Complete the Trial Mission

—Toxic Demonized Sea Anemone: Attack: 5, Defense: 0, Health: 11, Speed: 1, Movement Speed: 0, Damage: 1-2, Command Value: 0, Special Skill: Multiple Attacks, Highly Toxic Paralyze Attack, Attack First.

—Multiple Attacks: Each tentacle of this creature can participate in combat.

—Highly Toxic Paralyze Attack: The Attack of this creature can interrupt the enemy's actions and reduce the Attack, Defense, and Damage of the enemy.

—Attack First: The creature's tentacles are sensitive and can attack first when it is approached by an enemy.

So, these were the full attributes of the Sea Anemone. There was no time to think, Da Fei immediately summoned the only unit from the hive.

—System Message: You have used the resources in the hive to recruit a Toxic Demonized Sea Anemone.

—System Message: Plant-type units are unable to move and cannot follow the Hero's troops. It does not occupy the Hero's Command Power. You only have one chance to configure its position. Please arrange your units.

At this time, the big meatball in the hive squirmed. A blurred little anemone icon appeared before Da Fei's eyes, similar to choosing the terrain when building a house. Da Fei looked clearly and moved the icon slightly above the point where the Boss was headed to. Confirm!

Splat! A tiny meatball spewed from the tip of the hive and fell in front of the Boss. It rooted once it was on the ground. The Boss was blocked by it and was at the same speed as the other monsters. The Boss stopped and attacked, allowing the other monsters to overtake it.

Positioned successfully! It was a pity his first unit died bravely and heroically. It was born great and died with glory!

Now, Renoir was surrounded by little monsters. There was no Boss. After being attacked by the big Sea Anemone, it was natural for the Boss to attack it, instead.

The battle between both began.

-95! -94!

The Boss attacked with his two bone knives. Facing Renoir's high Defense, it actually managed to hit him with such high Damage! And this was when the Boss' Damage was possibly halved due to his low Stamina. One could only imagine how terrifying the Damage of the Boss would be if it was not halved! Not only would Damage be halved when its Stamina was low, but its Attack Speed should also have been halved as well! This was comparable to the Grandmaster-level Dark Curse. Even with its Attack Speed halved, the Boss still drew its knives at lightning speed!

In this manner, how many attacks could the 1,000 HP big Sea Anemone take? How many attacks could the Captain take? It seemed he needed to surround this Boss with Zombies summoned by the Dark Magic Book.

There was no way out now. He had to go all out! Da Fei rushed up and stabbed it fiercely.

-30! -28!

Such Damage, needless to say, the Boss definitely had Master-level Defense Skill to reduce the impact of the Captain's Attack Skill.

For a moment, the big Sea Anemone was slashed and its green liquid splattered everywhere. The big Sea Anemone's Attack Speed began to reveal its disadvantages. The Boss attacked it three times, each causing a loss of 300 HP. It only managed to hit back once, causing the Boss to lose 400 HP. And this was the effect with a bonus Attack Speed of 2. The outcome would be unimaginable if it had relied on its original Attack Speed of 1. Who knew how much HP this Boss had?

The big Sea Anemone only had less than 200 HP left. Sensing the critical situation, Da Fei stopped his attack and immediately attacked a small monster near the Captain. Once it went down, the Boss stopped attacking the Sea Anemone and rushed to fill the gap to attack the Captain.

Captain, I blocked 900 HP worth of Damage for you! If you can't get through this, I can only count myself unlucky.

Finally, after the Captain suffered two attacks, the Boss' body fell to the ground from the big Sea Anemone's delayed attack.

—System Message: You have killed the Boss Monster Nether Sea Leader Monster Watchman and gained 20,000 EXP!

—System Message: You have obtained incomplete information about the Nether Sea Watchman!

It was finally defeated! Da Fei sighed a long breath of relief. At the same time, he contentedly opened the information card and sucked in a cold breath. Sure enough, it was a Boss with 50 Defense, 1,800 HP, and had its own Master-level Defense Skill! If this was sent to the Terrestrial World, it would be absolutely… forget it. There was no need to say more. In any case, Da Fei had passed the first hurdle.

Da Fei chuckled. "Captain, are you okay?"

Renoir said, upset, "Adventurer, did you not see me getting attacked?"

Oh yes, there are still little monsters! Wahaha, I actually forgot about them. I'll send you on your way.

After the Boss died, its body emitted thick green smoke which gathered above the hive. With a snap, another short, red stout appeared—a new tentacle!

Yes, yes, yes! It should grow. Both Sea Anemone Kings that Da Fei saw had at least ten tentacles. This only had five. It seemed this hive was not at its peak yet.

From now on, it was no longer possible for the big Sea Anemone to take any attacks for the Captain. He could only go head-on.

The sea waves fluctuated. New enemies appeared.

However, for Dafei, who already owned a Sea Anemone fort, these monsters were just courting death. There was no chance for them to go near Renoir at all. Under the moonlight, Renoir's HP began to rise steadily. The sixth tentacle of the Sea Anemone was completely formed, and the seventh tentacle had just broken out. One could imagine the amount of nutrients it had gotten from the fall of the Boss.

Da Fei, who had gained 20,000 EXP from the Boss, rose to Level 13 effortlessly. The speed of leveling was amazing. As the saying went, a playground for the strong, hell for the weak, referred to a place like this, right? Wahahaha!

