8- Infiltration, of a Kryptonian

IMPORTANT WARNING: All images of this fic can be found in the Extra/Auxiliary chapters, want to know how something looks? Just go there.


[Wednesday, 1:40 PM, Outskirts of Edwards Air Base]



Kara observed the constant flux of movement inside the airbase, looking inside a Skrull's body when they are transformed is still not a viable way of discovering who is or not a human, at least not yet, she'd have to study their biology to do such a thing.



"So, let's go through the plan again."



"Right." Kara opened her interface and showed a satellite image of the base.



"As you can see we are close to the entrance, coming from anywhere else but here is impossible, with my X-ray I've managed to identify 126 turrets, some invisible above the buildings and most below the ground, each most likely powered by that same energy that managed to harm me."



"There are many cameras, each capable of detecting us through different means, sound, heat, vision, vibration, both spacial and terrestrial and energy signature without speaking of how many mines this thing is surrounded by, and don't forget the satellites, and this us only on the place I have to go, yours is much worse, but I couldn't just put you there, too heavily guarded."



"I've already sent a droid to hack them and take ourselves out from the lens but since I don't know the capabilities of the Skrulls I will only keep it activated for five minutes."



"More than enough time for me to reach the research station 600 meters away, now, your objective is different from mine, 6 kilometers away there is a control room where the humans contact and give instructions to any aircraft arriving, there is... something there, something weird, but I can't see what it is, the space around there seems... wild."



"Now you have two options, One, use the time-splitter on your back and run as fast as you can, by the time you arrive you will have consumed at the very least 40% of energy, Two, dig a hole underground with your powers and go there, I wouldn't recommend it, they most likely have something to detect you."



Carol nodded and continued to see the map in front of her, the markings helped her understand the situation much better.



"A human's average walking speed is 85 meters per minute meaning most people here will be walking at this speed, If you try to use the light refractor to disguise yourself you will only manage to walk 425 meters before the droids cease their hacking, in other words, we can't be seen and we have to be fast."



Two blue lines formed on the map, one going to a building with a black roof and the other going much farther away, almost at the end of the runway.



"As you can see we will have to split."



"But, why are you going there again?"



"Simple, while your mission is to find what Mar-vell hid in this place mine is to find what the Skrulls are planning, know what level of technology they have, their bases, secret weapons, how deep they infiltrated this planet, and most importantly of all, the energy 'That' weapon uses, progressing without this kind of information is simply too dangerous."



"Hm, I understand."



"Good, now go, and remember, do not contact me unless it's an emergency."



Carol nodded and together they ran, nearing the entrance both activated their light refractor, making themselves invisible, while Kara took cover behind the welcome Singh and activated her drones Carol activated her blade, and ran towards the guard post as sneakily as she could while taking the mini-computer out of her hip and hacking the cameras to only show a frozen view.



Arriving behind the guard she sliced his neck resulting in the woman falling to the ground.



'This thing is non-lethal Carol, stop going back to your training, there's no need to kill anyone now.'



"How long is this thing going to last?"



"Two hours, the energy cuts the connection of the brain with the rest of the body almost completely, leaving only the needed functions for survival, for now, she can't feel, see, hear or smell anything, by the time she wakes up her brain will do a type of reboot, she'll probably think she fell asleep on the job."



"Good, now I'll go, good luck," Carol said as she activated the time-splitter disappearing from Kara's view.



"~As if we need luck~"



Kara sighed and shook her head, with a serious expression she got up and ran forward, due to the shock-absorbent suit she didn't need to worry about rising dust in her wake.



Arriving at a small building Kara became confused, why is there a house in this place? Crouching down she looked through the window, it is empty.



{Weird, I cannot detect any Singh of life, there are some cameras but they can be considered just home security, it is clear someone lives here due to the plates on the sink, one to two adults, and one child, do you want to investigate?}



'No, I came here to discover what the Skrulls are capable of and how deep they have invaded this planet, let's go, there's no reason to stay here.'



{Yes sis, and don't worry about the cameras, I'll deal with them, you just need to trust me, take the meat bags out while I take care of the mechanical ones, just don't fly you'll be much more exposed if you do)



Kara ignored Lavender and continued to run forward, barely thirty meters later she had to stop, very slowly she floated down with her stomach on the ground, just in time for a small, almost invisible red dot to pass through the place she was.



