag you down into the future, you are, by the time you hear this message most likely the last Daughter of Krypton, so I have one last request, our ancestors of old Krypton showed the universe the worst of what we are capable of, so please, please Kara, show them the best Krypton can give]

[Just one last thing, your father, he made an A.I to take care of you, her name is Lavender, she'll take care of you after we are no longer able to, please treat her well, she will be like an older sister to you, you always wanted one after all, Kara I love you, goodbye]

Kara stood motionless in the air, even while the pod threw her hearing aid out and flew to the ship she said nothing and did nothing besides extending her hand to catch it and try to regain her composure.

{Kara? are you ok} A voice came out of her suit

Finally regaining her composure and cleaning her tears Kara smiled.

"Lavender I presume?"

{Ahnnn yes, yes! that is me} The slightly shy A.I replied.

"No need to be nervous, my mother created you, even if you are not my sibling by blood from now on we will be family, so, It's nice to meet you Lavender Zor-El, let's get along well from now on."

{Yeah, nice to meet you too Kara Zoe-El}

"Now, let's explore this world."

{An adventure together, I like it}

Nodding Kara gave a last look at herself and flew towards the city.

While flying she started to feel a weird sense of happiness, for what she could remember the Tamaraneans could fly by absorbing ultraviolet lights while also needing to feel happiness, she on the other hand just uses her bioelectrical aura.

Lowering her speed to bellow supersonic she stopped her train of thought and continued to fly through one of the roads, she would fly higher when she reached a city but for now, she could just enjoy the feeling of the air hitting her face.

Closing her eyes she turned around and started to fly on her back while looking at the sky, she wants to explore the cosmos but for what her memories told her, the planet she was in was constantly attacked by Godlike beings, planetary conquerors or the literal Satan.

She didn't know when they would come, all she knew was their powers, a not very useful set of information since the multiverse existed and she knew she probably wasn't inside one of those her past self saw or read.

Hearing a shattering noise Kara came back from her thoughts and looked bellow, only to see a car in the process of overturning with broken windows.

Dashing to the ground she quickly took the car's bumper, only to end up accidentally crushing it, taking another, but more careful approach this time she took the car by the headlights and slowly put the vehicle in the ground.

"Hey, are you ok?".Kara asked after running to the driver's car window.

Looking at the unmoving face of the driver she shook her hand in front of his eyes to try and get a reaction from him but failed to do anything in the end.

"Weird". Kara said and turned around while preparing to leave but stopped herself when she saw the glass shards of the broken windows frozen in the air.

"What?". Kara slowly approached the shards and poked one of them with her finger, only for the shard to break once again, this time in hundreds of pieces, each smaller than a millimeter.

Looking at the strange phenomenon in front of her she started to think about what could possibly have caused this situation, landing on the ground she started to walk in circles with one finger on her chin, a habit she developed when she was ten years old.

"Time stop, no I didn't absorb a green star's energy yet, and a cosmic being that can stop time wouldn't worry about me, I'm strong but compared to my Master or Faora I'm not much."

"Wait, in mars, I ran so fast I couldn't see the finishing line I had put before passing it at least dozens of times."

"Now that I think about it my sudden increase in power most likely made my brains confused."

"In other words".Kara turned around and looked at the shattered pieces of glass on the air and like she thought they had moved slightly forward.

"I'm the one causing it". She concluded.

Looking up she observed the Yellow star of this solar system, that thing could not enhance her permanently like Rao but its power is not something she can underestimate.

Lifting her hand she looked at her hearing aid, the thing is made out of Zostrox having a circular shape that could accommodate her pointy ears without a problem, separating the two parts she put it on both of her ears, her ability combined with the yellow sun could very well render it useless but she had never lost faith in Rao, it won't be today nor in the future that she will.

Looking bellow herself Kara saw the car moving forward again and the driver losing control of the vehicle for some seconds only to regain it moments later, seeing that, she gave a big sigh of relief and turned around, flying towards her destination, only slower, and higher this time.

