
When Vash got back after borrowing things from Crocus, he felt that two men were inside the shop, beating the owner ruthlessly. Vash flew down erasing his presence. He put his bag inside a dumpster in a nearby barren alley. Vash silently came to the front of the shop, and he saw two tall man, one of them was buff while other was slim. The buff man had wide shoulders and incredible muscles. He wore skin tight black sleeveless shirt and a mask covering his upper face like he was a Luchador wrestler. To go along the fashion sense he also wore a golden belt of championship. Vash was confused seeing the out of context person. 'Is this person also from earth or the people here also enjoy some good old wrestling.' he thought. Vash then looked at other person who was pale white from head to toe. He wore an off-white collared long-sleeve shirt patterned with yellow crosses and navy jumper pants, and a black top hat. He also wore a pair of golden earrings and held a long cane with curved handle.


"Weeehahaha... I'll hit you all day long. Tell me where's the devil fruit and I'll stop. weeehahaha." laughed the buff man punching Doro Nimah.

"Arrgh... stop, like I said I sold it already, there was a man here few minutes ago he bought it from me. He'll be coming back with the rest of the payment. If you have guts you can take it from him." said Doro. He was bloody, and his nose crooked and broken. He lost some of his teeth as well.

"Obviously your lying but we don't have time to interrogate you. And as you have said, if you don't have it then you are no use to us. I'll send you to your maker." said the other tall and pale man. He took out a blade unsheathing his cane and walked toward Doro Nimah to finish him off for good.

Vash saw situation getting worse for the man with whom he had a deal some time ago. He heard how Doro Nimah tried making him a scapegoat. But he actually didn't mind. Doro was a normal man and for his survival he would do anything to get by whether through lying or cheating. But Vash also decided to fork out the devil fruit from the man once he's done scrapping those bandits.

Vash's action was fast as he got inside the house in a blink. The pale man was already swinging his blade ready to behead Doro Nimah. Vash appeared in midst of them and chopped diagonally at the blade swinger, breaking the sharp weapon as well as cutting the man in half. The remenant shock force destroyed half the store and it traveled to the sky with a boom.

"Laffitte!!! You killed Laffitte. Damn it, I'm going to kick your ass." said the buff man. He was shocked that a person like Laffitte could be killed in the blink of an eye. He reacted instantly and tried punching the intruder but before his punch could connect he was laid flat on the ground with a sharp pain in the head, he felt someone sitting on him afterwards with massive weight like a mountain. Momentarily, the buff man wasn't able to resist the load and gasped for breath.

Vash had killed the slim man quickly and punched the buff man in the head. He sat on the buff man with a kiloton of his weight.

"So where is this devil fruit you were talking about? Don't worry, unlike these freaks I have all the time in the world to make you speak." Said Vash with a devilish smile which made Doro Nimah tremble.

"I... I don't have it with me." said Doro Nimah not telling the truth and hoping for the other two party to knock each other out first.

"Sigh...I heard you talking about it previously. But I should tell you, however good they are at it, I can know when someone is lying. And I know you are lying blatantly. So I advise you to stay put in your shop. If you move unnecessarily I'll chop you like the person over there. You should weigh your options carefully whether you life is more precious or the devil fruit." Said Vash and picked up the buff guy who was beneath him and floated. He took off with the guy at high speed toward barren desert, away from the populace.

Vash threw the guy in middle of the burning desert. The body of the buff man hit the ground with large boom creating clouds of dirt and sand.

"This desert is our ring champion guy. I challenge you for your title." said Vash jovially.

"Weeehahaha.... I'm the champion, I'm Jesus Burgess and I'm gonna break you real good." said the buff man confidently after getting up from sand crater.

"Let's see what you got." said Vash who got behind the Jesus Burgess and caught him by the waist.

"German Suplex" muttered Vash lifting Jesus Burgess and slammed him on his back.






Vash slammed him like unmoving potato bag. He went wild in his endeavor to put down the wrestler. Vash always liked watching wrestling but didn't get any chance to compete professionally in the past.

So he brought out all of his self learned moves on Jesus Burgess.

The man getting slammed was stunned and dizzy. Jesus Burgess couldn't get a hang on himself. After slamming him a good number of times Vash floated up.

"Body Slam" muttered Vash and came down flipping in the air. His kiloton of body crushed Jesus Burgess hard. The crushed man shouted in pain as large amount of blood came out his mouth.

Vash didn't let up and lifted Jesus Burgess with both hands above his head. He brought him down to hit him with a knee strike and he hit him more. After all this, Jesus Burgess was half dead. He had been beaten thoroughly. His ribs were broken and half the organs were destroyed. Vash held the leg of his opponent and slammed him on the ground like a child playing with toys. Then he floated up and threw him on the ground with a huge bang.

"Oye oye.... are you finished already? Your fans will be sad seeing you put up no fight." Vash said in disappointing tone.

Vash came down and took the golden belt of Jesus Burgess. He put the belt over his shoulder, and started posing like there were spectators around him watching .

"You... you... damn it!!! my captain is Blackbeard and he will not let you go easily. he'll kill you eventually... urgkh..." said Jesus Burgess in weak voice spitting blood.

"Hmm... so you are also a bandit group who roams in a ship. Very well... I'll put you out for good. May you be a big show in your next wrestling life." Said Vash stomping on the head. It splattered like a rip watermelon on a hot summer day.

Vash got back to the weapon shop real quick after finishing the match with Jesus Burgess. He felt Doro Nimah still lying weakly on the ground. There were some Marine Soldiers around the shop, gathered hearing the ruckus in the town. Vash put them down using a wisp of color of supreme kings haki. He let himself inside the half destroyed store and found three Marine guys in white sailer uniforms knocked out. Doro Nimah was patched up with bandages and he sat on a chair in an inexplicable mood. He trembled with fear seeing Vash coming back and started fumbling around in fright.

"Don't be nervous. Tell me where is your forge and also the devil fruit. The latter is my payment for me being nice and also saving your life from the thugs." Said Vash in serious tone suggesting that there was no way for Doro Nimah to reject him.