{Didn't I tell you that flying would be a bad idea?}



'You did, now stay silent, how was I supposed to know they'd have a spacial anomaly detector?'



{Oh, I don't know, maybe the same way you should know that this soil is infested with light pressure plates?}






{Easy to ignore right? Had you crawled forward a little bit more they'd catch you, this thing is almost undetectable to the small burst of energy we shoot out of our eyes to see through objects}



{When seeing the insides of something your brain ignores all the molecules and atoms in front of you, these pressure plates seem to be put in this place above the turrets purposefully as to replicate such a situation.}



'They know my abilities?'



{Ehhhh, no, these things were put here Krytoz ago, they probably put these plates here in case someone who saw turrets are down here with some kind of energy detector, or a simple x-ray camera tried to meddle with them manually, They are put perfectly above te turrets so if someone somehow managed to see through they'd think it makes part of the turret itself.}



'That... makes no sense.'



{You misunderstood, what I mean is if someone hacks these turrets and, for example, a platoon of soldiers passes here the plates will forcefully activate all the turrets}



'In other words, all of the people here know about these traps, Lavender, how risky will it be if I order the droids to analyze the recordings of the satellite and make a timeline of where everyone inside this base passed and avoided?'



{37% chance of someone finding something wrong with the system, these changes grow the more back we look at the recordings.}



'Too high, I'll do it the old way then.' Kara pushed her body up and floated forward very slowly, she is very careful not to touch the ground while at the same time looking forward to see if anything is wrong.



Kara frowned, in front of her there are two small, gray hangars, the problem, however, is in what is inside them, more specifically a man sitting on a metallic balcony three meters above the ground, the problem itself is not the man but what he is doing.



In front of a computer, the man wears a headset and looks attentively at the screen that shows the image of the surrounding plains, Kara did not need to use her peripheral vision to see the cylindrical object with three metallic legs rotating at constant 380 degrees, even worst, she didn't need to see the almost invisible vertical and horizontal red lines getting out of both sides of the thing, mapping the entirety of the place like an eye who sees it all.



'Now that is a problem, I managed to reach the camera's blank spot without knowing but the other one on the opposite side sees things horizontally from bottom to top.'



{I already said to you I'll deal with the cameras, just... let me take care of this and make it seem like an accident ok?}



'No, a cybernetic attack no matter how disguised it is will be too suspicious they will enter high alert immediately but... I have an idea, when I say Go fry that camera, if everything goes right security will be running here, letting the doors of that building unprotected.'



Without waiting for Lavender's answer Kara closed her eyes and very carefully touched the ground with her index finger, suddenly she could 'see' everything, her bioelectric aura at the moment can only be expanded through touch besides allowing her to hold gigantic objects and spread the damage of her attacks she can also 'see' and feel through it, and that is exactly what she is doing.



100, 400, stopping in a 400-meter radius Kara concentrated, she had done this many times but controlling small objects is still something hard for her.



'Looking' at the man's table Kara formed a plan, below him, on the ground she saw a tool table, more importantly, she saw a used can of paint being used as a box, smiling she got to work.



Locking the table's wheels she covered the can of paint with her aura, manipulating gravity she levitated the object very slowly as to not crush it, reaching the border of the table she slowly put the can down and waited.



Not three seconds later the can fell, surprising the man with the sudden loud sound contrary to the calm silence he was in.

Immediately he turns around while flinching just enough for Kara to gently push his fingers wide enough for them to hit his coffee cup who 'coincidentally' fell just in the right angle to spill its contents on the weirdly, semi-connected power plug.



Finally, the coffee hit the brass pins causing what would only be a small shock in its circuits, that is if.






Lavender didn't fry the turret causing it to short circuit and explode.






The sound attracted not only the attention of all who could hear it but also their curiosity, not ten seconds after the explosion, almost all people who were walking outside ran towards the origin of the sound.



Taking her chance Kara lifted her body up and with minimal strength and some help from her bioelectric aura, she jumped, 1, 2 times, the first on the roof of the second hangar and the second just outside the entrance of the scientific research facility.