Arriving at her destination Kara looked around herself, she wasn't familiar with the place since her past self wasn't a North American but she did know where she was, at least she did after seeing a street board.

"United States, California, Los Angeles and technically I'm here illegally". Ignoring her own ramblings Kara started to walk forward when suddenly she heard a loud sound coming from above.

Looking to the sky she saw what looked like a pod falling, various pods falling actually, using her X-ray she saw a woman inside one of them and immediately flew up, she wasted no time on the others since only the one of the woman was damaged.

Flying to the pod and taking it from fellow she slowly reduced the velocity of the object and started going down, finally reaching the ground she put the pod down and walked to the torn wall on the right side of it, looking inside she saw a woman with a green suit.

She has an triangle shaped face, blue eyes, blond hair, white skin, a strong body, 2,3 meters tall, only sixty centimeters smaller than her, she has wide lips, and a confused yet serious expression on her face, it took less than a second before she realized the woman is a soldier.

Kara extended her arm to the woman while thinking about where exactly she had seen her before.


Vers Pov°

Vers was confused, first She saw visions of her mother inside a place she had never seen before, or maybe she had? She wasn't sure, five years and her memories were still fuzzy, then she woke up chained inside a skrull ship, then she somehow managed to escape without Talos killing her, Then she managed to steal an escape pod before the ship she was in exploded, but not before Talos fired a blast that almost destroyed her pod.

Luckily the universe seemed to be on her side since her pod had somehow slowed down, which not only confused her but also made her think about what could possibly have caused that, a question she felt would answer itself when a 3-meter tall white-haired, dark-skinned woman suddenly appeared in front of her and extended her hand.

Paying more attention to the woman she tried to discover what kind of race she belongs to, she saw the planet she is in on the pod, humans on C-53 are not as tall as the woman, at three meters and full of muscles she is sure the woman is not a native of the planet.

She has dark skin, a diamond-shaped face, her hair is made out of a shining white with light yellow at the end of each strand, her eyes are of a powerful golden color, only by looking at her she could feel the absurd amount of energy flowing behind those eyes.

'This woman, is dangerous.'

Seeing the mysterious woman's hand Vers looked at her suspiciously but decided to take a leap of faith and hold on to the helping hand.

The mission on Torfa had been a trap from the start, Soh-larr was actually Talos and the real Soh-larr was probability transformed into carbonite for who knows how long.

"ᚹᛖᛚᛚ,᛫ᚨᚱᛖᚾ'ᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚷᛟᛁᛜ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛏᛖᛚᛚ᛫ᛗᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᚾᚨᛗᛖ".The woman said in an unrecognizable language, weirdly enough her mouth didn't move.

'Now my Universal translator can't even recognize this, can this day get any worse?'


Seeing the confused expression on the woman's face Kara immediately understood what was happening she was speaking Kryptonian all this time, of course, nobody would understand her, not even with the help of universal translators.

Kara punched her chest and coughed two times, it had been some time since she had spoken English, literally a lifetime but she could probably manage.

"I asked if you can tell me your name".

Now with a much more understanding expression, Vers took Kara's hand and lifted herself up, looking at the clothes of the woman in front of her Vers immediately fixed her eyes on her chest part.

She had not noticed before but the form of the S in the woman's chest resembled a diamond.

A diamond with an S, a form nobody in the galaxy used due to the simple fact that the most feared race in the known universe used that form with certain symbols on it.

She remembers the names, everyone with minimal historical education knew Ak, Am, An, Da, Dar, Do, Em, Kann, Ko, Nor, Mer, Nu, Ran, Re, Tor, Ur, Van, Veks, Zar, Zu and the worst of all, bearing the symbol of an S on their chests contained in a diamond-shaped shield like all the others, the house of EL.

It was only when the symbol on the woman's chest disappeared that Vers realized she had looked at it for too long, she is in danger, and her words for the next minutes may either end or save her life.

