
For a whole week, Vash had meditated in a desert, some distance away from the Nanohana town. It was not easy to develop new skills so Vash had been using various Meditation techniques to help himself.

Meditation was one of the important foundation for Vash to build up the strength that he had now. He had mastered all known forms of it. Meditation of Nature, Meditation for Relaxation, Meditation for Mindfulness and Awareness, Transcendental Meditation were most popular type of Meditation on Earth.(A/N: I'm using real life meditation techniques as reference, and here, I may exaggerate them a bit.)

Meditation of nature was mostly used to cultivate kindness and compassion. The whole process was just trying to send out happy thoughts or feeling to others. He had tried it countless time when he was on Earth but it didn't work like expected, that is to make others feel happy and kind toward himself. On the contrary, it could only improve the mindset of the user. Like that, all the other techniques were also for the same purpose.

But here in this world, Vash had noticed that the Meditation techniques had been more effective now. For example, Relaxation Meditation. Previously, this meditation technique could only relieve stress and somewhat faster stamina recovery. But now, Vash with his vigorous spirit could mobilize his life energy for fast healing. A wound that normally takes a week to heal would heal in a night of meditation. And with his body getting stronger and spirit growing firmer, the time of recovery can be reduced further. This technique could also help and improve stamina recovery. He could easily recover all the spent stamina in half an hour of meditation and could go on without sleep for a long time.

Likewise, Meditation for Awareness focuses on self-analysis, improvement in memory and intelligence, concentration, emotional flexibility, as well as control over body and mind. This technique along with Observation Haki are compatible with each other, and by utilizing both simultaneously, Vash had improved his spiritual strength and mental capacity, which in turn developed the intensity of his Haki forms.

Meditation of Nature technique also evolved to project intents and thoughts to others; very much like aura. Using this technique along with Supreme kings Haki, Vash could make others feel loyal toward himself; persuade them easily; make the beasts submit.

And lastly, Transcendental meditation is for pure self-improvement, it was the only technique that hadn't changed much in application, except the extent to which improvement can be made. It siphoned all the traits of other Meditation techniques, combining them and pushing for overall improvement in strength; rise in body strength and elevation of spiritual power were some of the most apparent benefits of this skill.

The Meditation for Awareness in tandem with Observation Haki had helped Vash develop godly control over his power. On the first day, Vash was trying to create efficient training schedule which he followed daily for next 5 days. First, he would use Meditation of Awareness, and after that Transcendental Meditation followed by Meditation for relaxing his mind and body, and in the process he amassed a lot of physical stamina. Vash had thought of this point, and analyzed that improvement in spiritual power also affected his body; making it strong and durable.

Vash had to conjoin his experience of Martial arts with Meditation and haki to create the new technique, and he had named it 'Potential State'. In this state, his body would release explosive power when fighting. Being in this state would also enhance his reaction speed so that the body and mind could work in seamless manner. But different to the theory of 'moving faster than thought', the 'Potential State' was more like 'moving together with thought'. It was like thinking and doing it at the same time.

This state was achieved removing natural limiters on the body and brain to access full potentail. But Vash couldn't actually feel his limits, and what he felt instead was boundless and heavy invisible energy, laying dormant in the center of each of his individual cell. The energy was different from the energy of life force or the Haki. And despite being dormant, the energy radiated heaviness, it made his cells and tissues stick together better; raising the resilience of the body. This energy was main ingredient for the success of the technique. Vash could only access 40 percent of this dormant energy resulting in the 'Potential State', and it would increase his speed and power, as well as reaction speed to 1.5 times. If he accessed 80 percent, the increase would be 3 times, but he would need further body strengthening to properly use the increasing percentage of strange energy.

This training session was most productive for Vash. Not only had he developed perfect control over his strength, the reserves and intensity of his Haki had skyrocketed. Vash also found correct and efficient way to attain more power.

