
"You guys are really incompetent forcing your king to move himself. I'll punish all of you once everything is over." Crocodile said observing the situation. He came here after feeling the shockwaves of the fight. He also wanted to see what kind of man was so lucky to win so much of his money in gambling. Crocodile thought that the Daz Bonez would have speedily defeated the person, but it was just the reverse; most of his top agents were having hard time coping in a fight with that person.

"I'm sorry Sir Crocodile, he's just too strong." Replied Daz Bonez weakly, the bleeding had stopped but the damage was done and he appeared somewhat tired.

"Hmph... I'll just kill him quickly. Desert Spada!!" Crocodile shouted as a blade of sand roared out and cut everything on its way. Vash sidestepped to dodge and kicked out an air blade of same size, it split Crocodile in half from head to toe. Vash saw the result but wasn't happy as he didn't see the blood from Crocodile's body instead he saw sand leaking from cut sections.

"Kuhahaha....It's useless!! I'm a logia fruit user, and my body is sand. No attacks can harm me." Crocodile laughed.

"Hmph... So you are that famous 'Sir Crocodile', it seems fitting that you have crocodiles as pets." Vash said smirking, he could feel the large life force in many numbers, Vash pointed a finger in a fast motion, shooting a compressed air bullet towards them.

"But then again, you should have eaten Crocodile Zoan fruit, your Crocs theme would have suited you completely." said Vash in mocking tone.

"What are you.... Shit... He plans to blow up the aquarium!! All of you, get out here now!!" Crocodile shouted after some delay.

*Crack* *Crack* *Boom*

"Damn you!! Doing as you like here and destroying my property. You'll pay for it." Crocodile bite his cigar in half and said in anger.

"Well... if you can do something about it, you are welcome to try. I'm standing right here. Iiyahahaha..." Vash said taunting Crocodile.

"You bastard... Desert Grande Sparda!!!" Crocodile shouted.

"Hmm... A sneak attack." Vash got a mental picture of sand blade stabbing him from below so he already left his previous location stepping forward.

"Sneak attacks won't work. You have to do better, mafia boss." Vash again taunted easily dodging the sand blade.

"Why you... take this, Desert La Sparda!!!" Crocodile turned both hand into sand which quickly shot toward Vash. The sand turned into eight axe like blade radiating sharp cutting intent. Vash saw desert axe blades coming on in from different angles. He weaved through the blades like a nimble dancer, and each time Vash dodged he retaliated firing compressed air bullets with lightening flickering on it.

"How is this possible!!! You....Damnit..." Crocodile cursed, his body has eight holes dripping with blood. Vash had shot him Color of Armament so he was able to wound Crocodile.

"iiyahahaha... Crocodile, I'll skin you and make a wallet out of it." Vash said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself you bastard!!! I'll kill you with my own hands." Crocodile gritted his teeth. He was an egomaniac of highest caliber. It was his first time in so long when an opponent had disrespected him, he was starting to hate Vash from his whole being.

"Are... that's a dangerous move by the way Crocoguy." Said Vash and jumped making a hole in the ceiling.

"Take this move you damn bastard, Sandstorm: Heavy" Just when Vash moved Crocodile started forming a twister of sand in his hand, and he saw Vash had jumped but he threw it anyway. The twister expanded into enormous shockwave. The people outside saw the Pyramid structure atop Rain Dinners destroyed in a boom.

Vash was floating above the now decimated Rain Dinners as he watched the destruction.

'Phew... but seriously logia fruit has widespread destruction capability. I guess every devil fruit has its usage.' Vash thought to himself.

Crocodile was still inside the Rain Dinners but he was drowned in the water which had leaked from previous destruction of Bananawani Aquarium. Vash saw Crocodile flopped on knee high water seemingly out of strength. He was surrounded by dozens of Bananawani like they were protecting him.

"Hmm... I guess this is it? I should collect all the Crocs now... hehehe." Vash said and got ready to went down so he could skin all the Bananawani. He noticed previous agents flung off to distant building.

