
Vash woke up the next morning and prepared his luggage for upcoming journey.

"Here is the boat, and tell Mihawk I said goodbye." Crocus said. He along with Laboon had been under ocean for the whole time. And now, Crocus had decided to go his own way.

"And I also wish you luck in your adventure." Vash said as he dumped the two large bags on the coffin boat. He wasn't able to obtain Martial Arts Gi due to town getting destroyed so he had to pack up the leather, and left some to Rosie.

Vash wore a black suit of his size, he had found it on the pirate's ship. He also wore all gauntlets and shoulder pads. The armor pieces were simple and compact in design, so Vash could easily wear it under the suit. He had two swords strapped on his belt, and his overall appearance gave off the impression of a mafia boss.

Vash waved at Laboon who was getting further away from the shore.

"Now... Where is that damned swordsman!!? Making me wait needlessly, which I hate the most.... well, everyone hates waiting, it's nothing new. But still..." Vash muttered. And after 2 hours of wait, Mihawk finally arrived at the location.

"Hmm... The old town is gone. The traitorous pirate really did good number on it." Mihawk said observing the town from sky.

"Damn you Mihawk!! The hell were you doing? Stop talking nonsense, and let's go." Vash shouted seeing Mihawk's arrival.

"Don't be so bother. Don't you want to know about the enemy who did this??" Mihawk floated down, and he asked pointing toward the construction.

"It's meaningless to talk. I've fought him before so I'm already familiar with the person." Vash said conveying his disinterest.

"If you don't want to talk, you can at least hear the story. The one you fought is Marshal D Teach, and recently he became infamous with the epithet 'Blackbeard'." Mihawk explained.

"Alright... I'll follow along. So why is he called 'Blackbeard'." Vash asked feigning interest.

"You know about Whitebeard pirates right... Once, Teach was also a member of that fearsome pirate group. He was low key at that time and didn't contribute much in their group's activity. Teach was bidding his time and waiting for the correct devil fruit to appear. And can you guess what the fruit was?" Mihawk said.

"Darkness-Darkness Fruit." Vash said.

"Teach has outrageous ambition to rule the seas, and unlike others, he is power hungry. He wants to be the strongest so he could suppress everyone with an iron fist." Mihawk said in the grave tone.

"Aren't I the same?? Except the world domination part." Vash said.

"You are different. You attain power just for the sake of it. But Blackbeard... he would make all the ocean a living hell for its inhabitants, if he acquired that much power." Mihawk said denying Vash's statement.

"So what's it got to do with Darkness fruit?" Vash asked perplexed.

"You don't know anything... The Darkness logia is special. It can absorb other fruits power; any person touched by its user would lose his own fruit's power. The Darkness fruit could also sustain the use of other two devil fruits. And that's how he was able to eat the Thunder Roc devil fruit." Mihawk explained.

"Damn that bastard. I'll kill him next time." Vash said in irritation. He remembered that he had digs on that fruit. He wanted to eat that if Mihawk refused the fruit.

"Tell me where can I find that thief!! I'll wring out all the darkness off from him... And that is after giving him some good thrashing." Vash said with sharp glint in his eyes. He had been already adapting for a quite a while here. Now newbie days are gone, it was time to up the action. Vash's confidence rose. He was strong now, so there wasn't any worry for his own safety.

He could now sail the seas freely. For that he had also mastered navigation. It was not really difficult given his high mental capacity.

Vash also gained common and general knowledge of the world during his stay.

Walking to the coffin boat, they chatted some more. Vash jumped and flipped in midair; accurately landing on the mast. Mihawk also jumped from shore and directly sat on the only chair on the boat. Vash then took out the Sleek Slicer and cut the ropes holding sail. The black sail caught the wind and slowly left the shore. Vash could see many people waving at him, he waved back at them, and hoped that they will have peaceful lives.

"Damn you Vash, My sail now has short rope. Why the hell did you cut it." Mihawk was mad for petty reason. Being a lone pirate, he had to do everything himself, like repairing the boat, and sometimes, it was not fun, so he yelled at Vash.

"I thought it would look cool, and don't you pirates do this all the time?" Vash said.

Mary Geoise

Two marines were fiercely dueling near an open balcony, and a tall man man sat on the barricade, watching them in amusement.