Coincidentally, a woman who heard the sound came bashing out of the building, slamming the door open wide enough for the still invisible Kara to enter the facility.



Crouching down Kara had to suppress her annoyance, humans are surprisingly small, she should have expected small buildings too.



Frowning Kara concentrated on her body, not a second later her muscles started to shrink to a point where they became less than two-thirds of what they were, after ending her transformation small quantities of steam escaped from her body and her mouth.



If a human saw her at the moment, judging only by her body form they would simply think of her as a woman with giantism.



{Are you alright Kara?}



'Yes, I just feel... trapped I used to compress my muscles when training for my bones to crack and my fibers to rip themselves apart and let my ability improve my body more efficiently, now I'm using it just to enter a building made for dwarfs.'



{Well, Kryptonians would be considered giants in the eyes of humans, but, why are you so uncomfortable, Krytoz of training if this form should have made you somewhat immune to its side effects, at least mentally speaking}



Kara stayed silent and started walking forward, fortunately, the place does not have many people moving around at the moment.



'Yes, had I been in a normal situation I would not be so bothered, unfortunately, I am in a solar system with a yellow star.'



Kara used her X-ray and looked around the building, finding a room with numerous screens and a man sitting on a chair she started walking.



'You have to understand something lavender when I arrived on this planet my bioelectric aura could cover an area of 23 million square kilometers, seconds of being exposed to the sun's radiation It expanded to 40 million, now? less than 2 Kaz later? I can cover more than 500 million square kilometers on land.'



{This is... worrying, this level of growth for someone your age and even with your ability is unheard of, there is something wrong this is illogical.}



'No, this is absurd, I do not know my own strength anymore Lavender, my ability is helping me calculate the power of my movements but this is making me insane, it's like living in a world made out of glass.'



'I am not worried about the weapon that Skrull used anymore, my caution comes from the fact I believe they have more things hidden, if not for that and the possible traps I would have had already ran through this entire planet and solved this mess in less than a Sy!'



{Please calm down Kara, the energy absorption will stabilize, contrary to Rao this star most likely only strengthens you massively at the beginning, with time your energy absorption will decrease and stabilize, I am sorry but until this happens you will have to wait, any kind of training until then will be pointless.}



Scoffing out of frustration Kara continued walking silently, it didn't take long for her to reach the door leading to the camera room, using her X-ray Kara saw the door closed, the only way to open being from the inside.



Ignoring the discomfort of her bones and the small cracks she could hear Kara sat on the floor and closed her eyes, none of her physical abilities had the power to do what she wanted to accomplish right now, no, she needs her soul for what is about to happen



Dozens of seconds passed as Kara concentrated on the bond between her Soul, Spirit, and Body, the soul of any living being is more powerful than what they can possibly imagine, for example, her soul is connected to her body through the help of her spirit essentially using the body as a puppet, the fact she is connected to only one body does not mean that this is her limit



Had her, in her true, Soul form wished to connect to the universe itself she would have become a reality bender, any creature capable of connecting to their soul would be able to do such a thing.

But putting it in other words, if she did that as her true self she'd just be acting like an immature child of the seventh dimension to play with the third dimension animals, something quite... pathetic.



There is a reason the body has little to no connection to the true self, all life in the third dimension is simply composed of higher dimensional beings pretending to be animals, something to get a good laugh at when their mortal avatar dies, or maybe something that invertible changes them forever when they come back.



This realization is one of the many reasons why Kryptonians do not take death seriously in any way, there is no reason to, after all, still, she is young and immature her death would not bring her any sadness or anger but the death of others, even knowing where they'd be would, it is illogical she knows that but just like logic does not care about emotions, emotions too do not care about logic.



Concentrating more on her mortal self Kara controlled the quantum state of every particle in her body.






Opening her eyes Kara found herself inside the room, rising to her full height she frowned, something felt wrong.



'Weird, this place...seems to have expanded, but I didn't see any spacial anomaly.' Suppressing her curiosity Kara activated her blade and slowly walked behind the guard, with a swift motion she slashed his neck, making the man fall to the ground motionless.