'So they were caught in their boss' previous move, this Croc sure doesn't care about his subordinates.' Vash thought as he slowly flew down from the air. People looked at Vash above Rain Dinners, first they were shell-shocked then when they saw Crocodile amidst all the debris they went nuts and started cursing Vash in loud voice.

Vash ignored rambling people as he cautiously observed Crocodile with normal color of observation. He was always attentive in fight as he had experienced fights in which a weak opponent had defeated strong, so he wouldn't rejoice unless his enemy has been defeated thoroughly.

"Ugkk.... cough...cough. Haah... haah... that was stupid of me to bring down my casino on my own head." Crocodile reviewed his previous action and his eyes became totally serious. He now didn't underestimate his opponent. Crocodile thought he was probably facing an opponent of at least Yonko Commander Level, it could also be higher, Yonko level itself.

"Ground Death" muttered Crocodile.

Crocodile put his right hand on a Bananawani beside him, the BananaCroc in question dried up soon. Crocodile stood up and sucked water from his surrounding. Others seeing this felt dread and ran; Bananawani, other agents in vicinity as well as normal people. They abandoned the town ran for their life.

"Aaah... My premium quality leathers. You are so dead crocoboy." Vash said, he flew down flickering to Crocodile, his leg was glowing with white light; Vash's leg was imbued with plasma like lightening, he kicked Crocodile in the chin, and made him fly out the city.


Crocodile's body hit a distant dune and went through it not stopping, the body crashed through half the desert. Crocodile was barely alive from the attack, his jaw dislocated, bleeding. He dazedly got up and reflexively fixed the jaw back. He slowly came to be, feeling less pain. He was not sure what happened, one instant he was making a move and the next second he was lying on the sand beaten severely. While crocodile was contemplating, Vash arrived at his location.

"Hmm... So you are still alive. This is your last chance... unleash you best move if not you will just die here." Vash said, and he was surprised seeing Crocodile not dead, he had used his full normal body strength along with slight bit of haki, like 10 percent of intensity. But Crocodile was seemingly fine.

"Like I said... don't get ahead of yourself bastard. I am invincible in the desert." Crocodile said.

"Sand golem."

The sand gathered around Crocodile as he was drowned in it. A figure of giant appeared afterwards. The height of this enormous figure amounted to 500m. It had four sand twisters in place of limbs, and because of these long tornados the whole desert became windy, any normal people entering would be swept off in harsh sandstorm. This giant sand golem had solid torso made of compressed and hardened sand.

"Kuhahaha.... Let me see how you survive this you bastard!!" Crocodile's voice came from the sand golem. The speed of golem was same as Crocodile which was really scary. This power could even destroy a country.

"Hmph... Somewhat strong but even with your current strength, you can't defeat me." Seeing seriousness of the current situation Vash decided to use his devil fruit power. He jumped and flew high into the sky, and continued flying using color of Supreme Kings Haki. He dived down when he gained enough potential.


Vash's body flew down breaking sound barrier, he calculated best possible movement with least expenditure of energy, while simultaneously using Observation Haki.

Crocodile saw Vash diving down, and attacked him with his twister hands, his striking movement was like swatting annoying mosquitos. Vash in turn enveloped his hands in lightening and tore the sandstorms while descending.

Crocodile was panicked seeing his moves still ineffective, then he made the golem jump back and attack midair; all four twister came upon Vash.

Vash sped up, and narrowly passed the gap between four closing tornados, Vash reached the position where Crocodile's life force was most dense, Vash condensed plasma like substance on his hand, then stabbed the golems body.


A cry came from the sand figure, and then it was split in the next second. Vash had stabbed Crocodile in stomach. The golem lost power sustaining it, but the four twister swallowed each other to grow to bigger. As it growing large Vash flung the body of now unconcious body of Crocodile directly into twisting sand. And Vash left the desert in hurry, he wasn't planning on eating sand by being there.

"Heh... at least I left you alive." Said Vash and went back to RainBase.