Unit Building: Sea Anemone Hive

Another golden light shot down from the sky and Da Fei was at Level 12. He was now able to kill a Level 5 unit in two hits. It felt really good!

The Sea Anemone had grown into a silver-black sphere as tall as one person. At this time, the construction progress was already more than half, which was quite fast compared to the normal construction period of ten and a half months.

Renoir also suffered quite a lot of damage. However, no matter how good the Level 5 units were, they still only had 15 Attack and about 15 points of Damage. Against up to 50 points of Attack and Defense, the Damage was not even one-third. The Damage was further reduced by his Grandmaster's Defense Skill by 60%, which made it at most 2 points of Damage. It was totally insignificant when compared to his HP, which was like that of a Boss.

It was not these ordinary units that posed a threat to him, but the Boss! There must be a Boss on this Trial Mission, right?

A huge silver moon rose slowly from the sea and the clouds in the sky were swept clean. How big was the moon? It was 100 times as large as an ordinary moon! This was definitely not the same moon as the one on Earth.

The waves in the Nether Sea rose in a cacophonous chorus and the entire sea fogged up.

Renoir said grimly, "The Moon of Death, the source of Life and Power in the Undead World. The enemies' Attack will be even stronger later."

Da Fei asked, "What about you, Captain?"

Renoir said in a low voice, "I'm slowly recovering. However, the curse enchantment will also become stronger and I have no advantage at all. We must survive tonight."

They could regenerate HP. There was no need to worry! Ultimately, the impressive display of might in the daytime was just an easy experience for the players. It seemed that the real deal came at night. Based on the time, however, it should be daytime on the surface now.

And at this moment, the tip of the big silver-black sphere suddenly snapped, and a short red meaty tip pushed its way out of the shell—was it a tentacle? Could it be that this unit resource base was a living thing? Or perhaps it was a Sea Anemone King that could reproduce?

It was likely! Very highly likely! The Elves' famous Tree of Life was a building that could engage in battle. In fact, many of the Elves' high-level buildings were alive and could fight!

If this Sea Anemone building was similar to that of the Elves', even if a Boss appeared, they would have a fighting chance! Looking at the construction progress bar soaring in the moonlight, Da Fei laughed excitedly! He finally understood why this Sea Anemone was lurking in the sand and why it was soaking up spiritual energy. It was because the land which had sunlight was actually not suitable for its growth. Perhaps the Undead World was its real home?

Now, countless Undead Naga landed in the thick fog. Da Fei's confidence was through the roof. Come on! My Sea Anemone is hungry and thirsty!

—System Message: Reconnaissance Skill warning! There are powerful enemies near you, please be alert!

Da Fei was shocked! Boss!

Sure enough, behind the group of monsters, an extremely tall Undead Naga with two huge bone knives appeared out of the fog! Was this for real? The Boss appeared right at the beginning! They might lose badly!

Renoir hurriedly said, "A powerful enemy has appeared, we must stop it! It has the power to destroy the ceremony!"

What the heck! Even the NPC was not calm!

Under ordinary circumstances, this trial should be completed by two people in a team? There should also be help from a dark Magic Book? Now, there was only one player and the Sea Anemone was still under construction. It did not look like one person could take the Boss down by himself, right? What should he do?

The only thing he could do was stick to the tried and tested way of stalling for time! Delay until the Sea Anemone was completed!

Da Fei hurriedly said to Renoir, "I have a winning tactic. Captain, you must hold on! Hold on! Calm down!" Then, he hurried to the side and started sneaking to avoid taking damage.

Renoir said anxiously, "Don't lie to me!"

The Undead Naga swarmed up and slashed at the Captain furiously. For a time, the numbers -2, -1, -2, -2 appeared continuously above the Captain's head. When the Boss arrived, the Captain was already surrounded on all sides. Because he did not know where to start, the Boss stood blankly watching from outside the crowd.

This was a key scene, similar to the one in the artillery cabin where Da Fei had bombarded the Boss with the Ballista. The good thing was that this Boss did not attack the Sea Anemone. It seemed that the difficulty of this Trial Mission was still within human limits. All the monsters targeted the Captain and ignored the player. The rules of the game were similar to that of a tower defense game.

In this case, Da Fei stepped forward and tried to stab one of the small monsters. When he attacked, colorful light flashed above Da Fei's head—Lucky Strike! Double Damage! One-shot kill!

This was the Captain's Luck Skill! Lucky Strike dealt double the player's maximum Damage!

—Luck Skill: Each level of skill increases the Luck value of heroes and hero troops by 1 point. 1 point of Luck increases the chance of getting a 2% lucky hit.

5 points would get one to Master-level, which gave a 10% chance of getting a Lucky Strike. When there were just a few units, the effect was not obvious. But when there were many units, this 10% was quite scary! It was similar to the fact that out of 100 units, 10 units would do double damage. Conversely, when Luck was negative, it was possible to get an Unlucky Strike, which was half of the minimum damage. The Demon race was most adept at decreasing the Luck of the enemy.

And at this time, he had disturbed the hornet's nest! The mobs surrounding the Boss immediately became aggressive toward Da Fei! Although their target was the captain, they would, of course, attack all enemies which provoked them.

