
The Straw Hats crew in capital partied all night, while Mihawk, King Cobra and Nico Robin were having a conversation.

"Hawk eye Mihawk, I want to sincerely thank you for saving the citizens, if it weren't for you, a lot of them would have died." King Cobra appreciated the efforts of Shichibukai.

"Like I said to your daughter, I was just repaying the favor, and now we are even." Mihawk said.

"Of course, and may I inquire if you have obtained whatever you have come here for??" King Cobra asked politely, he didn't want to anger a man with so much power.

"Hmm... I was just browsing the library for the past few days. I'm interested in unveiling true history of this world." Mihawk said. Nico Robin who was also present got an inexplicable glint in her eyes after listening to the talk.

"Uggh... Mihawk, World Government forbids any research on this subject. And she is also a person who is unfortunate victim of their unreasonableness." King Cobra said glancing at Nico Robin.

"I know... Nico Robin ...Right? I have heard of you when there was a bounty issued for your head. But it's first time meeting in person" Mihawk said turning toward Nico Robin.

"Likewise, You are world famous swordsman, it's pleasure meeting you." Nico Robin said without fluster. She had guts of iron, and her shoulder sported a calm head. It was due to these quality that she was alive until now.

"And I have also heard that you can read Poneglyph. Is that true??" Mihawk asked.

"What do you want??" Robin had some sweat rolling off her face when she heard Mihawk ask the question. She thought that Mihawk was also after her ability.

"Hahaha.... You can relax. I'm not after you, and you are not the only one with ability to understand Poneglyph. And also these Poneglyphs are much more than just a stone with some scribbles that you perceive." Mihawk replied.

"What!!! How can that be!? I was the only surviver of Ohara. There shouldn't be anyone who is able to read them." Nico Robin exclaimed.

"What you said is right. There aren't any survivor from that island aside from you. But there are people with perception so strong that they can even make the dead talk about themselves." Mihawk said in a mysterious tone.

"Is that really true??" Nico Robin asked in amazement. It was her first time hearing such thing.

"Hmm... of course. Four road poneglyphs are required to know the true location of final Island Laugh Tale. And the Pirate King Gol D Roger's crew hadn't had any scholars from OHara.(A/N: I'm shooting in the dark.) So how do you think they reached Laugh Tale?" Mihawk asked.

"I don't know how they would had done it." Nico Robin said shaking her head.

"Like I said, Truly strong people can make impossible a possibilty. Roger had ability to hear voice of all things, and that's how they were able to interpret poneglyphs and reach the final island." Mihawk said as if telling epic story with straight face.

"So what did they find there!!?" King Cobra chimed in this time.

"I don't know what they found there but I know it wasn't something pleasant by the way Roger surrendered himself to the Navy." Mihawk said.

*Perererere... perererere... perererere*

A den den mushi rang out in midst of their discussion.

"Vash, What do you need?" Mihawk picked up the call and asked.

"Don't 'what do you need' me. Here I'm toiling in hot weather and you are relaxing like king. It has been days skin is tanned and I'm getting bored now. Decide the next island I want to leave here as soon as possible." The den den mushi having feature of Vash's face spoke.

"Well... the things I needed to do here are done. We'll set sail tomorrow. So relax for a day." Mihawk said.

"Is that you Mr Vash? I'm sorry I fled from the scene previously, otherwise I would have been pummeled by you because of rashness of Mr 1." Nico Robin said recognizing the face of Vash in den den mushi.

"Who are... oh... you are the bar girl in Rain Dinners. Aren't you the smart one, fleeing at the sight of danger." Vash said over den den mushi.

"I'm alive until now following my gut feeling. But it's a really a surprise that Mr Hawkeye is your travel companion. Dracule Hawkeye is famous in the seas by being a lone wanderer." Nico Robin said amused.

"Oh... I didn't know Hawkeye was that shy around people---" Vash's voice was cut off when Mihawk disconnected the call.

"Hawkeye san, why did you put the call down? I had to also thank Mr Vash for taking care of my subjects." King Cobra said in a downhearted voice.

"I can give you his contact so you could say that to him later but now I am interest in the Poneglyph which you have hidden here." Mihawk said to King Cobra.

"It was a Poneglyph describing the location of Ancient Weapon Pluton." It was Nico Robin instead of King Cobra who replied.

"Of course, you read it on the instruction of Crocodile your former boss." Mihawk said.

"What is your goal for pursuing such knowledge?? Tell me." Mihawk asked Robin.

"Are you also one of them who believes I'm aiming for the world destruction??" Nico Robin asked back instead of answering.

"Wahahaha... Who would believe a crap published by World Government. I'm justing asking since I'm curious." Mihawk laughed and said. King Cobra was dumbfounded. He had never seen Mihawk laugh during his stay. But now he laughed two times in simple talk.

"Like you, I also want to know the true history. I want to know what it was that the World Government were so afraid of, so much so that they had to massacre innocent lives for it without any regard. And by knowing it I'll also able to finish what the people of Ohara started." Nico Robin replied seriously.

"For that you would have to join an adventurous group, and this group had to be powerful and not afraid of any challenges. And I happened to spot such a group gathering here." Mihawk said.

"Why don't I join you!? You have top level strength and also full of adventurous spirit." Robin asked, she was running away for most her life so when she saw strong person without malicious intent she decided to ask for help in roundabout way.

"No... I was talking about that Straw Hat boy's crew... and no, you can't join me. You should know I travel in small boat and it can't fit more than one person. Vash, your acquaintance stands up on the mast during travel. So you can imagine that feeling of uncomfort." Mihawk replied. And Nico Robin imagined herself hanging from the mast and replied.

"On a second thought, I'll join Straw Hat crew."

"Smart choice, I know they are idiots most of the time but their comraderie is real." Mihawk said.

"I also hope so." Robin said.

"Anyway, King Cobra, why don't you go to dinners table and take care of her crew. I mean, they would not have been feeling hospitable here if you don't show up your place." Mihawk said implying that the king should get out now. King Cobra then left the room getting the signal and went to where Straw Hats were partying.

"So I have heard some stories of the void century, and if you know any substantial information regarding it, I would like to hear them." Mihawk asked.

"I'm sorry!! You probably have better knowledge than me. I was only taught how to read the language but I never actually got the chance to read any Poneglyph. I only know some verbally told general history." Robin replied shaking her head.

"Is that so! Well... You can leave and get acquainted with your new partners." Mihawk said. Nico Robin left the room without saying anything anymore.

'It seems I have to up my Color of Observation and gather those pebbles to reach there myself.' Mihawk thought.