
Speedily leaving the town, Vash had directly flown towards port town Nanohana.

Meanwhile, Mr 1 Daz Bonez, Miss Doublefinger, Mr 2 Bon Kurei, Mr 3 Galdino, and other top agents had regrouped. Mr 3 had arrived just after the fight, he had directly gone to Rain Dinners to report the failure of his mission in little garden. But Galdino only found a demolished structure in place of it.

"Hmph... Mr. 3, we're in a really bad situation and now you are telling me that you couldn't even take care of a measly pirate crew." Mr 1 said unhappily. He was wearing an arm support. He couldn't feel index finger and his thumb due to Vash injuring his hand.

"Mr 1, they are trouble, I tell you. It's better not to underestimate their craziness." Mr 3, Galdino said, he was a slim man with long face. Mr 3 wore generic white shirts and pants. The most notable quirk of his existence was his hair in shape of number '3'.

"You are just trying to cover up your loss." Mr 1 said.

"What about you then? Who broke your arm Mr Man of steel?" Mr 3 gathered up his whole life's worth courage and asked in sarcastic manner.

"You... Piece of trash. I'll beat you after everything is over. Just you wait, and can anyone tell me where Nico Robin went?!" Mr 1 said. Nico Robin had disappeared after the upheaval in town.

""""We don't know."""" All the other said in unison.

"You are useless!! All of you!! Hurry up and search for Sir Crocodile." Mr 1 was grumpy from all the heat, and he didn't want to remain in open if possible. They searched the traces of battle, and found Crocodile lying in pool of blood but still alive. His body was flung off some distance from the battle zone, it was due to Vash who had hurled Crocodile into sandstorm.

"You guys quickly get him out the crater, and tend to his wound." Daz Bones Mr 1 said.

"Why don't you kill him Mr 1. He's unconcious now, and after that, you will be sole ruler of our organization." Mr 3 Galdino said trying to plant treacherous ideas into Daz Bones.

"..." Mr 1 just stared at Galdino with dead eyes.

"But who was that man?? He was so strong, even our boss is in wretched state after fighting him." Miss Doublefinger said.

"We don't know, but Nico Robin should have some info about his identity." Miss Merry Christmas said as she lifted Crocodiles body and came out the huge crater.

"It is really my mistake, I shouldn't have challenged him in fight." Daz Bones said.

"Oh... so the state you are in... the culprit is the same." Galdino said, he was gloating at the situation of his higher ups and found unusual satisfaction from seeing them distraught.

"Shut up!! Candleman, are you trying hard to die, I can send you to your maker if you want." Mr 1 said in loud voice. Galdino was scared and stopped talking.

The group of agents took out bandages prepared, and wrapped Crocodile from head to toe.

At the same time in Nanohana.

Blackbeard had come to this city. After he waited few days, Jesus Burgess and Laffitte hadn't come back so he got impatient.

"Zehahaha... It seems those two fools got themselves killed. Van Augur find out everything and meet me at the restaurant in front." Blackbeard said and walked. Van Augur also followed behind.

"I told you to go get some info so why are you still following me?!" Blackbeard said unhappily.

"Captain, have you become an idiot?! Of course taverns are best place to gather info so I followed seeing you go there." Van Augur replied. They both went inside and heard some people talk about killing and ghost haunting then they decided to check it out.

"Van Augur, It seems we got our target, but how is this town fine?! After all, Jesus and Laffitte are very strong, were they killed in sneak attack?" Blackbeard said.

"Let's go captain. There is still a chance to get the devil fruit if we can find the culprit." Van Augur said, and stood up going out the food house.

Unknown Place

"Aaargh, Where am I?! What happened?!" Crocodile said, he was lying on a stretcher and was bandaged heavily. He looked around himself seeing other agents in a room.

'It seems boss has memory problem, did he get traumatized from the fight?' Everyone in the room thought.

"Sir Crocodile, We are at Gosa town North-east of Rainbase. And we were planning to go to Alburana Palace." Mr 1 explained to his perplexed boss. Crocodile heard the familiar voice of his right hand man, he clasped his head with both of his hand and screamed.

"Damn it!! That bastard, I'll kill him with Pluton if couldn't defeat him normally. I don't care about this island now, I'll destroy him along with it." Crocodile shouted.

'What is Pluton?' thought every agent that were present.

"Sir Crocodile, the straw hats who--" Mr 3 tried saying but was cut off by voice of Crocodile.

"I don't care about little shits, You lot better follow the plan and destroy this kingdom to ashes. Whether it's pirate or marine, whoever come in the way you also kill them. Is that understood?!" Crocodile shouted orders. The agents loaded him on Bananawani, it was their travelling pet. They went out the town riding it, their destination being Alburana.

And Vash at this time was flying above the desert. He was floating with two bags in toe. He was hurrying toward the Nanohana city, he felt some sense of unease. The color of observation kept giving him bad chills passively like something bad was going to happen.

After half day of journey, it was evening, and he arrived at the Sandora River Delta. From there, it was a short journey but he had to fly above the water so he flew down to rest. He saw a group of dugong playing in the water. Suddenly, a large crocodile with banana like growth came to shallow waters and attacked an unsuspecting dugong, swallowing it whole. Other Dugongs saw their comrade eaten but they didn't waver in the slightest and attacked the predator with punches and kicks, driving it away deep into the river.

Vash was gobsmacked at the behaviour of these small as well as monstrous creatures.

'This world is really crazy sometimes.' Vash thought to himself. And while he was resting, some dugongs came up to him seeing his presence and made gestures as if they were challenging him. Vash just leaked a thread of Supreme Kings Haki and made them faint. Then he again flew after resting for an hour.

Two hours later, he arrived at the Port of the Nanohana town, it was nighttime when he reached here. He didn't see any lights, he felt malignant darkness enveloping the town like a creepy aura. He used color of observation and felt the source of unnatural darkness, and although he couldn't see in the dark very well, he felt lots of people fainted and buildings destroyed.

'Hmm... A devil fruit user is making trouble, and from the aura he feels a lot stronger than Crocodile.' Vash thought, he coated his body in lightening like glow which was his Armament haki forcefield. Vash tore directly into the darkness. He reset his weight to minimal, even less than 1 kg, and flew at top speed kicking air beneath his feet. Vash sped up to the origin of darkness and chopped. He raised up his weight to 1 Kiloton at the moment of impact.

*Boom* "Aaargh"

There was pathetic scream along with the sound of shockwaves. Vash saw the unnatural darkness writhing back into the source of yelling. After sometime, Vash saw a man bleeding and bawling on the ground, the man's hand was cut off and lying in the ground beside him. Vash had planned to bisect the man from head to ass, but the opponent in question sacrificed his arms to preserve his life from the unexpected sneak attack.

"Aaah... Damnit, It hurts!! Who is it?? Zehahaha.... I know now... haah... haah... you must be the mystery man who defeated Jesus Burgess and Laffitte." Blackbeard said getting up from his agony and stared at Vash with murderous eyes. Van Augur who was previously hiding in a corner came out hearing the pained shout of his captain.

"Oh... there are two of you?" Vash watched two men. Van Augur started tending to Blackbeard's injury.

Vash didn't feel any fleeing intents from the duo, and they weren't planning on leaving so soon, so Vash went to the weapon shop of Doro Nimah, he saw him lying in a debris of the destroyed shop; unconcious with eyes wide opened like he had went to hell and came back. Vash directly unhinged the cellar door and went down the forge. He saw his stuff and equipped them swiftly. With Supreme Kings Haki, he made the remaining swords in the shop float and went out the basement to confront the enemies.