Da Fei was shocked! He began to run!

For a while, Da Fei led the entire mob on a marathon around the island. Da Fei's speed, which had been added to 12 points, was quite impressive.

One lap, two laps, three laps.

The Captain wailed from afar. "Adventurer, protect me! We can't go on like this!"

Da Fei tensed up and could only call back. "Captain, hang on. Time is victory!" He could not even hold his own against the little monsters, how could he hold out against the Boss? He believed in the Captain.

Perhaps because the island was already saturated with enemies, no new monsters from the sea tried to come ashore. Da Fei's Stamina was going down and he could barely move. The longer one ran at maximum speed, the greater the consumption of Stamina. He had no choice but to take out a coconut and smash it with his head. +100 Stamina! Oh yeah! He could carry on!

Four laps, five laps, six laps! Was the Sea Anemone done yet? Da Fei turned around to look at the monsters chasing him. He could not help but feel sorry for them. Did they not feel tired? Was their Stamina not 100 points? Or did they have unlimited Stamina under the moonlight?

The Captain cried out, "Adventurer!!!"

Da Fei took out a coconut and shouted as loudly as he could, "—What is a little pain in the wind and rain—"

How many rounds had he run? Da Fei could not remember. He felt that the speed of the monsters chasing him had begun to drop! Wahahaha! He thought that they were like an iron man in a marathon and could go on forever! It turned out that they would run out of Stamina too!

Just then,

—System Message: Your Unit Building "Sea Anemone Unit" was successfully built!

—Novice Guide: You have your own recruitment building. The recruitment building requires related resources and population to train your own troops.

At this moment, Da Fei's Overlord interface panel suddenly activated and glowed!

Da Fei looked at the center of the island in surprise. He saw several long tentacles flying out, killing a group of monsters besieging the Captain in one shot!

Oh yeah! All that waiting had finally come to fruition!

With the death of the monsters who had been blocking the way, there was again space around the Captain. The monsters who were chasing Da Fei immediately left to uphold their original mission. They abandoned Da Fei to encircle the Captain.

Looking at the slow-moving Nagas, Da Fei felt suddenly delighted! They were out of Stamina! Their damage would be at its lowest when they were out of Stamina. They might even be in a state of weakness where their Damage was halved! In this case, it would be even easier to defeat this Boss.

There was no need to say more. While the Boss' Stamina was low, they should concentrate on defeating the Boss and not give it time to recover. Da Fei expanded his Overlord panel and there was an anemone icon in the personal facilities column. He clicked on it.

—Enchanted Lethal Sea Anemone Hive: Recruit soldiers to construct. Attack: 80 (+60), Defense: 70 (+60), Damage: 10-12 (+2), Durability: 1,000, Attack Speed: 3 (+2), Movement Speed: 0, Special Skill: Multiple Attacks (5 tentacles), Highly Toxic Paralyze Attack, Catapult Attack. Number of Lethal Sea Anemones that can be recruited: 1/1.

—Sputter! Da Fei was so shocked he blew a wad of mucus!

80 Attack! 70 Defense! The Hero's attributes could also be stacked onto buildings! This was against the natural order of things! There was no such boost for the ancient trees of the Elves! Although the ancient trees of the Elves could fight, they were in the same classification as War Machines, Arrow Towers, and other buildings. The fact that this hive could take on the Hero's Attack and Defense showed that it was both a building and a living thing! As long as it was a living thing, it could be led by a Hero!

There was no need to say more!

What did 80 Attack mean? 1 Attack added 5% damage, 80 Attack added 400%! 10 Damage points would cause 50 Damage to enemies! If Grandmaster-level Attack Skill which added 60% was stacked on, that would mean a total of 80 Damage! This was just the tentacle's ordinary Attack. The Special Skill had not been taken into account yet!

Come on, attack the Boss!

The Boss led its army and approached the Captain slowly. The five tentacles of the Sea Anemone Hive's shot out—pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! -86! -84! -88! -86! -84!

Da Fei was shocked! Why was the Damage so low? A Catapult Attack could do two to three times the normal damage, which meant that the Sea Anemone's actual Damage was not even 40! Excluding Skills, the normal boosted Damage of the Sea Anemone should be 50!

What did that mean? It meant that the Boss' Defense and Defense Skills were not much worse than Renoir's Attack! Its Defense was so high, its Attack should be high too, right? It was no wonder Renoir was anxious when it appeared!

What would I do if I encountered it under normal circumstances? Do I need the black Magic Book to reduce its stats? But its vitality is low now, that's like being under the effect of Black Magic too, right?

Da Fei frowned! No, he could not take the risk! The black Magic Book could summon Zombies. Many Zombies imbued with the Hero's attributes would be very powerful, but he did not have enough Combat Power.

He still needed to hold them back! The Sea Anemone Hive had 1,000 HP. Let the Sea Anemone take a few blows first.

Now that the Boss was in position, it would definitely seize the attack position. If he wanted to hold it off, he would have to block its way! That would not do! It was too dangerous. Although its target was the Boss, there was no telling if it would simply cut him down as well. God knows what would happen if he died.

Sea Anemone! He still had one Sea Anemone unit. He would recruit it and try to buy some time!