Down on the Death Rows

Two hours had passed, then George and Baldur have returned from their nocturnal plight and with sloppy shoulders. In a silent mood, the Lieutenant carefully placed his handgun on the bench and leaned his back on the granite wall like a dead trunk while Baldur held Mayumi's hand, walked slowly on the opposite side, and sat beside the captain and Albrecht.

There was that deafening silence and after all, George had spoken breathlessly.

" They were not able to make it. They're...resting right now and communed with the heavens. Peace be with their souls."

Everyone's teary-eyed and they just lost two brave men at war.

" Where are they right now?" The captain asked.

" That's what we wanted to find out since the enemies carry them inside the granite mountain. It's interesting! I was just thinking that they seem curious on their captives out of their bucket list. Bringing them in somewhat collecting the badges, what do you think, dad?" George asked.

" Well, it would go straight that way. Hmm...for now what's the next move. George just turn it on." The captain sighed.

" This is difficult, but I suggest moving all the occupants of station three here in the granite house. They're starving right now over there and the more hours they had to stay there would put them all at risk.

" How to do it...getting all of them walk across the road where the enemies are busy transporting their weapons, men, and vehicles, it's such a lung airway; our chance is too narrow. It was just a sort of luck when we crossed there last time where the majority of our enemies were still on the battlefield, or maybe they still hang out a little in the barracks. There! we successfully came across the enemy line safely. But now, we have a situation and..." Albrecht stopped talking when George spoke.

" The western part, I mean the left-wing of this granite mountain is the sea, why not make them busy looking out there for a reason, like someone from us can create noise and disturb them.

" That's strategic too, hmm" The captain smiled and put some snake oil on her knees that Albrecht has given him.

" I got it. Shall we make a blueprint now and start steering the rod? We need to be in a hurry and I wanted to bring back Henry and Amado's remains, huh! this makes me so emotional. I've just lost two trusted friends." Baldur sighed.

" I will disturb them! or Mayumi will stay close with me. We'll also call amā Sibal, where is he?" Magee felt astounded.

" The last time he said he'll go down to station one and mentioned that he'll retrieve one of his caves out there. George, I thought he also proceeded to station three, just like that." The captain pressed his head.

" This confused me, where that old man went through? If he was still there, meaning, the enemies were just above him? " Albrecht uttered.

" It mustn't be. Amá, where are you now? why kept on retrieving your tunnels and caves when we're at war with our enemies, how come you were left alone right there?" Magee worryingly murmured

" Shh...we are not sure yet. Who knows that we haven't just seen him out there in station three. We'll return there anyhow, so you don't need to worry." George reassured.

They seriously planned out in tricking the enemies inside the mountain. So definitely they had to start immediately.

The caucus was done so quickly. Minutes later, George and Baldur had to get out in order to rescue the station three occupants.

" God be with you both, take extra care, this part of my life makes me anxious, Baldur and George." The captain tapped their shoulders as they got out while George tightly embraced his wife.

In a while, George and Baldur were out of their sight. Maggie slowly closed the door and they all returned at the receiving area with worried eyes.

Meanwhile, George and Baldur slowly moved out of the newly discovered passage.

" How did Dad discovered this hole."

" He'd reservations, I don't know. Just I have no idea. It's so queer that Ama Sibal has his tunnels that Dad didn't know and Dad's secret passage that Ama Sibal...did not know too? Does it mean like that? Hey...hey...time is up! we need to crawl by the mountainside while its still dusk. Remember the plan, we need to stick to it." George whispered while sweats were gathered on his face.

"George...there are around twenty on our way out, they're by the cliff. What's the next move, brother."

" Hmm...we'll crawl to the left and hang ourselves by the cliff. By the way, is your bag lighter now? mine's just tolerable. Check it first if it's tightly zipped, we'll gonna glue ourselves on the rocks ahead." George smiled and whispered.

They both slowly stood up straight by the opening passage as their backs began to lean on the rocky wall while tightly held on their rifles. One false move could bring them to death. Moreover, below them was a vast leafy hammock covered by chilling fogs. Trekked like spiders, hands hooked on the roots and bulging rocks; but their combat army boots side by side falsely stepped on to sandy soil they thought mistakingly as rocks and fall far below like debris of steel. In a second, Baldur , who was following George whispered.

" knees are chillin', got the wrong foothold I"

" Don't move...I need to cut the trailing vine around your boots, when have these dangling vine twirling below like a fangirl haha...okay, it's alright, don't move, I'll gonna cut it." George bent a little and rescued Baldur.

" George, If I survive in this war, I wish I could write our story, after all, I lived here for a long time...left after years and returned with my rifle but met someone."

" Shh...noise, above us." The lieutenant whispered.

They leaned their backs on the rocky wall like statues and noticed a bamboo stick lowering in front of them, it seems somebody was checking.