Deactivating her light refractors Kara's body turned visible again, without needing to say anything a white tentacle got out of her chest pushing the man and his chair away from the screen.



Looking at the small keyboard Kara's eyes twitched, the object is remarkably similar to a toy she had when she was 1 Kryto old.



{Relax sis, I'll handle this}



Two white, liquid-like limbs appeared out of Kara's shoulders, moving toward the keyboard they split dozens of times until at least one piece covered each key, then, they started typing.



{Humn, This is... interesting, and worrying}



"Care to share your thoughts?"



{Yes, yes first, they have somehow managed to alter the space of the walls themselves without altering their appearance outside, this is... weird, normally to expand space someone would need to restrict its area to a little before it touches the walls, this way the objects inside would seem to have shrinked when in reality they stayed the same size.}



{The space simply expanded, people inside would have seen the walls, roof, and floor as if it had expanded or created more of itself but in reality, the space inside the room would just have been bigger}



{But they didn't do that here, no, they included the walls on the area of altered space, this should have made everything seem stretched but it somehow didn't, the only place I saw that happening was inside your home inside the spaceship and even then it was just because it is connected to I'noxia}



Kara turned to her right and touched the wall, spreading her bioelectric aura she almost gasped, instead of covering the place instantly her aura barely moved a centimeter out of her hand.



Taking her hand out of the wall she looked at the anomaly more closely.



"Ah, I understand now."



Still typing Lavender asked {Understood what?}



"The space inside the walls is constantly shifting, there is a pattern to it but the object of such a thing is to impede any signals, teleportation, or objects to enter this space, to enter here I had to quantum tunnel myself in, had I tried to do it any other way  this space would have noticed and..."



{And... what Sis?}



"And destroyed itself, I would have not survived" Kara's body trembled. "I... do not fear death, there's nothing to fear from her but, I am the last of my race, I can't die before leaving an offspring, Billions of Krytoz of history can not die with me Lavender."



{And they won't, remember I was born to take care of you, as long as I'm here you are safe!}



"And I thank you for that Sister, I truly do."



{You'll make me blush, buuuut anyway, while we talked I already took everything I needed from here, the Skrulls most likely believed nobody would manage to invade this place so the computer here is like a hub for the entire facility, everything passes through here, meaning I can also connect with everything in this base without looking suspicious}



{And let me tell you something these Skrulls have some heavy weaponry, including something called Titan-X, well, they also seem to be protecting a woman called Maria Rambeau and her family, but let's not speak of this here I'll tell you everything when we are out of danger.}



"Hmn, now I just need to escape this place." Kara was about to meditate before Lavender stopped her.



{Wow, wow! wait a minute there sis, I may not like that woman Carol very much but we can still help her from here, you see, this spacial distortion in the walls allows not only other people to transport themselves to this room if the "guard" allows it but It can also create other wormholes to any place in a 7,000,000-kilometer radius}



{Normaly using our teleporters would bring too much attention but I have seen the recordings in this computer the Guard here opens and closes portals every day, I can open a Portal to Carol's location and allow her to escape more easily, not only that but we can also contact her with the systems here without the risk of someone overhearing us.}



{After everything ends all we need to do is "shake" this space up, destabilizing everything and making this place collapse on itself, They may suspect sabotage but they won't have any proof of it, everything will be destroyed, our traces also included}






{I know, I know I will transport the guy somewhere safe like the entrance to a hospital, in Canada, This country we are in has some costly healing facilities}



Releasing her muscles Kara sat on the ground in front of the screen and stayed silent, The images of a white blonde woman sneaking through the facility showed in front of her, if her friend found trouble she'd help her out.




So! I will have to study very hard in the coming months because of Enem 2022 basically a test I have to do to go to college and I'm going to study to become a lawyer, in other words, I'll have no time to write this fic BUT I have a plan.


I'll end writing ALL of volume 1 I WILL do this and then there will be a hiatus where I will write the ENTIRETY of volume 2 in my very small free time and only when I end writing everything will I release one chapter each week.


Considering there will surely be more than 10 chapters (2 months or more) I'll be able to calmly write Volume 3 but for that to happen there needs to be a hiatus after Volume one.