9- Infiltration, of a Kr- Human

[Wednesday, 1:40 PM, Outskirts of Edwards Air Base].



"Good, now I'll go, good luck," Carol said as she activated the time-splitter, for a moment the world became a blur of colors and sounds before it suddenly snapped back to normal.



Looking at her body Carol almost gasped, each time she moved a spectral image of herself followed, she could feel a small pressure all around her body, it was as if something wanted to squish her, remembering Kara's explanation of how the device worked made her confirm her thoughts.





"The time splitter does exactly what it says, It splits you outside of the timeline while still leaving a very small part of you back as an anchor, imagine it like this, there is a sheet of paper, it is shaped like a rectangle, an infinite rectangle, let's call this rectangle 'Time', now, there is a painting inside this Rectangle, Let us call this painting 'Carol'."



" 'Carol' takes something called the Time-splitter and uses it."



Kara takes a small cut-out painting of a woman and puts it above the sheet of paper.



"Now 'Carol' is above 'Time' buuut 'Time' is relative and as such moves forward for beings of the third dimension, 'Time' has lived with 'Carol' since the beginning and it doesn't want to separate from her so it tries to squish her back into itself annnnnnd."



Kara picks the cut-out painting of Carol and throws it upward, seconds later it falls twenty centimeters away from where it was, still above the sheet of paper.



"Unfortunately for 'Carol' time is a cube, everything happens at the same time but due to her view she sees it as if it was linear, due to this 'Carol' is now 31,964 years into the future.'



"BUT! what if the amazing Kryptonian who created this device also created a suit capable of resisting 'Time's' attempt at squishing 'Carol' back? Even better what if she made it so the Time-splitter left a little, very not important part of 'Carol' back in her proper time stream so even IF something unexpected happened 'Time' would squish her back to the proper time period."



"Not only that but what if that thing she left behind served as an anchor, only letting 'Carol' be pushed One second into the future?"


She had to admit Kara is truly the most intelligent person she has ever known, perhaps even more than the Supreme Intelligence.



Turning her head forward Carol came back to reality and used all the power she could without starting to glow, if there is something she understood about her power is that it involves both Light and Space, she knows Time and Space are connected, and not wanting to risk having her energy signature detected she decided to just drain upon a small percentage of her energy.



Using all her strength Carol shot forward at a speed slightly below that of sound, it took her 14 seconds to run through the entire road and hide inside a small building beside a bigger building.



"Five kilometers in 15 seconds, not bad, now..."



Carol touched the top of the Time splitter twice making a small ball jump out of it and float in front of her, a second later the metallic ball opened its light eyes almost making Carol hug it out of excitement.



"Ok, Free-zi I want you to always stay near me, only speak to me if it is an emergency or you need to point something I didn't see, more importantly, If I'm in extreme danger and I don't realize it, shoot me."






"Wow, wow, calm down, even while I'm like this nothing less than a 30-30 can seriously harm me."





"You... don't know what that is do you? Never mind, just protect me, do not go more than twenty centimeters away from me, and most importantly, do not get caught."





Carol rolled her eyes and got up, deactivating the light refractor around her eyes she, took the mini computer in her left hand and opened the screen, immediately after she started typing, seconds later an almost unnoticeable frequency spread all through the base, after that, a map formed on the screen.



"178 cameras, more than 3,000 people, and 300 vehicles, not to mention the turrets, if They see me I'm dead, Luckily the control room is less than a kilometer away."



Marking every camera Carol made it so the device would only activate the moment a camera's view looked at it, in other words, every camera looking at her will see nothing but the landscape.



"Can't do that with people, unfortunately."



Re-activating the light Refractor Carol opened the door and got out of the small building after carefully looking around, even with her light refractor still active and her suit actively giving the illusion of her body temperature being the same as the air she didn't let her guard down, Skrulls can actively change their biology allowing them to see the world through different eyes, she knows there is a Skrull that can see her even while being this protected, she just doesn't know where it is.



Crouching down Carol hid behind the cars in the parking lot and looked at the street full of people in front of her, the building she was in was most likely a place where the workers kept their belongings or maybe a place where they kept their emergency tools, Carol didn't know, the light refractor made it impossible for her to see with her eyes after all.



Much like when flying through space when using the light refractor Carol 'sees' through the movement of space, something that reduces some of her senses but in exchange allows her to 'see' on a much larger scale, although she still can't see inside something that is completely sealed, like a coffin for example.



