Side Story

A poorly made raft was cutting the waves and sailed the ocean. It was made up of round logs, and had a Black flag fluttering signifying that they are pirates. The flag had three skulls and crossbones painted in white. Four people stood on the unsteady raft boat. A fat round man stood in the middle holding the only mast of the boat, around him were three other men and being tall was common among them.

"Zehahaha.... this world... I'll be the sole ruler. This is my era." said a large rotund person laughing with some teeth missing.

"Zehahaha..." the person continued laughing like a maniac as if he was a novice bandit who had succeeded in his first heist.

"Captain Blackbeard, I see a merchant ship in front. But something is suspicious, they are heading straight into the storm." said a tall and pale man who had unusual red lips.

"Hmm... So do we brave that storm and chase them? What do you think captain?" Another tall and buff man said with menacing eyes like he was a loot addict and the activity of looting pleased him the most.

"Burgess, we don't fear storm nor earthquake. I think we gotta chase them. We could get some unexpected surprise on that ship." said Blackbeard.

"Laffitte, you navigate this crappy raft and Van Augur, you shoot them if any people are on the deck. Burgess you wait for my command." Blackbeard commanded his group.

Laffitte grew out a pair of wings on his back. He wrapped one end of a chain around mast and logs, he took hold of the other end of the chain and flew off into the rushed wind pulling the raft. All the other three hugged the mast of the boat as if they were koalas in mating season cause their shabby raft was going up and down in the ocean.

After the sound of fast wind blowing, Blackbeard pirates overcame the harsh storm and saw the merchant ship at the other end. Laffitte without care for anyone else flew at his top speed. By this time, only a log remained of their raft, and all the other three hung for their dear life.

The ship in their front looked worn out, one the mast of the ship was missing, and the body of the ship had a lot of wear and tear.

Laffitte flew and jumped directly on the ship, but nobody noticed his presence. He tied the chain he still held in a nearby window bar. He crept silently toward a person who was cleaning the ship debris. The other crew member at this time were hauling themselves up on the ship.

Laffitte took out a blade from his cane. He killed the sweeping man with a slash in the neck. It was a silent kill without a sound, and just as he about to murder others Jesus Burgess came, along with his loud voice alerting shipmen.

"Weehahaha.... Where's my loot? Bring me my berries." Jesus shouted and started punching and destroying everything onboard.

"You... Muscle head stop. We are going to hijack this ship. Why no one tells him that." Van Augur said shouting.

Blackbeard pirates fought all the merchants, or so they thought. In fact, they weren't even merchant, their ship was disguised as a merchant sea caravan to not to be chased by the Marine. The crew of this ship were the dealers of the Underworld. They were a hell lot stronger than mere merchants as they were criminal to begin with. They had been through a lot of life and death situation in their life to forge their bodies strong. But ultimately, the Blackbeard pirates were too much to handle so they lost all their lives.

"Zehahaha.... you are just ants. Zehahaha....." Blackbeard laughed in jubilation. It was happiness of crushing a person weaker than him.

Van Augur being the most perceptive of them went inside the cabin and brought out two chests with him. Blackbeard pirates gathered around and opened the chests, they found two devil fruit inside. Blackbeard was really disappointed seeing two ordinary paramecia devil fruits. He had read the whole encyclopedia of devil fruits in the past and knew almost all of them. He knew what these ordinary fruits were, one was bubble bubble fruit that it would only produce bubbles and weaken enemy which was almost always useless against an expert combatant. While the other one was somewhat better 'Mutt-Mutt fruit model Chihuahua'. Blackbeard was really mad at his luck but he thought that something is better than nothing, and he decided to use these fruits on their future subordinates.

"Captain, I also found this ledger entry in the cabin. It seems they sold a devil fruit to a person in Sandy Island. Here is the fruit's illustration." Just then Van Augur's Voice rang.

Blackbeard looked at the picture and had an unbelievable face because he also knew this fruit as it was on rarest category. It was Mythical Zoan Bird Bird fruit Thunder Roc.

"Quickly tell me, to whom it was sold?" Blackbeard asked salivating. He was capable of eating three devil fruits of the three different kinds. He had already eaten Darkness-Darkness fruit which was a logia. Blackbeard had also already planned the downfall of his father Whitebeard, and to steal his Quake Quake fruit. It was a paramecia type devil fruit and one of the strongest if trained well. Now that Blackbeard saw the illustration of the fruit he thought it was godsend opportunity, this fruit would perfectly fit him, with wings he won't fear drowning, and he would be invincible.

When Blackbeard was daydreaming, others discussed their plan to get it and Laffitte picked up Jesus Burgess and flew off toward sandy island. Laffitte was navigator but didn't use log pose like others. He was a birdman, he could sense magnetic waves emitted by the islands so he knew where he was going.

"Hey you guys, where are you going?" Blackbeard asked but two of them were out of his sight in a flash becoming small dots on the horizon.

"Zehahaha.... anyway they must want to impress me, their Captain. They would surely bring back the fruit. Now I just have to get the Quake Quake fruit, then we'll wreak havoc. Zehahaha... I'd be invincible by then. Zehahaha..." Blackbeard said and laughed.

"Captain Blackbeard, I see an island ahead. Should we wait there before others come back?" Van Augur said, his sight was like hawk's. He could shoot a bird from miles away. He felt people with observation haki.

"Let's raze it down first... Zehahaha... zehahaha." Blackbeard said releasing darkness.