Even not seeing it anymore she could already picture the S symbol on the chest of the woman, a symbol that no one has seen in ten thousand years, a symbol that in the past and maybe even today meant hope to some and certain death to others.

"Hey, HEY!". Kara snapped her fingers in front of the woman's eyes, creating a small shockwave and making her get out of her trance and look at her, with a much more cautious and curious expression than before.

Looking at the woman's expression and sensing her tension Kara became confused, she didn't know why she was afraid but she could try to relieve the tension somehow.

{'I didn't knew, I have such an oblivious sister, you'll thank me later'}

"You know, I know I'm an eye candy to many people but my eyes are up here, and please close your mouth, you will start drooling if you continue that way". Kara said in a joking tone.

Vers straightened herself and looked at the Kryptonian's eyes, in all honesty, she half expected to be killed the moment she realized that the woman is a Kryptonian.

After all, an entire race as advanced as theirs couldn't possibly isolate themselves for ten thousand years and not travel through the universe one time or another without anyone discovering them.

Seeing the still tense expression of the woman in front of her Kara started to think about what could possibly have made her stay so much under the edge.

By having to look down Kara noticed something in her peripheral vision, Lavender had for some reason wiped out the symbol of her family on her chest, somewhat annoyed she opened her chest part and created the diamond shield again, it was only when she remembered the woman in front of her that she realized she most likely knew she is a Kryptonian.

'That's why she's so scared'.

Kara almost facepalmed herself for forgetting about a particular detail, before the migration to new Krypton the Kryptonian race was constantly in wars, killing entire planets and terraforming them to expand their borders.

Traveling from solar systems to other galaxies the old Kryptonians gained incredible amounts of strength by absorbing the radiation of different stars, extinguishing entire races just to increase the size of the Kryptonian empire and gain new resources.

They were like this for thousands of years, but... something happened, and then everything changed on Decimation Day.

From what she studied, the Decimation Day was the worst day in Kryptonian history, it was the day they lost for the first time, the entire Kryptonian race fought against one being and of the 800 billion that entered the fight, only 3 billion got out alive.

The history books never said what the being they fought looked like but it was highly speculated that the perpetrator was a cosmic entity since that same being managed to destroy old Krypton and its blue star, taking the entire Galaxy together with it.

Looking at the woman Kara's confused face changed to an understanding one, it was not her fault really, after D.D (Decimation Day) the Kryptonians took everything they had on every colony and established themselves on new Krypton.

The day the Kryptonian calendar started again and her race completely changed their ways, a day that Krypton celebrated every start of a new year, calling it The birth of new Krypton or B-NK before new Krypton and A-NK after new Krypton.

Putting her hands in the shoulders of the woman in front of her Kara gave a small, reassuring smile and said in the most friendly tone of voice she could muster.

"So, you noticed".

To her credit, Vers managed to stay with a completely neutral expression, her training on Hala to control her emotions didn't have the best results but she could control her expressions to a certain extent if it didn't involve her past.

So even if she was going to die this moment she wouldn't show any signs of weakness to the Kryptonian.

"Well, I will go to the point, I am not the boogeyman, I am not a killing machine that destroys everything in sight and I am not going to destroy planets for fun". Kara said with a calm tone of voice.

She felt like she had to specify those facts since the universe probably exaggerated the strength of the Kryptonians, well, a Kryptonian like her who had absorbed the energy of a yellow sun can, in fact, destroy small planets but her race wasn't made of a bunch of barbarians like the old Krypton.


"Good, so, could you please tell me your name?, mine is Kara Zor-El, Daughter of Zor-El and Alura In-Ze."

"Vers, Kree Starforce secondary category operative." Seeing the confused expression of Kara Vers specified.

"The second in command".

"Mar-vell?" Kara whispered, hearing the Kree word she remembered a person with the name of Mar-vell, a female Kree hybrid, a hero of the Marvel Universe if she wasn't mistaken.

But in that universe, the kree were a genetically engineered warrior race governed by the supreme intelligence that was in a war against the Skrulls, and neither of them were particularly good.

