
"The hell!!! a golden banana in the desert." said Vash seeing the poorly hidden Bananawani just outside Rainbase. The beast thought it hid well under the sand but ultimately its defining feature became its demise. Vash killed the beast and dragged it across sandy ground. Vash went to the 'Menail Weapon shop' for the leather skinning. The store was still enact after the fight, and the storekeeper was acting stiff after he saw Vash walked through the door.

"I have a job for you. I don't know if you are interested." Vash said smiling.

"Of course... of course, what service do you require?" The shopkeeper said still uncomfortable. He was naturally aware of the commotion in town, he also saw the destruction of Rainbase, and the man in front of him flying and beating the crap out of Crocodile. The shopkeeper was really scared in the presence of Vash.

"It's nothing much, there is a dead Bananawani outside your shop. I want it skinned to the bone, pack up the leather and meat nicely. I'll come again after sometime, till then you should finish your work." Vash said as he stormed out of the store and went to the now demolished Rain Dinners.

Vash checked the debris for the valuables, which he did not find any, except a dried up Bananawani. He touched it and felt that the skin hadn't hardened in devoid of moisture, but contrarily it was softer as aged leather, and it felt tough as well.

'Hmm... This is good quality leather. Originally, due to its thickness it should have been time consuming to process this and turn it into good armor. But now there is perfect blend of minimum moisture in it but the inside is all dust.' thought Vash as he yanked the dried Bananawani clasping with his hands, it deflated like a balloon, and dust came out of orifices.

"Iiyahahaha... Thanks Crocodile!! With this my objective of being here is complete." Vash folded the enormous sized skin and could only do the folding up to 7-8 times. The height of folded Croc skin reached as much as a two story building.

"Damn!!! I should first go to that shop again to make this precious haul portable. Then I'd go to the thrown treasure boxes." Vash muttered to himself. He went back to the shop. The shopkeeper was busy doing the work when he saw a leathery column enter through the front door, an instant after that, Vash's voice rang out in his ears startling him. "You should also pack this leather, I'll be back after an hour."

The treasures and berries were most important so Vash ran in the direction where all the money was. He knew exact location when he threw them previously. Vash arrived there after 15 minutes of leisure running, but before that he had bought a giant backpack with his leftover berries.

Vash arrived at the location where all the treasures lay scattered in the sand, this area was without any life that was why he threw them previously in such a desolate place. The treasures had been stored in chests before the fight and that were now destroyed in the fall; shining gems, golden goblets, a treasure sword, gold coins, some undestroyed small chests, and stacks of cash piled up in a mound.

Appraising all the treasures, Vash calculated its value to be around 1 billion berries. He also found two paramecia devil fruits. Vash was ecstatic that he killed three bird with one stone; obtaining goods, earning money, and a good training results.

"Oh crap... I forgot about the other agents, I should hurry to the shop." Vash said. He knew the shop was affiliated with Baroque Works so other agents must have gone there.Vash packed up all the treasures and his backpack became full. When the bag was laden on him, it looked like Vash was carrying a giant boulder. He rushed out the desert, going back to the Rainbase.

Squads of marine patrolled the town of Rainbase. The Marines couldn't interfere previously during the fight, and there were no strong officers at that time, but now with addition of logia devil fruit user Smoker, who came just after the fight they became pumped up to arrest people.

"It's you!!..... Uh... Tashigi, what is his name again?" Exclaimed Smoker when he saw Vash running in the street.

"Captain Smoker, he is an unnamed pirate worth 500,000,000 bounty. We don't know his name. It's like he lived under a rock until he got his first bounty. I couldn't believe a person as strong as him was unknown previously." Tashigi said as she adjusted her spectacles.

"Damn it! I was badly beaten last time. You scum, stop!!" Shouted smoker as his body began to turn into smoke, ready to fight.

"Ehh... Captain Smoker, Wait!!! Don't cause anymore trouble here, the town cannot survive another battle. You have to think of people. Please." Tashigi said hurriedly trying to stop mad Smoker.

"Oh... You are the Smoking guy, but I don't have time for silly games, and shouldn't you be arresting some pirates and whatnot. Shoo.. shoo..." Vash said, who was running across same path from the front of the marines and saw acquaintances.

"Are you kidding me?? You are the pirate!!! You won't be leaving here without an arrest." Smoker shouted.

"Captain Smoker, please don't fight here. People are scared already and you starting a fight will give them bad impression of marine." Tashigi said to convince Smoker. In turn, he calmed down, Smoker analyzed the pros and cons. He knew he wasn't a match for this unnamed pirate, and he wouldn't be able to win, it will only cause another mayhem needlessly.

"Captain Smoker, first we have to capture Straw Hats crew, after that we can aim for him." Tashigi again said in a persuasive way.

"Alright, let's investigate first what happened here." Smoker and Tashigi had no idea that the culprit of their investigation ran past them. They had just entered the town with troupes from a marine branch in the vicinity. Marines searching the town before were following orders of Smoker, he wanted to find Straw Hat crew so Smoker contacted every branch on the Sandy Island, and mobilized manpower. The marines had returned before the fight, completing their duty and found no trail of Straw Hats. They didn't know what went on after that, and they were preparing to question the residents. That's why Smoker didn't fight, if not people wouldn't tell if asked, after their town gets destroyed.

The backpack wasn't heavy for Vash, he held the bag straps and ran towards the shop. Through color of observation he felt 4 people inside it. Vash quickly went inside from the front door.

"You lot better stay still.... that is unless you want to die now." Vash said and observed the shop. He saw his goods not stolen. But vash was confused as to why the members of Baroque Works were still here, and not taken everything here and fled.

"And what do you guys are here for? Do you want to steal from me." Vash said with a smile.

"Let me explain." It was not the any of three people spoke but the storekeeper.

"What's going on?" Vash asked perplexed.

"These three are my friends Rahmat, Alduan and Terry, we joined the syndicate together. They were sent here by Mr. 1 with orders to take anything of value and flee. We are good friends so I convinced them that running with goods would an be suicidal. Then they helped me in the work and we did it in 45 minutes. Here it is." Said the shopkeeper. He also introduced Vash to his friends.

"Hehe.... you guys are intelligent, if you would have gone with my baggage, I would have hunted you down to the ends of earth. Any way, give me the bag.

"Yes, yes... and here it is. It's so heavy that we couldn't lift it." The shopkeeper said pointing toward the bag. Vash held the straps and skid the bag on the wooden floor. He couldn't pull the bag out the door.

"Aaah... I'm really an idiot." The shopkeeper was embarrassed after he saw the situation. Vash pulled exerting more force destroying the doorframe and walls in the process.

Vash threw a stack of note into the hands of the shopkeeper, it was 50,000 berries. He held both bags, and in front of bewildering eyes of Baroque Works goons, he flew off into distance.