'More than 67 people with a clear vision of me, the only way to securely pass is through empty spaces where the cameras normally are.'



Finally committing to a plan Carol, rose to her full height and threw her entire body behind a car not five meters away from her, she kept jumping through the air and landing behind the cars each time, fortunately, nobody looked in her direction, this way she managed to arrive behind the building without much problem.



Reaching the corner of the building Carol looked at her right and left sides, not finding anything she lightly jumped at the bigger building's wall sticking to it, and crawling to the top.



Holding the flat roof she pushed herself upward jumping little to ten centimeters above the roof and landing without a problem, looking around herself Carol widened her eyes, in front of her what looked like a cylindrical... thing spun around itself with two, almost invisible red lights scanning anything it touched.



For a moment Carol froze, she didn't know what to do, activate her powers and run away from the light or shoot a photon blast at it and warn the entire base of her presence.



In the end her indecision cost her, the red light was now millimeters away from her body, it was too late to activate either her powers or the time splitter.






At that moment a sudden explosion occurred taking the attention of everybody at the base away from what they were doing to look at the origin of the noise, including the operator of the Camera who after seeing her coworker suddenly get up from her seat took out her headphone and did the same, just in time to miss the warning in her screen and the alarm going inside her headphone, the sound too stuffed to reach her now.



Above the Building Free-zi reacted rapidly and threw a jat of freezing mist that froze the camera, not satisfied the ball of metal threw himself at the thing breaking it into dozens of pieces.



Reacting rapidly Carol ran forward and jumped the highest she could after reaching the corner of the roof, whatever Kara had done took the attention of everyone out of what they were doing, she could see that no one was looking upwards and took the opportunity to jump towards the hangar 120 meters away from her.



The people below her didn't hear or see anything related to her actions and so, she landed safely above the roof, her suit nullifying almost all the sound such a fall would make.



Unfortunately, her fall was too powerful, even while using her power at the last moment she didn't manage to absorb all the force resulting in her left foot penetrating the metallic roof.



Reacting rapidly she took her leg out of the hole, but unfortunately, a piece of the roof finally snapped, falling to the ground, more by reflex than anything Carol closed her fist and shot a blast towards the falling piece in hopes of disintegrating it, what happened was not what she expected.



When the light touched the object instead of destroying it, it instead enveloped it stopping its fall.



Widening her eyes Carol regained her balance, looking at her hand she saw a streak of light connecting the object to her, understanding what happened she smiled and moved her arm back bringing the object closer to her, she tried other ways to move it like using her mind but apparently, the most effective way was to open and close her fingers repeatedly.



Finally taking the object in her hands Carol remembered where she was and disintegrated the thing with her powers, turning forward once again she made one last jump arriving at the door of the control tower, it was then that she found something weird, her senses who had only sowed her a small tower changed abruptly now showing her a tall building of approximately 70 meters surrounded by trees and similarly shaped mountains.




Thump. thump. thump.



Her Heartbeat accelerated, through her senses, she could clearly see the insanity that is the space she is in, she doesn't know how but the Skrulls somehow managed to create perhaps the most secure place in 4 galaxies.



She couldn't find words to describe what they did exactly to the place, it was like she was outside of the universe, she could feel space around the building but not outside, if she had to guess she'd say the Skrulls somehow made a "Teleporter" in a cylindrical shape surrounding the control tower.



Judging by the reaction the spacial barrier had with her energy she would say a "Key" was needed to be transported to this place, but she had not felt the spacial barrier before, her senses did not warn her about anything, but... Kara saw something, she said it herself the space here seemed... wild.



Could it be... someone used the barrier to transport to this place the moment Kara looked at it?



'Yes, this makes sense, The Skrulls most likely have an automatic system that only responds to people carrying the same energy signature as the 'Core' meaning the weapons they have are powered by the energy of the Core, Lawson traveled to another planet to obtain that object but the Skrulls could very well have stolen it and brought it to this planet.'



'The most likely reason why they are here is to steal Lawson's research, but she hid it somewhere 56093 she said it for me not to forget these numbers, they are a password, to open... something, no, not only that but that, disc she put inside me should serve as a second key, most likely to allow anyone who wields it to gain something like an administrator privilege to a system.'



'If I am right she hid her research somewhere on this planet, she probably put heavy defenses around it too, that is why the Skrulls are trying to capture me alive, they want the key.' Coming to this realization Carol became excited, finally, she knew why she was here she knows what is her mission.