—System Message: Your Sea Anemone Hive has received enough nutrients. A Toxic Demonized Sea Anemone is produced. Do you wish to recruit it?

Oh, again? This Sea Anemone was really weird. It did not need gold coins or mineral resources. It only needed to absorb Undead air! Great! With more help, he felt more confident. If there was enough time, he wanted to position them in one circle around the Captain.

With the silver moon in the sky and the fog over the Nether Sea was thick. In the Undead World, this was when all Undead beings were strongest. Under the moonlight, the seventh tentacle of the Sea Anemone was forming at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. This amazing speed was like the rapid growth of mushrooms after a rain. Da Fei was unsure if it was an animal or a plant. Perhaps as a plant, its ability to absorb moonlight was a huge advantage over animals since it was able to do something similar to photosynthesis.

Renoir, whose HP had just fully restored, said in a low voice, "There are two this time. We'll see if we can survive this wave!"

—System Message: Reconnaissance Skill warning! Two powerful enemies are approaching, please be alert!

Da Fei's heart tightened. Although he could not see them in the mist, two big red dots could be seen approaching them from both ends on the small map.

There was no way. He could only do one thing—block their progress.

Da Fei immediately directed the Hive to stop attacking and let the smaller monsters continue to swarm and surround the Captain. Then, two giant Undead Nagas that had dragon heads with snake tails appeared.

When the Boss reached them, Da Fei immediately killed a small monster beside the small Sea Anemone, leaving a gap for one of the Bosses to be in position. Then, of course, the big Sea Anemone and the little Sea Anemone attacked the Boss together. The Sea Anemone now had seven tentacles and its combat power was naturally higher than before. As for the other Boss, it was left idling.

His positioning this time was nothing more than just making sure only one Boss could approach the Captain.

When the big Sea Anemone attacked the Boss, the other Boss could not stay idle and began to attack the big Sea Anemone!

What the heck! The Boss' intelligence was indeed different! Da Fei immediately rushed toward it and fired a shot at its back to draw aggro to himself. Then, he turned around and ran! In the game, no matter how slow the enemy's Attack Speed, turning around in front of the enemy was akin to courting death. The time taken to turn was designed to be slower than the Attack Speed of most monsters. However, attacking from the back was different. When Da Fei turned around, the enemy also had to turn around, so it was okay.

He did what he had done previously. He started running around the island again. He still had two coconuts, anyway.

At this moment, the big Sea Anemone had achieved something. Seven rainbows were arched over the seven tentacles at the same time!

Lucky Strike! After playing for such a long time, he finally got a Lucky Strike! A Lucky Strike dealt double the maximum Damage. A Sea Anemone's maximum Catapult Damage was 3 times, a Lucky Strike would make it 6 times the Damage! Considering the Sea Anemone's slow Attack Speed, a Lucky Strike was something extremely exciting!

Boom! The Boss' huge body fell down with a crash!

In that instant, Da Fei was so excited that he shouted, "Captain!!! I must learn Luck Skill!!!"

Right then, Da Fei thought of an infamous gambler's famous saying: I do not ask for good luck and I do not want bad luck. I just need normal luck!

Now, Da Fei had done everything he could. Lady Luck had cast her smile on him when he least expected it and victory was close! Da Fei lifted his head and let out a jubilant laugh.

Needless to say, the second Boss also fell. They provided the Sea Anemone with nutrients to grow two new tentacles and nourished Da Fei to Level 14.

The nine tentacles of the Sea Anemone were now fully grown. As a plant monster, the Sea Anemone could not move. It was extremely weak and a low-level Archer could easily defeat it. But as a plant monster, it had its own way of self-preservation. Its melee attack should be extremely powerful at least.

So, the fiercer the monsters were, the more nourishment they gave, and the more EXP Da Fei got. He had already summoned two small Sea Anemones, and his attack force was at its peak.

The silver moon set into the sea and the last Boss finally appeared. However, against Da Fei's attacking force, he had no chance.

Renoir said, "Adventurer, we have gotten through the worst. Not only was I not badly injured, but I also got to bask in the light of the glorious silver moon for an entire night. You have exceeded my expectations."

Da Fei laughed and said, "You're too kind. It's the Sea Anemone that has exceeded my expectations."

Speaking of which, if two players had teamed up as expected to get through the Sunken Ship, he would not have discovered the hidden Boss that only appeared after the tide went out. He would not have discovered the materials needed to build the hive. The players might have been able to build a hive, but it would be a malnourished one. It would not be Da Fei's healthy specimen.

Renoir nodded. "I appreciate your performance, but I have nothing to thank you with for now. I will give you my ship. When you get back, patch up the holes, replace the sails, and wait for the storm. When it comes, the winds will be strong enough to push the ship off the shallow bottom. You're a natural seafarer, you will definitely make it in the storm!"

Da Fei suddenly understood something! He finally knew why the examiner had sent him here! An ordinary player would not dare sail in a storm!

Renoir said again, "I'm going to destroy the enchantment with all my strength. My soul will then be lodged in this sword of mine. Bring the sword with you, and when my strength recovers, I will appear again. I will help you fight the liar!"

After that, the spiritual fire of the captain suddenly burned bright. The skeleton exploded and a shockwave from the sword swept across the island. Thunder roared in the sky and in the white nothingness of the sea, the scene changed. Da Fei was once again back on the deserted island with coconut trees against the blue sky and sea. A series of system messages appeared on the screen.