"Stop with the childish behaviour, Flamingo. You are not a kid anymore." An aged voice rang out, and an old lady came into the view. She was Vice Admiral of the marine: Tsuru.

Doflamingo looked at the speaker and stopped moving his finger, and the fierce dueling also stopped.

"You better behave boy. This is Mary Geoise, and you can't do your thing here." Came a masculine voice. A tall bearded man who stood beside Tsuru said. There was a live goat in his hands eating paper. He was Fleet Admiral of the Marine organization.

"Fufufu... What is it this time!!?? You better have a good reason to call me here." Doflamingo said trying intimidation.

"You had choice to not come as well, so don't give excuses." The Fleet Admiral said.

"Fufufu...Sengoku jiji, the goat is eating your beard." Doflamingo said distracted. Sengoku was now mad at both goat and bird. Just as he was about to rebuke them, sounds footstep rang out. There were many strong auras approaching. The first one to come inside was Garp, he crashed through the wall making a human shaped hole on it. After him Vice Admirals of navy came, obviously using door like a normal person. Only, the three admirals were missing but they had to guard their headquarters.

"Oi Oi... Are you preparing for war, even a buster call won't have this many Vice Admirals gathered together at the same place." Doflamingo said.

Moria and Bartholomew Kuma also came. From the Shichibukai side Dracule Mihawk and Boa Hancock didn't come. Crocodile's Warlord title was revoked and he was in jail.. so he also did not arrive.

"First, we'll discuss the trivial." Sengoku said and took out many bounty posters.

"Monkey D Luffy... Garp, you should have educated your grand child better, now he is causing mayhem everywhere he goes." Sengoku said, and looked at Garp in irritation.

"Hahaha... Sengoku, frankly admit that navy is getting incompetent; they can't catch him." Garp said laughing. He was extremely proud of his grandson.

"Damn you... troublemaker. I'll have the discussion with you later." Sengoku said.

"The enigma is this mysterious man: Unnamed Pirate, he was not famous till now, but going by his battle record, he could fight Hawk eyes Mihawk as equal, furthermore, he had defeated Crocodile in the desert and was unscathed fighting Blackbeard." Sengoku advanced their meeting.

"It's important affair...Sengoku, you are underestimating the man." Garp said.

"I'm not toning down the threat... but there is more important affair and that is about Blackbeard." Sengoku said pointing at the bounty poster of Blackbeard.

"He was requesting us to nominate him as a Shichibukai, and in turn he would give us the custody of a famous pirate from Whitebeard crew." Sengoku said.

"...Ace!?" Garp muttered to himself.

"And for your information teach is the only person with two fearsome devil fruit power." Tsuru said at this time.

"""""What!!?"""" The present Shichibukai and marine were stunned listening to impossible situation.

"So if any of you have an objection, you can say it now." Sengoku asked the Shichibukai. And none of them said anything.

"It's going to be war when you lock up a Shirohige pirate. So in the end, you are using us as deterrent, flexing your might." Doflamingo said.

"You have brain despite being a maniac. And like the pink bird said, all of you are to respond immediately in case of war. Otherwise, your Shichibukai status will be revoked." Sengoku said.

"So, what are you waiting for? Get the hell out of here, pirate scum. Now we'll have marine only meeting." Sengoku shouted in loud voice. He was controlling himself to not kill any Shichibukai as he can't stand the presence of any pirate.

"Jiji... take it easy or you would die of high blood pressure. You aren't young anymore." Doflamingo said as he was leaving the hall. Moria and Bartholomew Kuma also left.

"Now that the scums are gone, We'll discuss the other empty position of Jimbei." Sengoku addressed the present Marine officer.

"Fleet Admiral Sir, Straw Hat Luffy has defeated Crocodile, and even if Crocodile was weakened from previous battle with Unnamed Pirate, we can't exclude the threat Straw Hat poses." A Vice admiral with scars on his face said.

"You are right... Increase the bounty to 100 million, and don't forget the swordsman of the group, issue him a bounty 60 million." Sengoku said.

"As for the empty Shichibukai position, I recommend the unnamed pirate. Although there are other rookies in the first half of grandline, but they aren't at the level of this man. So he fulfill every requirement to be one." Tsuru said.

"Why don't we call Mihawk and contact the man in question. He had been seen roaming the sea along with Mihawk." Sengoku said as he picked up the den den mushi.