With an objective clear in mind, Carol became more determined, all she needs to do now is discover where Mar-vell hid her research and secure it, then she can give it to Kara, and together they will save billions maybe trillions from tyrannical empires.



Her friend would never give technology from her own race of that she is certain but she will undoubtedly help her re-create Mar-vell's technology.



Steeling her resolve Carol walked closer to the transparent window, hiding behind a wall she deactivated the Light refractor and looked inside the building.



There she saw dozens of Skrulls entering the elevator and one getting out of it, she thought about how she would enter the place before a Skrull changed her form to a human and opened the doors.



Reacting rapidly Carol re-activated her invisibility and entered the tower after the Skrull passed through the door, not wasting any time she jumped and stuck herself to the roof, fortunately, the entire floor had four meters in height, and the Skrulls didn't have any reason to look up.



'One Skrull at each elevator, 2 cameras, and one attendant, I could simply walk in, they most likely consider this a secure place and don't shift their eyes as much as the ones outside but I can't risk it.'



Taking a small cylindrical container from her pocket Carol brought it closer to her mouth, opened it, and whispered.






Flying outside its container the mechanical mosquito flew towards the attendant's desk landing behind the computer and sticking its proboscis into it, releasing its nano-gel it spread throughout the computer's internal system deactivating its protections and copying every bit of information inside it.



After one minute the mosquito re-absorbed the gel and flew once again towards Carol who in turn caught it and stuck its proboscis into the mini-computer.


Receiving the information in a 3d model of the facility detailing everything Carol smiled, she could see everything in real-time through the motion captors and the cameras, looking at the temperature detectors Carol sighed in relief thanking Kara for making the suit.



Hacking the cameras of the first floor Carol programed the mini computer to give it false images, with that being done she got 'up' sticking only her feet on the roof and activating both of her blades.



Jumping down she slashed the two Skrulls heads making them fall limp on the ground, or at least they would have had she not touched their bodies and crushed them to a size smaller than an ant, the distorted space blocked the cracking sounds of the bodies as the attendant blissful unaware of what had happened continued to type in her computer.



Carol considered killing him but decided not to, her hate aside there was no reason to kill more than needed.



Looking back at the mini-computer Carol made 3 things, first, she called it to her floor, second, she deactivated the lights, camera, and sound of it, third, she analyzed its internal structure, and finally, when it arrived, she smiled.



Entering the elevator and closing the doors the fastest she could Carol looked at the left side of the metallic wall and smiled, pressing the metal with a minimal force she bent the steel until she heard a clicking noise and took out her finger.



2 seconds later the wall repaired itself, coming back to its original shape as if nothing had happened, smiling internally Carol pressed the wall 4 more times, each time she'd whisper a number



"6, 0, 9, 3."



When the last number was pressed The elevator suddenly started to fall at an unnatural speed, the action was so sudden Carol was thrown upwards, hitting the ceiling and shattering the glass.



The halt, just as abrupt as the fall threw her to the ground, this time Carol was prepared and activated her powers, negating gravity and floating with her body horizontally, standing still for one minute Carol deactivated her powers and fell with her feet on the ground.



Turning off the Light refractor she cracked her shoulders, suddenly the elevator's doors opened revealing a gigantic base with hundreds, maybe thousands of Skrulls walking around.



Carol saw metallic doors leading to rooms where she could see Skrulls sitting and watching Tv either alone or with other Skrulls besides them, she saw metallic bridges connecting the right and left sides of what she could only describe as a city, either by looking up, down or to the sides she could not see the end of the city, not even with her spacial senses.



In the air, small boat like ships flew transporting Skrulls to different places, there were gigantic screens stuck to the walls with Either humans or Skrulls reporting the news, one even had a soccer game playing that particular one had a bunch of Skrulls screaming while looking at it.



"Hey what's wrong with this thing?"



Hearing the Skrull's voice or her side Carol almost had a heart attack and reflexively activated the Time-splitter.



"I don't know, the lights are off, the camera is down and the glass is broken, maybe the energy reactor blipped?" The Skrull answered as she walked to the front of the elevator and looked inside.



"You know how it is, only one generator for a continent-sized pocket dimension tends to fail sometimes, this elevator, like all the others that go outside automatically, shuts itself down and falls when something happens to the energy, someone tries to invade by hacking or the operator forcefully turns it off in the case of an emergency."