'Different universe then'. Looking at the Kree hybrid Kara smiled again, she had a small amount of information but she could trust the woman a little bit, not her race but she was relatively fine.

"So, Vers, what are you doing on this planet?". Kara said while walking forward and taking the pod in her arms, using her bioelectric aura she covered the entire pod and smashed it without having to move her fingers transforming it in a small metallic sphere.

From an outside perspective, she only touched the pod with her palm and it suddenly compressed into a ball.

Ignoring the show of force Vers turned her head towards the Kryptonian and said: "Nothing, I was captured by Skrulls but managed to escape by stealing an escape pod, do you have any communication device?"

"Yes, in fact, I do, but I don't want anyone knowing that a Kryptonian is living on this planet, it would bring many problems to me and the natives of Terra, but you could try to repair your interface with one those."

Kata pointed to a public telephone on the wall, when Vers turned to look at it she threw the metallic sphere on her hand to space, humans were not ready to receive the kind of technology a simple escape pod would provide, even if it was a broken one.

"Thank you for your help but now I have to contact my team". Vers turned around and walked to the direction the Kryptonian had pointed her but stopped when a hand landed on her shoulder making her freeze and then look back up at the woman.

"Yes, but I really have to make sure you won't try to tell your team that a Kryptonian is in Terra, I will stay with you until your rescue arrives."

'And get out of this planet before an entire fleet tries to invade it because of me.'

Vers only nodded and continued to walk forward, it would be pointless to try to stop a Kryptonian.

Tearing apart the telephone device the Kryptonian had told her about Vers started to take the pieces she needed to repair her interface.

Not wanting to stay silent throughout the entire time Kara rested her shoulders in the wall while looking at Vers.

"So, Vers, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Why?".Vers asked without looking at Kara.

"Why not? if we are going to stay together for some time its best to know each other right?, I ask something, you answer and ask something in return."

'And Maybe I can identify this universe after this conversation as a bonus.'

Vers Stopped messing with her interface and looked at Kara for some seconds, after that she looked at her arm again and continued to repair her device.

"How... was Krypton."

Giving a little smile Kara said "It was beautiful before it exploded and before the council decided to drain the Kryptonite out of the planet, before that it had green lands, hundreds of different species and a beautiful red sky, sometimes Rao covered the planet in a beautiful aurora, unfortunately, the extraction of kryptonite destroyed the landscape of the planet, We will fix it later they said, well, they didn't and the planet is now no more."

Hearing Kara's words Vers felt a small twinge of sadness if it was because of the Krypronian's melancholy tone of voice or because an entire race almost died she didn't know.

In Hala, she was always the weird one, not having emotions were a big part of the military but it didn't matter how much they tried to rip them off her, it never worked, her will to purge them didn't change anything.

"How was your life in hala?"

"Normal, I arrived there half dead, trained to become a Starforce operative, didn't have any friends through, Yon-rogg always said that emotions got in the way of a warrior."

"They get in the way, they make you worry about someone else and not the mission and they make you love someone, the biggest weakness a Kree could have, so he trained me to lose all emotions and become a better version of myself."

Kara nodded, she agreed somewhat with this Yon-rogg but only partially, emotions could weaken a warrior but only if they became overwhelmed by them.

"How was your life in Krypton?"

"Not so normal, through my one to seven Krytoz of life I just studied like there was no tomorrow, mechanical engineering and programming together with hacking are my best skills today, even better than my fighting ones."

"After my third birthday, I noticed my 'friends' started to envy me because of my intelligence, at the time I just wanted to stay in silence with my books, but something changed when I turned ten and met the daughter of my master Faora Hu-ul, Alrya".

"We talked, we discovered we liked some of the same things, we studied like there was no tomorrow, we wanted to explore the cosmos, we particularly loved to change our hairstyles, it wouldn't be on my ninetieth birthday that we decided that we would marry on my hundredth birthday, Unfortunately, she got to the gardens of Rao too soon."