If Mihawk's strength could be quantized to 5 then Vash's normal strength would now be 2. This was improvement brought only by mental exercises. Vash thought that there was lack of spirituality in previous world since before, he wasn't able to achieve the results that he had now; by using mundane techniques.

Vash could also stack the effects of his devil fruit power with 'Potential State'. It made him insanely overpowered; his full power was the topmost strength in the world, and beside, he could further grow stronger. He had finished his 5th day of practice when Mihawk contacted him.

"So, you finally decided to move your lazy ass." Vash said picking up the den den mushi call.

"Like I said, We are going to get you a ship. And after that, you'll be on your own." Mihawk said.

"Alright, and where are we going next??" Vash asked.

"First and foremost, you must have a heavy wallet. A pirate without treasures is not a proper pirate." Mihawk said.

"Damn you, how many times I have to remind you that I'm not a pirate!? I'm a noble Martial artist that no one could match." Vash said with a doping on narcissism.

"Hmph... You can't change your fate of labelled as a pirate. Anyway, we're going to Jaya Island, there you could fight pirates, and I would cash in their bounties. We'll split the bounty money in half." Mihawk said.

"Why would a pirate like you need money. I bet you could scare anyone and demand them free stuff." Vash said, he felt like Mihawk was again working him off as a slave. Although, Vash was loaded right now he thought that earning more wouldn't hurt him so he wanted more share.

"I tell you, it's fair share for both of us, otherwise, if you are sighted in their base,

marine would first arrest you instead of giving you the bounty. And me being Shichibukai, it's like I have a legal licence for the piracy; I could also cash in the bounties without any trouble." Mihawk explained.

"Tch... Incompetent marine. With marines like these who needs pirates to mess up the world." Vash said disgusted at the ideas of Marine and its other affiliates.

"Alright fine, we'll do as you say. But remember I'll be the only one making moves. I don't want lessen the fun by involving you in the fight." Vash said and put down the call. Just then a woman came to him holding a large stone bowl.

"Mr Vash, You could use some refreshments." Rosie the seamstress said, putting the large bowl in front of Vash. The bowl contained popcorns. The corn had come from the pirate ship which Vash had first destroyed.

Vash got a handful of popcorns and threw them into his mouth; chewing it with fervor, then he looked at the town which was half finished in construction. Some distance away from the town, Vash could also see a number of tents. This was Royal army's camp. The King had later heard the details of the event from the first sent troops, so he mobilized more manpower and resources to speed up the work.

"I will depart tomorrow so you will have to take care to not get yourselves robbed by some pirates." Vash said.

"So you are finally leaving.... I regret that I wasn't able to sew something for our saviour." Rosie said in sadness. She knew that powerful people are haughty, and disdain doing uninteresting work. Rosie thought that Vash was very different from those supposedly 'powerful people' despite being stronger, and that was apparent by the help he had provided during the resettlement.

"Sigh... You don't have to be sad, who knows I may decide to come back here sometime." Vash said.

"Really!!?" Rosie asked in hopeful tone.

"Hey, Hey... It's not a guarantee, it could also happen that I may never come back." Vash explained hastily. He could feel the yearning of the woman in front of him, and an amalgamation of different feelings inside her mind. So Vash didn't want to raise any flags of romance.

"Then I will go to the seas and find you." Rosie said like she was making a promise to herself.

"Haaa... Do as you like." Vash said. Although, Rosie was beautiful and acceptable, but Vash didn't want a relationship right now. All he had in his mind was adventuring and getting stronger. The problem is he would also not restrain other party's passion, that would be immoral... Sure, he can convince her to not go to the dangerous sea, but there's still a chance that persuading her would have opposite effect. So Vash left it to fate to decide.

Vash relaxed on a stone bed covered with thick matress and rested.

The restaurant owner had reopened his shop, and he was back in business. There was mouth watering aroma hanging in the air around the restaurant.

Vash who was resting, smelled the dinner and directly went to the stone hut restaurant to have it.