"The lights would be red if it was the last two but since they simply shut off it means the energy blipped for one second and it fell, now we just have to fix this, can't have one of these offline in case of an emergency, now Myconid, bring me my toolbox."



"Yes father."



Carol heard their conversation from afar as she ran with all her might while looking at the mini-computer's screen that showed her a document describing how to enter New-Lo, the continent-sized city inside the dimensional space she was currently in.



Landing on a metallic bridge she jumped up reaching and standing above a rod holding the Skrull flag, after that she jumped down entering perfectly inside a small house through the open window.



Deactivating the Time splitter she breathed a sigh of relief, that single piece of technology is her absolute trump card but the amount of energy it consumes is astronomical.



Not wasting any more time She closed the window with the curtains and walked through the house, living room, toilet kitchen she kept walking until she found a computer in what seemed like the Skrull's bedroom.



Releasing the mechanical mosquito she took the mini computer and plugged it into the computer of the Skrull, connecting to the mosquito through it she gave more specific orders to invade the network and steal the map of the city while she, through the mini-computer helped it hide its movements.



She kept typing for one minute before she had an idea.



'Can Free-zi help hack this thing?' Thinking about her own question for some seconds Carol looked back to test her theory, only to see nothing.



"Eh? Free-zi, Free-zi where are you?" Carol's heart beat faster as she ran through the house and even used her senses to try and see where Free-zi had gone.



'Wait, wait, wait, THE SPACIAL BARRIER!, It let me go through it because I had the Core's energy inside me, Free-zi was too far away and probably only managed to enter the airport's control room, that poor thing must be so afraid without me, should I come back? No, no, I can't I have to find where the Skrulls hid her notes.'



Running back to the bedroom Carol sat on the chair and kept typing, she has to find where Mar-vell's research notes are, she can't let the Skrulls keep it for themselves even if it means dying... and leaving Kara alone again.



Oh, nonononono, she can't do this, there are 4 things she absolutely can't do, 1 Abandon earth to its fate, 2 Not find Mar-vell's legacy, 3 Not help the races being oppressed and slaved by tyrants, and 4 Abandon Kara, she knows her friend is not in a good place, the fact Kara tried so desperately to get closer to her is proof enough, not to mention how she always tried to distract herself with something.



Talking about her past, explaining complicated mechanisms, making insanely advanced technology, or even fighting for beings she could rightfully call little ants.



No, Kara will be even more unstable if she leaves her, she can't die, she has to complete this fucking mission, protect the planet and bring Kara with her, she can't forget that, after this, she has to find a nice planet, study psychology and very, very slowly help Kara out, and maybe she'll stay with her after regaining her stability, just... maybe.



Aggressively Shaking her head Carol looked at the screen again when suddenly it became static, before she had time to be surprised Kara's face appeared st the screen.



"Finally found you."






"Yes and before you ask, On that small iland in the middle of the lake I told you about my necklace and how Alrya's soul is somewhere inside this galaxy, my wife's full name is Alrya Hu-ui my father's name is Zor, And my mother's name is Alura."



"No need for more I understand it is you, but first did you find me and how are you talking to me right now?"



"Well, you have to thank this little guy here." Kara took something outside of the screen and put it on her lap.









The Little ball shook himself in excitement screaming in a weird robot? way.






"Anyway, I entered in an interesting place, almost died too but we don't have time for this, listen from what I can take the Skulls have Mar-vell's notes but they can't get them, there is a safe somewhere inside this pocket dimension apparently the security of this pocket dimension is so good they put most of their civilian population there."



"Here's the thing the safe is 2000 Southeast kilometers east of your position I will open a portal and you will go and take that thing, don't worry about being caught I can evacuate you in a blink of an eye, I will open the portal right aboooout, now!"



A golden portal opened beside Carol who immediately jumped in without even looking at what was beyond it, stepping into the metallic ground her soles made a clicking noise that echoed through the empty hallway.



"YOU IDIOT!" Kara screamed through Free-zi who had just been teleported to Carol's side. "YOU COULD HAVE DIED IF I DIDN'T DEACTIVATE THOSE TURRETS!"



Carol started giggling as she looked at the various turrets inside the walls, it was funny how despise being a super-intelligent alien she could still act like an idiot sometimes.



"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT YOUR IMBECILE DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE FUNNY SEEING YOU FULL OF HOLES?!" Kara screamed even more as Free-zi's face, or more specifically, his eyes turned into a crimson red color, something that made Carol laugh even more.