Vers gave a brief look towards Kara before returning to her interface.

She was trained to interrogate Skrulls and read even the smallest clues that someone was behaving differently or what they were feeling, in the Kree empire there was nothing like too much caution when you were fighting a race of Shapeshifters.

It was clear to her that this woman, Alrya, was someone important to her, much like Mar-vell was someone she admired but didn't really know, Alrya was probably the pillar that held the Kryptonian's life, just like the supreme intelligence is for her.

She knew this for one simple fact, nobody talked with that much emotion in their voice unless it brought strong feelings to them, she knew that she had done that in her first years in the Starforce.

Stopping with her repairs Vers turned around and looked directly at Kara's eyes, the conversation had turned into a much emotional one and more than anyone in the universe she could understand Kara's pain in losing not only her planet but also the person she loved the most or in her case admired.

"I... lost everything too, Aks'lo, that was the name of my old planet, I don't have any memories but the supreme intelligence told me enough to know what happened".

Kara looked at Vers, Faora hadn't ended with her training but she could read people well enough, and the only thing she could see in Vers eyes was sorrow, sorrow much like her own, perhaps, she could find a friend in her, Kryptonians were not made to live in solitude and she knew that as long as she did her mental health would only deteriorate.

"Five years ago the skrulls attacked my planet Ask'lo, they were already too deep in the society for us to do anything and just like that the moment they attacked the key figures of the government died only minutes after their invasion."

"The supreme intelligence showed me the images of the planet, carbonized bodies everywhere, no building intact, ships with gigantic holes through them and the body of my mother with a hole in her chest above me."

"I lost my memories when something, rubbles I think, hit my head the impact even broke my skull, I'm only alive today because the kree army arrived and managed to rescue me before I died of blood loss or with my brain slipping out of my skull".

"They put me inside a bacta tank but it could only slow down the bleeding". Vers opened a part of her hair on the left side of her head showing Kara a small scar.

"I'm only alive today because the supreme intelligence authorized the use of a new procedure in me, it would imbue my body with an unknown type of energy that came from a lost artifact we called the core, the process was a success and my healing factor was enhanced tremendously".

"The problem was my loss of blood, I could enter hemorrhagic shock, and die at any moment so they had to make a blood transfusion with the body of my mother, she was the only compatible one".

Hearing Vers words Kara felt an immense sense of sympathy, it was almost instinctive, she too had lost her family, and as such understood the pain of losing a mother.

"The supreme intelligence said to me her name was Mar-Vell, and now, after all of those years I discovered that she was once in this planet under the name of Dr. Lawson, the skrulls want something she had hidden here and I need to contact my team and warn them about it."

Vers almost shouted the last past, the thing she most hates in her life are the Skrulls and now they were trying to steal from her mother, couldn't they just stop when they took her life?

In her anger, Vers accidentally activated her powers, shooting a photon blast that hit Kara's feet, fortunately without causing any damage.

Looking at Vers Kara approached her and gave her a hug, it was somewhat akward due to the size difference but she managed to make it doable.

I the past Alrya aways comforted Kara by simply hugging her and staying silent, remenbering that she thought that maybe Vers only needed someone to confess to, much like she had Alrya, sometimes the mind is much more important than the body.

'Father always told me to help people no matter what, if Vers needs help, who am I to refuse it to give to her? I guess I will stay on this planet, for now, fighting against galactic conquerors and ancient Gods should be easy enough.'

"How about you tell me a little bit more about yourself while you fix your interface?"

Vers broke the hug and looked at Kara's eyes, not suppressing her feelings felt good, if she could do that with someone who understood her pain like the Kryptonian it would be even better.

"Yeah". Vers gave a small smile, she must have been worse than what she would like to admit to simply open up to a stranger, but... the Kryptonian in front of her gave her an air of comfort and calmness, perhaps the stories about her race were no long accurate after ten-thousand years.

"So there was this time I met this old man named stan...".