
Miss All-Sunday AKA Nico Robin was wearing shades indoor. She went to the floor where a ruckus rose among people. Nico Robin saw a man wearing red aloha shirts and shorts laughing in jubilation, he was packing up uncountable chips in the bag. The dealers who were present there paled and sweated a lot. This was their loss and Crocodile would punish them for it.

"How about another gamble!? This time I will play with you." Said Nico Robin after arriving at the venue.

"Oh... So Manager herself is coming to the field! Why not... let's play a game." Vash replied. But the other dismissed agents also came up in short time.

"Miss All-Sunday, no need to play by the rules. Let's just kill him. It will save us time and money." Said Mr 1, he had tanned skin and shaven head. He wore dark sleeveless coat with yellow edges, the front of the coat had white motifs as decoration, he also wore baggy pants with a sash around his waist.

"Hmm... But what about the other people here? Our reputation will go down after this." Robin replied unhappily.

"You don't have to worry about it. Besides, Sir Crocodile had given us the last mission, the money is important now rather than the casino." Mr 1 said and raised one of his hand sideways, the hand turned into sharp edge at the underside, it had wavy gleam like iron-steel. Mr 1, his real name was Daz Bonez, and was previously a famous Bounty Hunter with fearsome reputation. He later followed Crocodile and became his right hand man. Mr 1 had eaten 'Dice Dice Fruit', he could freely change his body parts into sharp edges of steel.

"Hmm... an overhead chop." Vash muttered, his future sight ability initiated, and in next moment Mr 1 appeared in front of Vash and attacked with his weaponized arm, he tried splitting Vash's head in one swing.

"It isn't going to work." said Vash as he stopped the blade edge with two of his fingers, then he put some force using thumb, breaking small chunk of pieces from the hand blade.

*Crack* "Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

Daz Bonez screamed in agony, his hand was bloody like some flesh had been cut and scooped out from the arm. Vash stood up and cracked his neck. The other gamblers dispersed in panic after seeing a fight start.

"You clowns at the back can come out too, in fact you all should come at me together, or else you'll be grounded to dust... hehe." Said Vash, he had felt agents coming up in group but only two of them confronted him to the fight. Miss Doublefinger, Mr 2, Mr 4 and Miss Merry Christmas all came in the front and readied their stance. They had seen the man in front easily break the steel like body of Mr 1 so they were nervous facing him.

"Hmm... Crocodile sure knows to enjoy himself employing such beautiful ladies... well... except the hag. And what are you supposed to be?" Said Vash first gazing at Robin and Miss Doublefinger, he dismissed the old lady Miss Merry Christmas and lastly he questioned duck wearing okama.

"What the hell do you mean by 'What are you'!!? Can't you see I'm an okama you idiot!!? Uhmm... you are somewhat handsome I'll forgive you for the insolence if you give me a kiss." Mr 2 said winking at Vash, but on the inside, the okama was afraid of Vash and blabbered whatever came out of his mouth, trying to save his life.

"Ugh... I don't even wanna fight you now." Said Vash as he took a stance and punched Mr 2 from the distance. A Sonic boom was created, the force of the punch shifted the air in front, and a speedy gust went through the Rain Dinners along with Mr 2 who vanished. Other agents saw the trail of destruction and had their mouths agape.

"Now that the weird one is gone let's continue." Said Vash. Mr 1 was huffing due to loosing a lot of blood from the wound and others were trembling in trepidation. The three ladies present here were not afraid of bloodshed, they had killed countless people, reasons aside. But right now they were facing a really powerful opponent who could kill them easily.


Mr 4 held a bazooka and fired at Vash who dodged it easily. The agents present couldn't react to Vash's agility, they all were sent flying and didn't know how. Vash had just punched them real quick but it was from the distance. The air pressure of the punches were enough to make them stagger and eat a loss.

"Atomic Spar" "Double Stinger" "Trenta Fleur: Strangle" "Mole Palm Shoot" *Boom*

All of them attacked simultaneously; Mr 1 turned his fingers into blades, crossing his hands in front his chest he slashed downwards. Miss Doublefinger turned her hands into spikes, and stabbed at the position of Vash, she had eaten Spike Spike Fruit to obtain such an ability. Nico Robin was user of the 'Flower Flower Fruit', she could sprout body parts from any surface whether living or non living, she sprouted many hands on Vash's body to strangle him or at least immobilize him so that others could hit him with their attacks. Miss Merry Christmas turned her hands into mole claws to attack Vash. And Mr 4 just shot a cannonball using bazooka.

"Tch... He broke out from my ability." Said Nico Robin trying to see pass the dust cloud generated from their combined attacks.

"We didn't hit anything, he's too fast and too strong." Said Daz Bonez with sweat rolling off his face.

"Maybe we should call boss. We're out of his league, only Sir Crocodile will be able to put him down." said Miss Merry Christmas.

"Iiyahahaha... you bunch of gangsters are weak. And as the mole hag said, you should really call your boss if not you'll be slaughtered real quick." Vash said appearing some distance away from them.

"Who are you calling hag you bastard!!! I'll kill you!" Shouted Miss Merry Christmas as she dug at the wooden floor scattering splinters.

"Wait Merry Christmas!!! You alone can't face him." Shouted Daz Bonez. But it was on deaf ears. Miss Merry Christmas fell on the floor below when she dug and Vash saw gleam of gold and treasure through the hole. He went down the floor in the treasury and he started throwing bags of treasure in certain direction with calculated trajectory blowing holes in the casino.

Other agents also came down and saw the empty treasury with a knocked down Mole woman. And the culprit was laughing maniacally saying he became rich. The agents had pale faces seeing all the money was gone.

Suddenly, there was gust of wind on the floor and a huge amount of sand congealed into a humanoid figure.

Crocodile has come in person.