"YOU IDIOOOOOOT!" Kara screamed even more as she made Free-zi start to beat himself into the Kree hybrid's body.



With Carol falling to the ground and holding her stomach, laughing as she begged Free-zi to stop Kara somehow became even angrier, she was about to open a portal and talk to Carol herself when she realized something and forcefully calmed herself down.



Why did she become so angry? It was a mistake she shouldn't blame Carol for such a simple thing, yes had the turrets shot at Carol's head she wouldn't be able to transform into light and regenerate but something like that didn't happen so she didn't need to scream with Carol.



But if it had she would be responsible for the death of the only thing keeping her company in this universe, Lavender is with her sure but she doesn't have a body, and at least as of yet every time she hears her voice she remembers her mother.



If things kept being as they were with her alone and having random moments of depression she'd probably become suicidal, the only things keeping her from doing it would be Lavender and the will to not let her race go extinct.



Calming herself completely Kara pressed a button, she was ready to talk to Carol again when the Kree hybrid interrupted her, stopping her laughter and speaking in a serious tone of voice.



"Oh God, you are funny Kara, really," Carol said as she lifted herself up, finally managing to control her laughter, Looking directly at Free-zi's eyes her face morphed into a serious expression and she said in a serious tone of voice. "Understand this once and for all, I trust you with my life dumbass."



Kara... froze, no it is more appropriate to say she became silent, perhaps out of surprise or shock, she didn't know, the surprise of what Carol had said to her was simply too much, even more so considering she heard nothing but honesty in her voice.



She herself didn't trust Vers to a point where she would entrust her life to her, she would undoubtedly risk her life to save her but that is just how she was raised, not to despise any form of life no matter how tiny it may be.



Granted she doesn't think a life in the physical world means much considering the fact the afterlife exists but that doesn't mean she will ignore the suffering of someone just because their journey won't end, one of the few reasons she herself doesn't think about suicide is because Rao himself said in the Raost, his Bible, that after giving Kryptonians free will he would also let them deal with any consequence of their actions.



He could help sometimes but he'd never fix the problem, in other words, If she dies Billions of Krytoz of history and culture go together with her.



"Sigh* Just... all I'm asking is for you to be careful Carol, If you die because of me I'll never forgive myself."



"Sorry but not Sorry you are too intelligent to let me die, but ok, I will Look both ways before passing through a portal."



Kara sighed and stayed silent, she decided to just look Through Free-zi's eyes for the moment.



Walking forward Carol mentally retracted the gloves out of her suit, seeing her hands starting to get covered by small white cubes she became surprised for but one moment.



'Matter reconfiguration? I just expected it to open itself, how much many surprises have you put in this thing?'



Returning her attention to the gate in front of her Carol touched the gate with both of her hands, she couldn't see anything happening but she could feel... something slowly passing through her entire body, when it finally ended the Gate in front of her opened horizontally.



{Welcome Administrator-A.K}



Ignoring the Robotic voice Carol entered the room, there was nothing inside it, nothing besides a floating Platinum, Metalic Triangle with white lines forming strange symbols over it.



Carol took it in her hands and brought it closer to her face, she felt a small amount of resistance that quickly disappeared when she pushed the object.



Turning it all around she saw a small circle on its base and poked with her finger, the exact moment she did that the triangle opened with each side separating into three smaller parts all floating centimeters away from the light-blue gem on the center.



Carol only had to look at it for a second to recognize what it was.



"A memory crystal?"



Taking the gem with her two fingers Carol looked at it briefly before putting it inside her pocket, after that she closed the triangle and put it back where it was, turning around she saw the portal change to an image of Kara Sitting on the ground in front of a screen.



Looking both ways while smiling like an Idiot she entered the portal, she pretended not to see Kara rolling her eyes but she couldn't stop her smile to widen even more.



"Now, I will teleport us to a desert in chile, from there on we will fly to the Ship."



Carol nodded and waited in place, less than three seconds later a circular portal opened in front of her, once again she looked both ways before entering, not missing the sigh Kara let out.



"I'll never live this out will I?" The Kryptonian whispered but not low enough for Carol not to hear.



"No you will nooot~"



Stepping on the rocks below her Carol looked around the desert, strangely enough, there is a giant hand some meters in front of her.






Flinching at her sound Carol looked upwards and say Kara already flying towards the ship, understanding her call she shot up and followed closely behind, they were finally going to know the truth.